Chapter 23: House Meeting With the Bosses


After a quick talk with my mother regarding the report that I received from my concerned employees toward their loved ones, I could sense already that Mirna was already awake. I immediately finished my emails and some paper works that were being sent to me lately then went back to my room. I am not surprised that she didn't even tidy the bed but something caught my attention when I suddenly heard some familiar singing voice that's coming from the bathroom. I went there and knocked but no one was answering so I decided to open it which I think I shouldn't. Mirna was totally naked and sort of dancing due to the song that she was totally singing from her heart. It made her looked like that she owned the song due to the way she sang it. But I can't help but to get lost in her singing while I am staring at her openly.

"She's really something." I thought to myself until I heard that she was already at the end of the song that made me clapped.

She jumped from the sudden clapped that she heard from and she even talked to me face to face. She forgot that she was nakedly wet in the shower in front of me which led to teasing her. But the next move that she did was seriously took me off guard. I could feel the heat forming all over my body and I can't even find any word to counter her till she closed the barn door of my closet.

"Dammit." I mumbled under my breath as I immediately get out of my bathroom and took my blood wine bottle. So, instead of using the wine glass, I directly drank the blood wine from the bottle without stopping.

The heat that I suddenly feel there was not just any ordinary heat that I am feeling from time to time around her. It was more daring and full of lust to the point of wanting to take her there and there with no break. That's why I have to get out from there because if I didn't and she got out from the closet, I might tore what she was wearing and take her there like it or not. But the good thing was that I have myself control because if not, I might already have my way to her without even considering her feelings or mindset about it.

Anyway, after a straight drink of my blood wine through the bottle, I finally calming down which Mirna exactly opened the door of the bathroom. I might have already calmed down but seeing her in her selected clothes from my closet was totally hot for my eyes to the point of making gulp.

"So, how do I look? And please no green comment." Mirna wanted an honest answer which I have to give to her.

"Stunning and hot." I directly answered what I've already thought on how she looks for my eyes.

"Lier." She dismissed my comment even though she was blushing yet she hides them. She doesn't want to be teased by me again.

"I'm not. Your body might be chubby but it could fool anyone if you wore that type of clothing." I bluntly told her the reason why I am not lying to her. I never lied to her – I think?

"Okay. But tell me where have you gone? I woke up and you're not there." She quickly changed the subject while I took the liberty to go inside the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

"Hmm, I handled some emails and paper works from my other businesses and charities that I am supporting." I answered her after I brushed my teeth and now I am combing my hair before changing into my decent clothing since I already took a quick bath as soon as the surprise call from my mother happened.

"Also, I emailed Syrina that we have to move the meeting here at my house." I added since I also have to inform her about the meeting since she's also my research lab partner.

"Can I know why?" she cautiously wondered.

"My mother called last night. She's the reason that I could sleep next to you." I indirectly answered but it's one of the reasons why I didn't get any chance to sleep next to my beloved girlfriend.

"Why?" ah, her curiosity was already activated.

"You'll know later since I am not sure either why she called plus, I also need her help with some reports that I just received and I have to handle them." I only answered since I seriously don't know either why my mother wanted to meet Mirna all of the sudden.

"It seems major for our meeting with Lady Syrina to be moved here." She was indeed clever on guessed what I just told her.

"Yes. And she's fine with it. In fact, she'll be here at breakfast." I cleared to her.

"What time was that?" she wondered but a knock suddenly happened before I could even respond.

"Milady, Lady Syrina was at the library." Letty informed me through the closed door of my bedroom. They won't open the door especially when they knew that I am not alone in the room with my beloved.

"Speaking of. Prepare the breakfast set and sent it there, we're going to have a meeting there." I commanded as I finished wearing the working clothes that I could bet that Syrina would take notice of.

"Yes, Milady." Letty answered before she left since I couldn't sense her behind my door.

"So, the meeting starts as soon as Lady Syrina drops the bomb?" Mirna wondered as she walked closer to me and neat the collar of my grey polo.

"Indeed. If you're all set, let's go through the meeting before we head somewhere." I smiled at her.

"A surprise date?" she was sounded intrigued which I wanted to keep it that way because I don't what her to chicken out when she learned that we're going to my parent's estate.

"If you put it that way then, it should be." I winked at her before I pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead.

"Then, let's get going then." Mirna chuckled and lead the way out of my bedroom then headed to the library where our meeting will be held.

On our way to the library, I noticed Mirna was looking at the paintings on the wall of the hall and she's fascinated by them. But as soon as we entered the library, her eyes went wide since she never saw a library with geometric bookshelves. By the center of the room, there's a couple of steps down to the study table where I worked a while ago and there's Syrina. Syrina Aspire didn't look a vampire or any royalty but the way she stood tall was indeed screaming she's a boss like I am.

"What took you so long and that clothing was totally lame and boring." Like I thought she was going to comment something over my clothing.

"Hey! I love neutral colors." I countered while smiling at her as Mirna and I kept walking to the center.

As we got to the center of the library there was a pure antique oak desk that's facing the door with a black chair like the one I had at my office since I am the boss. Then across the office desk and where we're standing was a black couple couch with a coffee table as the divider between the desk and the couch.

"Whatever." She just waved her hand at me which made me playfully pouted but still took a seat on a couch across her.

"So, how you doing under Elrisha's wings?" Syrina turned her attention to Mirna who was quiet for a moment there but she was still listening to her surroundings.

"Ahm, it's alright, Lady Syrina." She genuinely answered which made Syrina glanced at me as if she noticed something different around Mirna. Well, that's her ace student.

"Oh c'mon. You can be honest with me." Syrina pushed but Mirna was blushing like she wasn't sure if she's going to tell her what our relationship was right now.

"She's my girlfriend, Rin." I frankly answered to cut the chase which made Syrina sigh but there's a smile at the end of her lips. She knew something or maybe Celestial told her something about me.

"Much better. Let's get to work." She only said before turning her attention to the papers that Mirna lend to her while they were talking.

"Seriously, that's it? No teasing moment?" I wondered since she always does that whenever we have a meeting like this.

"Even I want to fool around with you like old times, we can't. I have some problems that I have to deal with. Some people in my land were missing and there's no trace at all." Syrina sighs in such defeat which reminded me about the issues that I have as well.

"Same here. They went to Mt Uktena." I sigh heavily.

"I see. I'll tell you mine soon if I gather more information that might connect to yours." Syrina dismissed the conversation since that wasn't the reason why she was here in the first place.

"That could be one also." I agreed and dismissed it as well.

"Shall we?" Mirna interject which both of us smiled at her.

"Shoot it." Syrina smiled at her. She really likes Mirna as if it was her daughter.

Mirna took a deep breath before proceeding with her very own report regarding the FRSil medicine that we're working on. She was indeed full of confidence when she's talking to Syrina, her boss as well which I also noticed that Syrina was smiling proudly at her. Seeing that, I know I shouldn't have felt anything but proud as well but no. Something was indeed stirring in my heart that makes my mind stating that I don't like what I am seeing and maybe it's because Syrina was still mateless – I think? Well, how should I know when she could make things really private whenever she decided to.

"According to our research regarding the FRSil, we found some difficulty when finding the right blood that could mix well with silver. As you can read on the report that we made, we already tested all types of blood but still failed except AB negative-positive which was really hard to find." Mirna started by explaining the research that we gathered.

"That was the only blood that could be mixed right with silver but if not carefully handled, it was a total failure or worse, it could lead anyone to their deaths." I added while I watched Syrina's reaction carefully and like always – total blank like what Mirna could do. I only knew a few persons who could do a total blank façade.

"So did you try another option that you both see fit?" Syrina wondered while reading the file that Mirna handed to her earlier.

"Yes, we did. In fact, we tried our own blood just in case." Mirna answered directly which caught Syrina's attention.

"And?" Syrina was indeed intrigued by what she just heard and wanting for us to proceed on reporting to her about that personal research that we made.

"We found another result." Mirna only managed to answer her.

"My vampire blood contained an adrenaline effect which compliments to the neutral blood came from Mirna." I quickly added as if I am telling Mirna that it was alright to tell Syrina about it.

"We tested our blood first separately with silver which causes that kind of effect. So, we decided on combining our blood to balance it before trying adding silver in different amounts of small for a quarter, medium for a half, and large for a whole." Mirna continued on informing Syrina about the research that we privately made.

"Each of them has a different type of effects on fallen rogues' blood by their categories." I added as I handed her this time our private research regarding our own blood sample to the fallen rogues' blood samples.

"Meaning to say, each of them has different dosages of FRSil which needed to be prescribed by their physician. So the dosages that they will take were enough for their fallen status." Syrina guessed while reading carefully the two files in front of her as if she's comparing them which was the best for the medicine that we're researching.

"Yes. They need to be regularly monitored so their dosages will either go low to normal or went higher than it used to be." Mirna continued while she was calm watching Syrina read the two files in front of her.

"It will be still up to them." Syrina nodded cautiously while thinking deeply. I think there was another thing that was bothering her yet I'm not a hundred sure about that part. She's good at hiding the personal issues that she was dealing with.

"Yes. But I also hope that they won't use it as an addiction since the negative effect of it will take over and make their fallen state on a rampage or worse, they could die instantly." Mirna sighed in worry which caught Syria's attention once again.

"Have you have a timeline for how long the med will take its effect?" Syrina curiously asked about the response of the medicine to the person who's taking it.

"Actually, that will be depending on the person who's taking the med." Mirna answered briefly.

"No estimate timeline?" Syrina really wanted to make sure how long the medicine would take effect on a person's body.

"No, since we couldn't guarantee what will be the effect on the person's body." Mirna answered again.

"Everyone has a different body respond to any medicine." I added before Syrina decided to grill Mirna about our research.

"I agreed with that. Alright, I will send this to the board and even the recorded video that you had sent to me last night. Then let's wait for their response but that doesn't mean you'll stop on that research." Syrina smiled at us before noting something at each file in front of her before meeting us.

"Give us private research time for that and we'll see what we could get." Mirna suggested in her firm façade that Syrina took it seriously.

"Can you do that if I gave you enough time for that?" Syrina sounded like she's daring her which I have never seen to her before. Again, there's something hitting my chest and I don't like feeling this jealousy.

"Did I ever fail you, Lady Sy?" Mirna countered while smirking and Syrina laughed.

"You're indeed my kid." She complimented Mirna's seriousness to what she told her.

"You thought me well." Mirna chuckled which seriously took me out of place over that conversation. Then, of course, I suddenly sneezed. Oh, it's been a while since the last time I sneeze in a row but this time it wasn't just because of Mirna's fruity mint tea scent but because I am irritated over the jealousy stirring in my chest.