Chapter 27: Awaken the Blood


The three of us didn't finish our lunch because of the sudden visitation of Celestial Ceres and Ayame, instead, we went to the painting studio or room of Elrisha's mother, Eclaire. On our way, there was something was odd spinning around the long hall with paintings hanging over the wall. They were all looked familiar as if I see them in some gallery but at the same time, it felt like I've been to those sceneries before.

"Are you alright?" ELrisha's worried voice invaded my thoughts that made me felt so warmed and loved. I turned to her and smiled before I pulled her arm and held them.

"As long you're with me, I would be alright." I reassured her that made her kissed my forehead and smiled at me while we kept walking.

As we came to face the same door at the portal that we came from earlier, Eclaire stopped and Criel opened the door for us like a true gentleman. We all followed Éclaire inside and it was indeed a painting room because of the materials for painting that were all there welcoming us. Not to mention the mess around.

"Didn't tidy whenever you're done with your art piece." Criel commented on the mess around the room.

"I love them like that. Tells who I am." Eclaire just chuckled over her husband's comment as if it never gets old.

"Untidy? Messy?" Criel teased his wife that made Eclaire laughed at her.

"Beautiful Mess." She winked toward her husband who smiled like Elrisha when they felt some warmness in their hearts. Love.

"Oh, right." Eclaire clapped her hand before she turned to us particularly to Ayame.

"Tamer, have it your way." She added which made Ayame took a step forward.

"Thank you." Ayame only said before turning to me and Elrisha.

She was looked at us very carefully before smiling like she used to smile at me. Her smile was indeed calm but with Unega Unatsi's right eye on mine, I could see something was wrapping around Ayame's right arm. My eyebrow knotted before glancing over her eyes that contained blankness in the deep darkness of one's heart.

"Blackheart keeper." I mumbled then suddenly a tear fell down from my left eye. I knew that side of Ayame.

"Sorry, but I have to release you, Irina or should I call you as well the Grey Tamer?" Ayame apologized but those next words she just spoke something in me rang a bell as if I knew what she was telling me but my memories about it were too haze.

'Listen carefully. You'll understand later.'

"Grey tamer? Isn't that you?" Elrisha confusedly asks Ayame.

"Yes. There's only one me but I could tell if there will be a new Grey tamer yet it will be their decision to make. But first, I have to tell you something regarding your real bloodline." Ayame answered Elrisha before turning her attention fully at me.

Without taking a few moments to let my mind processed everything she was just telling us when I suddenly felt the coldness that wasn't coming from warming snow from Unega Unatsi or from Elrisha but it was more on taunting and hunting prey. I shivered and slowly I am losing my grip on Elrisha's arm. Slow and surely I couldn't feel her any longer then everything in my sight turned into such darkness. I couldn't see or even feel anything around me. My breathing came to hitch since I am starting to panic but slowly something in my mind came flashing. There's a familiar voice telling me that everything will be alright and all I have to do was listen carefully before I make any decision.

"Decision about what?" I am totally puzzled since I don't understand what it was telling me but my guts telling me to do so.

In such darkness like in those times, I close my eyes and let those painful memories from my ten years old came rushing to the point of letting those pain reflected on my body. It was hot and painful as if it was skinning me alive. It's tormenting me over and over again. With the same pain that was being repeated, it's getting severe till it made me screamed. I screamed over the top of my lungs which help to lessen the pain even a little. But though, the burning sensation was still left hanging at my whole body. I could feel I am nude and skinless but more on scars. I wanted to see my body yet, I can't look, or rather to say, I can't see them because of this kind of darkness preventing me to see things around me.

I closed my eyes and started to recall what Elrisha always does to calm herself that might help me control the pain inflicted on my body. So, I closed my eyes, took a couple of breaths, and listening to the heartbeat that's going back to its usual beating. Feeling those heartbeats into its normal speed, the pain that kept tormenting and skinning me alive was now lessened to bearable till they were nothing anymore. I couldn't feel those things. I could feel the joy over to accomplishment but among those joy, there was something missing, her. My beloved girlfriend, Elrisha.

Just by recalling her name, something began to move around like chains then it faded as the chains turned into smooth silk that began to wrap around my body yet settle over my left arm before it pierced through my heart. It was like I was hit by the arrow of the unbreakable bond of love. Then the next thing I could hear was my gasping for air followed by a scream. I was screaming at the top of my lungs till I looked around and the messy room turned much more disaster than it used to be.

"El…" just one whispered of the nickname I called her; she appeared before me with her bloody and broken state. Her face looked distorted like any vampire bat yet in her eyes there's longing and brokenness of loss. She thought that she lost me.

"Swirl the lasso. Swirl so lovingly. Let lasso dance. Take what heart miss. That ends in YOU." I chanted which exactly a red smooth and silky lasso came out from my left arm before it wrapped fully around Elrisha's neck then I pulled her down closer to me.

"Gotcha." I smiled before I kissed her lips like our first kiss.


I went dark when Mirna suddenly fell onto her knees and her eyes went blank as in totally black like she was possessed but when I looked at my mother she just shook her head. It only meant that we're totally alone here that made me looked at each of us in the room and when my eyes landed over Celestial Ceres, I began to growl but she shook her head then I turned to Ayame. She was staring only at my beloved which added more fuel to my darkness – aka jealousy. But I still held it together until Mirna's grip around my arm was slipping away. I gritted my teeth and when I turned to look at her she's gone. She went pale and violet. There's no life visible in them anymore then the next thing that happened was her body showed some bruises and some whip scars that were starting to bleed as if it was freshly made but I knew it wasn't. I can' bear to look much longer until she screams in pain I really wanted to hold her and pulled her out from it but Ceres has to stop me from doing that.

"Don't. Don't touch her. Don't interrupt her." Ceres stopped me by pushing me with such power that made me flew some feet away from her.

"SHE'S MINE! SHE'S MY LIFE, MY BELOVED SOULMATE! DON'T STOP ME FROM BEING WITH HER!" I roared in madness and I could tell some dark smoke began to swirl around me.

"Then she'll die because of you." Ceres warned me but I didn't care about that. I'd rather die with her if that happens.

"I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN EVEN IF IT COST ME MY SANITY AND LIFE!" I dared since I really don't care anymore if I can't be with her or have her with me for the rest of my remaining sanity.

All of a sudden a song came on playing around my head and it's making my heartache. This song is called Seams by SEAMS. It was indeed playing in my head while I started fighting Ceres since she was preventing me from getting even an inch close to my beloved soulmate, Mirna.

All of the thread that

I used to tie us

Is coming apart

Is coming apart

All of the colors

The colors, that I used

They turned dark

They turned dark

And I don't even know

Why I've been feeling so low

But I head for the fire

When I got no place to go

All of the thread that

I used to tie us

Is coming apart

Is coming apart

Mirna needed and Ceres was getting in the way. My love needs me right now she doesn't have any clue what suddenly was happening to her as soon as she came into this childhood house of mine. I even started blaming myself because of what Mirna wasn't prepared for. This.

I don't understand what's happening, baby

You're breaking my heart

I don't even know how to talk to you lately

We're falling apart

At the See-aa-eeams

At the See-aa-eeams

At the-

I might understand what really happening right now but I will fall if I have to just to save and be with my beloved soulmate, Mirna. I don't care if this dark smoke will be the end of my sanity just to take my beloved on her safety then I take this darkness and let it be done.

All of the things

That were keeping us warmer

They don't work, no

They don't work

Out in the cold, now

I can't even see you

Oh god, this hurts

It really hurts

And I don't even know

Why I've been feeling so low

But I head for the fire

When I got no place to go

All of the things

That were keeping us warmer

They don't work, no

They don't work

As soon as I came to such a conclusion in my head and accept this dark smoke, I could feel the ripping of my skin that burn as if I was being skinned alive and burned in such intense flame of dragon breath. Then slowly, the dark smoke began to wrap around me as if it was my cloak followed by the sudden sharpness of my nails that turned into dragon claws in human hands. My body remained to my usual figure but like before there are four dragon wings attached to my back. As for my face, I could feel that it turned distorted like a vampire bat but there was something engraved over my right eye, a dragon scale. And my eyes, turned into two-colored eyes dragon, one was totally bloody reddish grey and the other one was mauve-bluish grey. Then the rush of the power resting inside of me was getting too much for me to handle alone but I have to, for Mirna.

"Oi, Ayame, hurry up she already shifts into her fallen side." I heard Ceres informed Ayame what just happened to me and I could definitely felt them. I changed into my fallen state just like that.

As I didn't care about just attacking Ceres since she's the one who's preventing me from coming close to my beloved one which I don't like at all. Everything in the room went ruined and since I just found her and have her as my girlfriend, I don't want anything or anyone to take her or even plot any harm at her. I'd rather be the one who inflicted on her since I will know how to please her over and over again till I am forgiven. But those last screamed came out from Mirna, it suddenly angered me more yet that alluring and intoxicating scent of fruity mint tea came and invading my nostrils. I sneezed and then growled but when I was about to hit Ceres's face I heard Mirna's voice.


Without doubting or not listening to her voice, I immediately of being with her as soon as possible then the next thing I could see was staring at her lively face. She was studying me which I suddenly felt shy and embarrassed. I wanted to get out from here but she chanted something that caught my attention and listen carefully. After those chants, I calmed down, and slowly, the dark smoke wrapped around me was beginning to fade as her familiar lips touched mine. Ah, our first kiss that very night.

"Finally, you wake your real blood." Ayame's voice interrupted our moment which I growled at and Mirna chuckled.

"Ayame was like my elder sister when I was a kid. Not to mention she's my cousin from my mother's side." Mirna explained to me so I won't be jealous over their bond.

"Alright then care to explain why to let Mirna went through that change?" I tried my best to control my best not to shift and be a fallen rogue in front of Mirna. Though, she already saw it.

"I came from the line of tamers. My mother was bitten by a vampire to manipulate her but she has very strong tamer blood resting inside of her which only made her human." Mirna started by telling me the reason behind why she has to go through that pace. Yet, it still doesn't answer anything.

"This will be a long story to tell. Let's get some afternoon tea." Mom suddenly interjected that exactly Ceres and Mirna's stomach came to complain. She quickly blushed while the other one, oh please, she quickly dragged my father with her out of the painting room which I could bet they're both going to the kitchen to make us something.