Chapter 15: Chamber Cell

Alwen Cris

As quickly as I altered their identities into something new, their faces began to change and even their body built within the dust that finally slowly vanishing around us.  When it's finally settled, I turned my heels and went back to my seat where Camila was shocked but more very proud of what she just witness.

"Now, Penny take them into my safe chamber and keep them safe." I commanded to my butler knight Penny who respectfully bowed at me and took the couple with her.

"Milady, thank you. How can we repay you?" the previous Edwin was already now a man with the name of Kristan Cast.

"Take care of your family, my land that handed to you and I'll tell you the other details later. We're going to deal with them tonight."

"I see. Take care, Milady, and thank you again." Kristan bowed at me before they went off with Penny to my safe chamber that was hidden somewhere within my mansion.