Chapter 22: Meeting Grandfather

Alwen Cris

My grandfather was indeed confused about what I just told him but he still followed where I am heading and my beloved mate stood up from sitting. Of course, I brace myself from the sudden jumped of my beloved Camila into my arms. Well, she does.

"What took you so long…did you even realize that I am itchy to snuggle into your arms?" I chuckled when I heard my beloved mate complain about being away from her for just a few minutes.

"Oh, you do now?" I teased which I earn a slap on my shoulder but she still snuggled into my arms.

"Well, you saw it didn't you what I had to do to help them as the goddess of my own land, remember?" I continued which of course she do understand as she sat there watching me doing my work. She was just being sweet and pregnant hormones were taking a toll on her.