4. I Hate You Alec

I took the book and opened it instinctively, the pages were old and the letters were in a different language but in my eyes the words started to form and translate themselves, how? I don't know but this is certainly the book I'm looking for.

Vampire Dynasty

The first rulers of the vampire world emerged with the arrival of Count Dracula in the third millennium B.C. Since then, his descendants have ruled the Night World ...

Reading this excerpt kept me on alert, it was like I was about to discover something relevant and then I read it.

"... Alec Lioncourt, the last pure-blooded vampire and the legitimate heir of the vampire generation"

"Is Alec the last purebred vampire?" I repeated the words until they stopped sounding strange to me, until recently I didn't know anything about him ... having said that I heard steps coming closer and closer to the library.

I quickly hid the book, it may seem insignificant but I thought I might be doing something wrong by combing through Alec's past.

"who's there?" said a voice from the library door, the bookshelves that covered me were a breach that allowed me to create an opportunity to hide it better, it was then that I placed the book under a messy table, covered the book with several other books that there were there and then I finally showed myself.

"Sorry I think I made a mistake" I said, walking in a hurry to get out of there quickly, after all the library was a place where no one had allowed me to enter. I felt his hand tighten on my wrist.

"Calm down there, who are you and what were you doing?" said the unknown man right in front of me, his big eyes hovered under mine in an intimidating way ... he was very different from Alec and Ivan, he had a rough shape, had long red hair tied in a bun and a sports outfit , had a more current style compared to the other vampires I met.

"I am Rose, Alec's chalice" it's really strange to introduce myself this way particularly to someone I don't know "I wasn't doing anything! I already said I was wrong" I said looking at him firmly "Will you let go of my hand?" he released my hand and smiled.

"So you are Alec's new toy, daring the way I like it, too bad you're not mine if I didn't teach you how to have good manners" how his words sounded like sharp knives that hit me right in the heart, he said it without modesty and that didn't seem to bother him, quite the opposite it seemed to amuse him.

That said he looked at me and finally at my neck.

I recognized that look, Alec looked at me like that when he bit me the first time ...

He came up to me and held my still damp hair and smelled it. I really didn't understand why he behaved like that, he looked hypnotized.

"Hey what are you doing?" he said, giving him a slap.

he didn't even bother with what happened, in fact he kept my hair but stronger and safer afterwards on my face.

"You have a wonderful smell, '' he said, smelling my neck" That must be the taste of your blood.

Then he retracted his fangs.

"Let me go!" I said, debating in his arms but in vain, he had brute strength and my movements were useless.

I closed my eyes already waiting for the impact of his fangs against my skin, in my head it was impossible to prevent that impact since his strength was superior to mine.

Suddenly the vampire took a step back and bowed in front of me, his knees forgetting the floor and behind him was Alec who was looking at him angrily.

He had a hand directed at him and that made me rethink about the powers that I had never witnessed, his blue eyes were scarlet, as he closed his hand the vampire squirmed more and more and finally he lowered his hand causing the vampire on the floor to stand up to face him with blood in the corner of his mouth.

"Get yourself together Massimo"

Massimo, so that's your name

watching this scene made me realize how powerful Alec was, by the way, he is the heir and imagine, king of the whole vampire community, and now I am his chalice, just one of his servants ...

In the end the term "toy" was well attributed to me, that's what I am ... I'm just a toy for him.

"Never touch her again!" he said in an authoritative voice, after two weeks this is the first time that I saw him like this.

"Excuse little brother, is that of all the toys that you have already found this one is the most interesting" he barely finished speaking and Alec interrupted him by punching him making him fall, then that woman, Akantha appeared and held Massimo off the floor.

"Alec what's going on here? did you almost kill your brother because of a cup?" The other vampires left their rooms and went to see what was going on.

"It has nothing to do with you!" in a quick movement he took my hand and dragged me to his room.

His room was luxurious and much larger than mine, classic and distributed in monochromatic tones.

Alec always wore black and his clothes were modern just like the bedroom, his blue eyes penetrated mine and illuminated my soul, his platinum hair fell softly over his face, Alec was indeed the most beautiful person I had ever seen , and its beauty was intimidating but I didn't mean to let myself go.

He closed the big door behind him and then let go of my hand and looked at me with an angry look.

We are going to establish some rules here, first I don't want you to leave your room or walk without my permission, second, don't go near my brother or any other vampire in the mansion, and third whenever you want to go out or do anything you will have to talk to me and will have to come to my room every day so that I can feed myself.

"Who do you think you are, my father? it's being ridiculous"

"I am not your father, I am much better than that, you are my cup and you have to obey my orders!"

"And who's going to make me!"

"isn't it clear yet?" he looked at me with a defiant look and maintained a confident posture, and then he approached my ears saying in a low and loud tone" if you disobey me I will have to punish you and you will not like the way I punish mine servants, you will wish you never disobeyed me!" With gentle touches he ran my neck up to my chin making me look at his face, which at the moment was showing a triumphant smile.

I swallowed in an act of nervousness, I who maintained a determined lioness posture stood before him like a helpless cat about to be devoured.

Hell, he managed to make me scared! He was so close to me that he could hear his breathing.

"It's actually my snack time, good appetite for me!" he smiled seductively at me.

Wait ... snack? Did he call me a snack?

I didn't even have time to sketch a reaction, with his finger under my chin he turned it revealing my bare neck then he drank my blood fervently pulling me towards him, I felt his canines take over my skin more and more, he drank from my blood savagely as a way to punish myself.

I struggled in his arms, to stop me he pinned me to the wall and put my arms on top of me, and then bit my neck again when he finished my energy was at the end but with the little strength I had I pushed and faced him shedding a tear.

Rose- I hate you! I spit out the words that hung in my head at the time and then I ran to my room and locked myself in it next.

"I hate you Alec"