chap 9- what is this Alec?

"What are you doing there?

I hurriedly hid the stake. I didn't know why but I felt that I needed to have something to defend myself, I didn't intend to use it but...he's been so aggressive that he's my only hope.

"I was looking for some clean clothes, I didn't want to wear these outfits" I said I looked at the nice evening dress I've been wearing, it was too cute, in other circumstances I would have wanted to wear it but now, it feels kind of weird.

Alec looked at me examining my entire body, he seemed to look at a prey right in front of him and then looked away.

"Get ready, let's go out" he said, already about to leave the room, wear something different, you don't want to draw attention, having said that, he left the room.

In his room there weren't any women's clothes, I looked all over his closet, and then I heard someone slamming the door.

"Excuse me madam, I'm coming in" I recognized that voice even though we've seen each other a few times. Her voice is so melodic and effeminate, it was almost impossible not to be able to distinguish.

She went in and pulled out a wardrobe on wheels with several evening dresses And then a box, they were all so beautiful, some prettier than the others, but I could only stare at one of them all, I looked at him delighted, it was unlike the rest, a vibrant red in the midst of all those dark dresses, as dark as the souls of vampires.

It was silky, thin fabric, the sides had such a long opening, bare back, so vulgar and chic at the same time, it was perfect, it wasn't the model I was used to wearing but it's a shape I'll use to rebel.

"I'll use this"I felt the tension build in the room, then she looked at me fearfully.

"Madam, please choose another dress, there are so many dresses here if Mr. Alec sees you in this dress he will penalize you and then penalize me" she stood still for two seconds seemed to imagine the scene and then shook her head, it was one mistake, this dress shouldn't even be here please change your choice.

"I'm sorry Luna, I'm tired of being humiliated and doing everything I'm told like I'm a puppet, this dress isn't here by chance and I'll take all the blame, please leave me alone"

"whatever you like Madam" she was about to leave and then she said "oh one more thing lady, Mr.Alec will be waiting in the car, he left this pair of ruby ​​earrings for you to wear" she pulled out a jewelry box from the box I brought back, it matched the dress, that was a sign, now more than ever I feel like I made the right choice.

She put the pair of earrings on top of the dresser and then walked away, I looked at the earrings in ecstasy and then went to the bathroom, took a long shower and as soon as I finished my shower I went to the bedroom, put the Stake over the bed and then put on the dress he wrapped himself around my body like it was made for me, i made a high bun and then put on the earrings.

I looked at the stake on the bed.

"No !" I said decidedly, I walked towards the door, when I was about to leave I thought better of it, I went back to bed and then I took off the Stake, hid it under my dress and hurried out to the car.

Alec was waiting for me impatiently, it was an old model but one that was very expensive. Someone opened the door for me, I went in and sat down next to Alec, he pulled my arm and brought his mouth to my ears.

Alec-what are you doing wearing this? He looked at me longingly, he looked at me like he was looking into my soul.

"of all the boring dresses that appeared before me this was the only one I liked, didn't you?" I said and he let go of my arm. And he ordered the driver to start driving.

He approached my ear once more and whispered softly.

"I told you not to draw too much attention, you're forgetting that you'll be in the midst of a lot of bloody vampires...including II shivered all over"

After a few minutes someone opened the door for us, before leaving Alec whispered something in my ear.

"Be kind"

"what do I get out of it?"

"will have a life with me of eternal pleasure, a great offer no? take it or leave it" he must think he's thinking that offering this I would accept…although….No, don't even think about it Rose, I shook my head, pushing that thought away.

"No! you'll let me know every time you're going to bite me" I said looking at the newly healed wounds, the healing process has been getting faster and faster, he looked at me and shook his head in acceptance, I didn't even count that he could accept I was happy with that decision.

Still looking at me he fiddled with his suit, inside it, I didn't have the heart to look at it after everything that had happened between us, and looking at him, he's also stunning, his suit fit him perfectly, he designed the his body, and in his pocket a red handkerchief, I smiled when I saw this detail, deep inside he knew I would wear this dress.

"Here it is" he took out of his suit a beautiful gemstone necklace, a set of gemstones that matched the pair of earrings, taking out of his suit he put the necklace on me.

I held the necklace he had just put on, he got out of the car and then extended his hand to me, I gave my hand to him who clasped our hands. We were looking like a couple, I liked the feeling.

It felt like a genuine moment, a genuine gesture, the vampire nature forces him to be who he is but I feel purity in him, something about him draws me in. I feel like I can trust but…not yet.

"Let's go?" I looked at him and smiled.

"let's go"

As we walked I realized the grandeur of the place, it was an old castle, gothic style with gargoyles on the stairs, on the doors there were servants who gave us masks and opened the door for us, there were many people, everyone had a somber air , the makeup, the jewelry, everything looked like a fairy tale.

Someone then approached us and congratulated us, two more came and did the same thing.

Then a lady came towards us.

"welcome to your heavenly marriage" she said

I let go of her hand and glared at him.

"What is this Alec?"