Goodbye, And Goodbye

Momentarily we are waiting for the spell chaser to arrive my friends and I are talking about my if last moment just in case I do not make it through the removal.

"Just in case I will not make it you guys divide my swords up among yourselves." I said

"You'll make I know you can you're a survivor." said Cast

"yah." said Jax

Dixon nods and the King comes back and says he will be here shortly and walks out.

"I think he's up to something and I plan to find out." said Cast

"No you'll get caught." says Dixon

Cast replies with " Don't worry i'll be back." and leaves

We watch him leave the room and the King comes back in and says ok she is here follow me to the lower level of the worship house. We make it to the level and the room itself is relatively small and has rocky floor and wooden walls the chaser of spells is there and he has on a dark black misty cloak and he turns and says to us.

"Hello there you must be the ones the king has put in between my ears eh, come let's get started immediately. He tells me to remove my top and to be completely honest I was not ok with this but I had to so I complied and he said lay down and I did so, then he said it's time to draw some blood and my friends stood close but at a distance and the king noticed one of us was gone and sent a soldier to find Cast. It begins he draws some blood from my chest and spreads it on me and around me and he grabs a golden stick like object with an diamond end and said these words so clear that I could understand what he ment.

"What's old and new must be balanced through separation, If it is separation then give a replacement."

What I thought this meant was some sort of body transfer and as soon as I could say anything the spell chaser used a spell to knock them out and before I passed out Cast came running down to me and the last thing I saw was the king's sword driving through him and then I snapped up and blacked out again.

When I woke all I saw was fire and when I look up i'm chained to the wall next to my friends and in front of us was Cast and he was dead for sure and the thought didn't bring rage and anger and hate this time I was neutral and weak then the spell chaser says.

"I used the chain spell to not only hold you in place but to weaken your abilities this one can withstand all types of natural attacks."

I say with a sinister tone "When I get out I will kill you so I advise you to run while you ca-."

Then I stop my self because I began to feel pain and start to yell really loud. The spell chaser say's

"I he told you it would hurt, oh the friend the king did not mention that part quite sad actually because I didn't mention the part where I remove the magic and kill your friends in front of you and then kill you. "

Then it begins rage punched me in the face and hate grabbed my heart and anger took over my entire body and the magic came easy when I am mad and it broke the chains and my strength recovered and the chaser of spell had a petrified look on his face and my friends woke up and saw me and I sped up to the wizard and grabbed his neck and squeezed it and blood splattered everywhere and I felt like I got stronger and I dropped his dead slowly decapitating body on the floor, then I turn to see my friends looking at me and I say."

"It's ok its over i'm in control now."

My friends look over at Cast and went to check on him and I say.

"The king killed him." And as I say that my lust for killing him increased, and my fire armor activated and I equipped the fury blade and the fire on the sword turned to flames like some sort of upgrade and I vanish and appear in the throne room in front of the king and there were tons of guards in there that includes the outside too. My friends carry Cast out and run for the carriage and some guards follow and multiples detach from me and follow the guards and all you hear is screaming and terror. The king raises his hand and drops it signaling an archer to fire and as soon as the arrow reaches me a hand spouts out of me and catches it mid-air and I lock eyes with the king and he does the same hand movement and his guards come running at me and a few swing at me and I vanish and appear in the air above them grip my sword and drop straight down and fire spits into every direction until the last soldier drops and the king was knocked out of his throne I walk to him slowly and he crawls backwards and I speed over and he was stuck against the wall and I reach my hand out, move it closer and I say.

"Crown Now."

And he quickly gives it I sick it on my side of my pants and say.

"I do want you to die slowly but you don't deserve to live any longer and I equip my katana and I quickly cut his head off and stuck it on a spear and drove it in the ground and leave. When I walk out I walk to someone and hand them the crown, then I walk to my friends and say.

"Let's get going."

Dixon says "Are you ok?"

"Yes I have never felt better now let's move before more guards show up."

Jax says "Yeah but Cast is dead what will we do about him?"

"We will bury him with where we met, at the falls."

We leave and mourn over our loss till we meet the falls a quote that I hear one time made me think of this moment

"Some many than others are sacrificed for the great or good but some are sacrificed for the great or evil."