The Dark Magic Knights

The battle is continuing and is almost at the end the resistance is taking down most of the creatures and Jax is very affected by Dixon's death and is taking all her pain out on the creatures. On the other hand, Flake eventually grew on to him but she had this thing that no other person has ever had no expressions as if she could not feel real psychological pain from others she used it to keep herself in check that occurred after she killed both of her parents. But she is still pissed off that one of her friends has been killed and she kills with all the feelings she has left. The warriors on the resistance are mad that some of their friends died in battle and they took their anger out on them. And after hours and hours of fighting the last creature dropped and more came but they retreated and attempted to getaway. They fight to get away from the battlegrounds. Flake sees that they can't get through so she pulls them back and the brave chaser removes themselves from battle. Later after retreating the Chasers regroup and Flake and Jax make a new plan.

The plan was to attempt to get in and get them and some more chasers through and hopefully not die in the process then they find a way to break loose and split then break the walls down from the inside out.

"You guys know the plan right?"

"Yes!" The group yelled

The main plan was to huddle together and push themselves through and get the group that gets in through the army but when they got there the monsters stood in place and they let them walk right through and the entirety of the resistance was split into two one to protect the camp and one to get the captures in the walls. They get through the army and Flakes group runs to the walls and the rest of the resistance huddled back through the creatures and headed back to the camp.

When the group made their way to the outer wall they then used a rope to get over the wall, they then throw the rope over and walked up the wall. When they get to the top of the wall their are guards there and they aren't any regular guards they are water guards that have magic that keeps them alive but since they have weapons that can conjure fire they slashed them with flames and knocked them over the outside of the wall and kept moving. They begin to sneak their way around so they split and search the area. Flake heads for the throne room, Jax goes for Zero, and the rest of the chasers begin killing guards.

Jax looks for any sign of him and is not coming any closer to finding him. Flake on the other hand has located the throne room and has to take some guards down. Jax is looking through the dungeon and there are no prisoners there but there are dead body's but she looks out of the dungeons barred windows and she sees Zero standing outside in the open and as soon as she turns around she is thrown into the wall of the dungeon and when she stands before her is Zero and she says

"What happened to you." And from behind the main servant knocked her out and says.

"He's found."

The main servant has Zero take her to the main dungeon and chain her to a wall. Flake begins taking guards down and she does it discreetly and she located Mazza and next to him is a woman who has dark brown hair, shiny bright skin, and a dress so unique that it looks like no other that was made it looked like it was made for her but just her.

Flake pulls a dagger out of her bag and she aims it at the woman and as soon as she was going to throw it but the main servant walks in and comes up to Mazza and whispers something to him and she looked curious and then Mazza looks at Flake directly in the eye and then she freaks out and throws it at him instead and as it's about to hit his face the woman waves her hand with a wand in it and the knife is turned towards the ceiling and sticks to it. And Flake has noticed the plan failed and she runs out of the top of the throne room and as she gets to the door of the upper throne room she sees Zero and is knocked out.

***Distorted Vision***

Flake is being dragged to the thrones and she locks eyes with Mazza's and he looks at her with pity and says.

"Well you had me fooled but you can't fool a woman."

"What a pity she almost had us." The woman says

The Woman stands and walks to Flake, slaps her, and says

"You dare come for us, the queen and king of one of the most dangerous places in the world."

She naps and her fingers and guards bring Jax in who is attached to a giant wooden plate with wheels on it and is chained to it.

The queen says "Now I can kill your friend or you can tell us where the resistance base is you have one minute."

"Who are you?" asks Flake.

"Who am I, have the stories not reached the lands from where I originate, I'm Mazza's one true lover."

Flakes eyes fill and she starts struggling and is slapped by the Queen who is now revealed as Mazza's lover the other spell chaser.

"NOW WHERE IS THE BASE!" The queen shouts

Jax nods at Flake and Flake looks down and mutters "In the hidden forest"

"Where?" Said the queen

"In the Hidden Forest."

Mazza smiles at Flake and says.

"Well that was not so hard." and he waves his wand and the queen stops him and she says.

"Let the strong one do it." "He can take them all without blinking."

Mazza looks at her with lovey eyes and says.

"Even better, they all will know what we felt so long ago."

Mazza makes Zero go to the Hidden Forest and Flake yells.


The queen shot a spell at her and it took her voice and she whispered in her ear.

"We won't stop until this whole world feels pain."

And both the king and the queen sit back down and a tear runs down Jax's eyes and she says with hostility.

"If I manage to get out my queen I'm -."

The queen interrupts "Do what your immobile you can't and no one's going to save you."

And she gives the same spell to Jax and she loses her voice.

*Hidden Forest*

The resistance is not expecting an attack so they are just casually doing their everyday duty's and one chaser comes running from the forest and yells.


And a sword comes flying through his chest and the blade makes him turn to ashes. The chasers pull their weapons out and coming out of the foggy forest is Zero and he grabs his sword out of the ashes and he jets in every direction killing many people some fight back but no matter how hard they try they have no chance against him but some blue magic pours throughout the forest and knocks Zero into a boulder, Then leaving the fog is someone who apparently is the same as Zero's except the face a build but the armor is similar, the flames are blue but they are the same size, and the blades are the same as each other but who is it. The person is a boy or teen and he says.

"Is this one causing you the trouble I'll take care of him for you?"

And he jets towards Zero and swings at his chest plate and it cracks and Zero swings back but the other one swings his sword back and it sends Zero flying into a tree and the boy vanishes to him and uses magic and it rips the armor from him and Zero's power unequipped and Zero grunts and vanishes.

"There was a what!?" The queen shouted

Mazza stands and says "Are you sure?"

Zero nods and Mazza says.

"Then this is bad if the other magic also traveled then the other dark magic will consume us and we would lose."


Jax and Flake are both chained to the wall and they can't move nor talk to each other but they continue to struggle.

Back at the camp the remaining chasers are trying to rebuild the broken things and they thank the boy who helped them and he introduces himself.

"I am a dark magic soldier, I have no name but I am the most welcome for helping you and I'm looking for the last member of the dark matter knights and he has vanished does anyone know to where?"

The temporary chaser in charge says "I'm Jack and thanks for the assistance and I'm pretty sure he is headed to the Kingdom of Murder it is located in that direction."

"Thank you Jack that will be all."

And the soldier vanished and leaves for Murder. When he arrived there he was at the main gate and the guards tell him to leave but he continues to walk and one of the guards throws a swing at him and he dodges and swings at him and the water turned to rock and it crumbled and he pulls his sword out and he quickly takes out the remaining guards and enters.

When he walked in creature started to summon from the ground and they attacked the intruder, then he fights back and levels them all then continues to the throne room and when he enters he is hit by the spell of the dead and he immediately blocks it and he starts using spells too.

Mazza's main servant is his opponent and he uses Soul chaser abilities. The knight overpowers his magic and uses a wind spell and shoots him into the ceiling and Mazza summons more and more creatures after him and is shooting spells at him but the knight dodges them all and kills the creatures then Mazza shoots a transportation spell at him and I makes contact and the knight vanishes to another place.

"He was telling the truth they are here," Mazza said curiously

The queen says "Then we'll kill them together but let us use our prisoners to do it."

They send guards to get them and only brings one and it Flake and she gives her a portion of her power, then the ground shakes and armor activates and it resembles the knight's armor but the fire is Green and then she puts a mind spell on Flake and she becomes what Zero is... a slave.