Beyond The Grave

When the ball of energy cane in my direction someone blocked it from hitting it was the blue knight and he blocked it with his shield.

"Get up we can't die here." Blue knight said.

I get up quickly and draw the blade of knights and we get away from her. In the distance, we could hear Mazza's voice talking to someone and we could hear spells being cast and explosions were sounding throughout the foggy land. Gold and Flake were not together and they had to watch their own back, and blue and I had to find them. Mazza continues to yell and we walked in the direction of the noise and we saw a black shadow take over the fog and it grew bigger and bigger and it was an illusion because I freaked out so much that I began to shut my eyes and I was like it was never there.

Blue knight says "It's OK it was fake Mazza is using the mind spell."

"I'm going to kill him," I say

*Yelling* "Flake where are you." yelled the Gold knight

"Hey I'm here," said Flake

We then run into the gold knight and sort of regrouping but we need to find Flake so the three of us stayed closer than we did last time and all of us hear Flake yelling at us but then we realized that Jax was not here either.

"Oh, Jax guys we forgot her," I said

Gold said, "Damn now we need to find her."

The fog drops and we hear creatures growling and the atmosphere changes like it feels like we are being watched in all directions. When all of the fog clears we are surrounded by a giant snake and it's on fire. Behind the snake were tree monsters and Mazza and Amera were behind them all and Jax and Flake were in trees, then Flake jumps from tree to tree and lands next to us and the four knights are reunited and we draw our swords and cut the monsters down.

We needed a clear sight of Mazza and Amera so we had Jax use the sun blade and smash it in the ground so she jumped and Amera conjured up a ball of energy and hit her and Jax threw the sword in the ground and the sword set the ground on fire and we stood in place since our armor is more enough to withstand the heat. Mazza and Amera are shocked at what power we have and they combine power and create a purple orb and they launch it at us and blue and gold try to block it and it's too heavy and they are hit by it and they are thrown in another direction and their armor is shredded and their bodies are smoking and it's hard for them to stand on their feet.

"Impossible that should have been effective to all of you," said Amera

Mazza says "Doesn't matter now let's do it again."

They charge another purple orb and this one is bigger than the other one and the color is red this must have been a new spell because when I was under their control they both mentioned a new orb spell and how powerful it could be and I know it's weakness. Mazza is losing control of the size but he keeps pushing and it is so big and bright that it outshined the sun and we cant see. They throw it.

Out of nowhere Blue knight jumps up and pushes us with his shield and we are pushed through a portal to a dark place I say that because we could see the undead the non-living and we stand and some of our armor got affected by the blast and we put out sword away and start walking.

"What happened," Flake said

I say "I think that the blue knight transported us to the realm of the dead."

"What? how?" she followed

I say "I don't know but we need to find a way out of here we can't be here forever."

"Yes we should but how?" she asked

"Let us do a spell right? we have magic too so we should try to combine magic and open a portal to the regular world," I mention

So we absorb all energy that is available and surrounding energy is blowing from us and black and green mystical energy is flowing around us and *POOF* we are in the overworld and we step out of the energy and the energy is still flowing but we see Mazza and Amera fighting the gold knights so we ran to assist him I swing at Mazza and he dodges me and my sword runs into Amera and it pierces her leg and she gets mad, yells and uses a wind spell and throw me away. Flake came from behind Mazza and she swung at him and made contact but he vanishes and appears behind her and chokes her with a spell and she lifts off the ground and he throws her into a boulder, and she loses her arm because it's a rock monster and it bit her arm off and she smashes it and falls to the ground. My eyes open wide and fire replaces them and the rage feeling came back and I wanted to kill him more than ever and my armor turns fire red and the black disappears. Mazza looks at me with insulting eyes and says.

"Looks like he removed my limit from him, but no matter I will kill you and everyone who stood with you beginning with her."

I zoom towards Mazza and I say.

"You touch her and I kill yours."

He says

"But you can because if you do I will kill yours before I die."

He tries to use a spell but I grab his hand and I crush it along with his wand and he yells in pain and Amera waves her wand and they both disappear. I walk over to Flake and I say.

"I'm sorry."

I say "For not telling you sooner."

"What? tell me what?"

I say clearly "I love you, Flake, ever since we ran into each other you gave me a feeling I have never had before I had this power, happiness, and confidence and I love you."

She blushes and looks at me with the most surprised facial expression and then for the first time since I've seen her she smiles and a tear runs from her eye and she says to me.

"You made me feel for the first time in forever, I feel something I wasn't able since I killed my parents."

Followed by "I love you too."

And she kisses me and hugs me.

***Mazza and Amera***

"Who was that behind them the one protecting them?" Said Amera

Mazza replies "I think it was their friend, when I was latched on to him he had a friend that died shortly before I was released from him I think it was him or maybe the other one who died at his own hand."

Amera "That magic is unstable we can't fight that type I had to get us out of there."

"I know." Mazza said, "We can't fight them until we find much powerful magic than that, in the meantime we rest and find out that way."

***Two Days Later

Mazza and Amera were gone and it has been 2 days since the last time we have seen them but we are at the waterfall and we had buried Dixon where Cast is. And Jax is sitting on the waterfall by herself she said that she needed time to herself for now, but Flake and I are sitting and talking.

"Is it true?" She asked

"Is what true?" I say

She says "You actually love someone like me, a person who killed her own parents?"

I tell her "I don't look for flaws, I look for room for improvement and the good things in a person, the only time I will not like a person is if they are truly evil, someone like Mazza."

She stares into my eyes and says.

"You're not going to stop until you kill him huh?"

I say "Not a chance he made me do things against my will, he made me kill my best friend."

she says "I know that but you need to know that he will always have Amera with him she is more wicked than he is."

"I won't stop even if it kills me I will get even."

She looks away and looks at Jax and looks back at me and says.

"You know she likes you right?, she has a weird way of showing it but I can tell that she does, and she needs you more than me... SO I have to decline your... Love."

I look at her and look down, then I stand up and a tear runs down my eye and hits the water and I walk to Jax and I say.

"Can I sit?"

she says."Yes."

I "Uh well...Uh."

"I know already it's fine."

I say "I want to be with you Jax, I already know you like me and I want to see if I like you as much as you to me."

She doesn't look at me and she says "Not now there's too much going on right now and I need time to think about how I'm going to drive this sword into Amera's skull."

I laugh and say "I thought the same with Mazza constantly."

We continue to talk until the sun came to a close and we decided to stay low until Mazza shows his face again.