In a small bakery in the City of Golden Towers, the capital of Nilfgaard, a young woman helps her mother make pastries and bread. It's just the two of them, for the father had died in the battle against Cintra.
"Serena, the turnovers."
Serena went to the oven and used a mitt to pull out the hot tray of apple turnovers. She smelled their fragrant aroma and sighed happily. After setting the tray on the table, she closed the oven door.
"They look good. Let them sit for a minute and then put them out front."
"Yes, Mother."
Then, they both heard the bell ring for the front door. A customer. Serena's mother went out into the front shop and greeted the woman who had walked in.
The woman was finely clothed in a light blue dress and had her dark brown hair curled up.
"Hello. What can I get you?"
The woman asked, "Do you have a daughter?"
Serena's mother was a little confused but replied in the affirmative. The woman smiled.
"How much for your daughter?"
"What?!" Serena's mother exclaimed.
Serena herself was shocked. She sneaked out into the shop and hid behind the counter.
The woman repeated, "How many floren for your daughter?"
"My daughter is not for sale!"
"She has great potential. Just the other day, I sensed it. She had something called a conduit moment, and hers was very powerful."
"Who are you?" Serena's mother asked.
The woman stared at her, emotionless.
"I am Tissaia de Vries, Rectoress of Aretuza."
"You're a mage," Serena's mother breathed.
"Yes. And I'd like for your daughter to study at Aretuza. Therefore, how many florens would you like to compensate her loss, for I'm afraid you'll never see her again."
"I don't care how much you could pay me. Serena is my daughter. I'm not selling her off like some animal for slaughter."
Tissaia sighed and said, "I am weary after the Battle of Sodden Hill. Please don't make me have to do anything."
Serena's mother's eyes widened.
"Are you threatening me?"
"No, what would be the point in that? I can see that you truly love your daughter. But, if you want her to be as successful as she could be, give her over to me. At Aretuza, she'll be schooled, fed, cared for, and groomed for greatness. Doesn't any mother want what's best for her child?"
"Yes, but-"
"Serena can be so much more than a baker; she can be a powerful sorceress."
The mother hesitated. Tissaia smiled knowingly.
"She will be an integral part of the mage community, I can feel it."
"Is this really the best for her?"
Tissaia nodded.
"Yes, it is. Peace has come to this city after Nilfgaard surrendered at the Battle of Sodden Hill, but the good fortune will not be permanent; it never is."
Serena's mother sighed, "Then, take Serena. She'll probably be better off at Aretuza."
"No, mother!" Serena screamed. "No! Don't let her take me!"
Tissaia smiled. "I'll ensure she is taken very good care of. You'll never have to worry about her."
The Rectoress pulled out a small bag of coins and set it on the counter.
"300 florens."
The mother's eyes widened.
"No!" Serena screamed.
But her mother grabbed her hand and gave her over to Tissaia.
"Be good, Serena. Make me proud."
Serena began to cry, and Tissaia sighed in aggravation. The Rectoress pulled her kicking and screaming out of the bakery store and into her carriage.
"Stop crying. Your mother will be very disappointed if you keep crying."
Serena looked up at the woman sitting next to her. Serena wiped her eyes with her flour-covered hands and nodded. She settled down and rode north. They passed through Cintra and up to Sodden Hill. They rode by and saw the black obelisk dedicated to the 14 fallen mages. Once the carriage was in Temeria, they made for Vizima, its capital city, and then northwest out of Vizima towards Gors Velen, a port city on the North Sea. Eventually, they passed through the port city and onto Thanedd Island. When they finally came upon Aretuza, Serena's eyes widened. Tissaia took her inside and put her in an assigned room.
"Tomorrow, a maid will come to take you to your first lesson. Don't be late."
Then, Tissaia shut the door and locked it. Serena heard it click and rushed at the door. She desperately tried to turn the handle, but it wouldn't budge.
"Let me out! I want to go home! Let me out!"
But there was no answer. Just the sound of the Rectoress' heels clicking along the stone floor. Serena slid to the floor and sobbed. Eventually, she got up and crawled into bed, closed her eyes, and fell into a fitful sleep.
The next morning, Serena was awoken by a maid. She was dressed into a uniform dress, and her hair was combed through. Then, the maid led her to the greenhouse room where Tissaia and others were waiting.
"I thought I said, don't be late."
Serena gave the Rectoress a defiant look. Tissaia was unamused and ignored Serena.
"Today, you will make your first attempt at magic. You all are initiates right now, but if you succeed, you will Ascend and serve in royals courts."
The other girls were excited by this news, but Serena pouted.
I just want to go home, she thought. I don't care about serving at a royal court.
"This is your home now, cupcake."
Serena looked up. Tissaia was talking to her. She glared at the Rectoress who continued talking.
"First, you must learn control. You are conduits of chaos, but that does not guarantee your magical abilities. Magic is what stems from chaos."
Tissaia walked them all through trying to lift a rock. None succeeded at first.
"Concentrate! Find the balance, girls."
"Zele ape."
"Zele ape."
The girls spoke the Elder incantation to no avail. But finally, one managed to lift the rock barely off the desk.
"I did it!" she cried.
Tissaia directed her eyes to the girl's rock.
"Well done, Nera. But all magic also comes with a price. That is the true balance. Something cannot come from nothing."
The girl looked confused. But then, she screamed. One side of her face began to warp and wrinkle. Nera clutched her face and cried.
Serena shook. She saw the flower and subconsciously grabbed it.
"Zele ape."
The rock lifted and out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the flower whither and die.
"That's it, cupcake. Take from one thing to use for another."
Serena looked up. Tissaia looked faintly pleased.
"That is all for this morning. Return to your rooms. I will call for you later for further work."
The girls all began to file out of the room.
Serena stopped and turned around to face the Rectoress.
"You are strong and willful. But do not go too far. Chaos can kill you if not controlled properly."
Serena didn't say a word. Instead, she turned around and walked out of the room.