Spirit Child

"'Child…? What do you mean child?'" [Shingi]

Usually, Sinhunter answered him right away, sometimes even before finishing his question, but this time there was a pause.

"'There is a Spirit Child in the seashell.'" [Sinhunter]

"'Spirit Child? I have never heard of something like that. How do you know what it is?'" [Shingi]

Unlike his Spirit Hammer, which had the spirits of its past users, Sinhunter was a new entity with no prior knowledge, so there was no way of him knowing something that Shingi didn't teach or could come up with what he taught him.

"'It told me. I saw its entire form for a second before it ran away. Our conversation lasted for a split second, but I learned more about it than what I would if talking with someone for hours.'" [Sinhunter]

So Sinhunter started explaining what he had learned.