Guild Levels

Shingi and Marcy moved to her office to continue their discussion, but not before she shouted to everyone staring at them to go back to work.

Her office was still simple, and it didn't seem like she used any of the resources of the Guild for personal reasons.

"What's with the mask and the clothes? I wouldn't know it was you if the recruitment wasn't still active." [Marcy]

The Guild recruited Shingi, as it was one requirement for it to grow to have at least a certain amount of NPCs recruited. He got some benefits when he was recruited to join the party by others of the Guild, which helped his level up quite a lot. The higher the level of the Guild, the bigger the benefits; it was currently at level 10.

But other than the benefits, there were some 'disadvantages,' like he couldn't hide from the Guild Leader, meaning Marcy, as his name would show up over his head for her only to see.