I am your item, aren't I?

"Is this Zora?" Demarco asks as he looked over at Demar.

Demar opened his eyes when he saw that Zora's picture was on the darknet for women being sold in marriages.

"This can't be possible, right!"? Demar shouts as he couldn't believe his eyes.

Demar rubs his eyes twice before accepting the fact that the girl he loves is being sold into a marriage.

"I'll buy her!" Demar shouts as he started looking for the selling button but unfortunately couldn't find it.

Demarco, seeing his best friend freak out over a girl on the darknet, couldn't stand seeing that, so he pulled Demar away and hit him in the face to focus and be smart about his actions.

"Demar, stop! Are you going nuts! Are you going to buy a girl from the internet, especially off the darknet?"

Demar looks at Demarco and thinks of hitting him back, but stayed calm and listen to what Demarco had to say.

"Demar, I know you love this girl very much, but there are many other girls out there, plus this could be fake or a scam," Demarco said as he talks calmly to Demar to help him make smarter decisions.


"Fine, I will take your advice, but—" as Demar was still speaking, he got interrupted by a beep sound from Demarco and his phone.

As the two look at the message that came in, they were shocked, but Demarco was more embarrassed.

Like just after giving his best friend dating advice and telling him to make the situation slide, only to see that "Rebecca's nameless sister is getting married!"

Demar looks up at Demarco, who was trying to get out of Demar's room before Demar notices him, shouts, "Get your ass back here!"

Demarco hesitates and tries to find excuses for why he can't stay, but Demar never fell for any and commanded him to stay.

Demarco slowly walks over to Demar before saying, "I'm sorry to hit you in the face. Your face is handsome. I shouldn't have tried to ruin it."

"Save it!" Demar said. "Did you read the comments?"

"Yeah, where they were cursing that Zora shouldn't be married and that Rebecca is older and more beautiful, so she should be married, but the funny thing is they don't know that Zora was sold into a marriage?" Demarco ask with a smile as he saw that Demar was showing his pissed face.

Demar looks at Demarco before commanding, "Find out who bought her and who sold her."

"And get the hell out of my room!" Demar shouts as he grabs his house slipper and throws it at Demarco.

Demarco, who saw what was coming as he saw Demar bend down for something, runs out of Demar's room and closes the door shut behind him.


As the house slipper, Demar throw at Demarco, but missed him and hits the door, Demarco shouts, "Missed me asshole!"

Demar just laughs a loud after what Demarco shouts and head to his laptop, where he started doing late night work after closing the darknet tab.


At Brooke's mansion. . .

As Zora was about to go to bed, she heard a lot of beeping sounds from her phone and for Zora this was unusual.

Zora speaks to no one, and no one speaks to her, so to hear her phone beeping this much only meant one thing and that's rumours being spread over the internet about her.

Zora hisses her teeth before actually deciding to check her phone, but when she did, she instantly regrets seeing it.

"Rebecca's nameless sister is getting married! What the actual father!" Zora shouts as she reads the number one trending news which pushes 'Rebecca makes out with a hottie in public' to the second news that's trending.

Zora rush down to the living room where she saw her dad drinking wine and reading documents.

"This is your plan, isn't it?" Zora asks her father in a serious tone as she throws her phone down at him.

"This has been your plan all along, wasn't it!" Zora shouts again as tears slowly form in her eyes.

Mr Brooke said nothing but allow Zora to say what was on her mind because nothing she says would change his mind.

"YOU, you. . .are a very evil man! You put my name on sale that I have no friends than Josh who was willing to pay the price you offered and now you are selling me to a stranger."

"What am I to you! Some item? Good God, I am your child! Not some item you can make a profit off!"

"Are the clubs that you own not making enough money for you? Why you choose to make a profit off of me!"?

Mr Brooke smirk before saying, "Actually my clubs are doing just fine."

After Zora heard her father say those words, she grabs the glass he was drinking wine out of and smash it to the floor.

"Since I am your item, watch your item walk the hell out of your life!" Zora said with tears rolling down her cheeks, then grabbed her phone and head to the door.

Seeing Zora walking towards the door after smashing her father's glass to the floor, her father's anger raged, then quickly runs after Zora before she exit the house.

As Zora was about to open the door, she felt someone pull on her hand, pulling her back.

Zora twists and turns as she fights to release her hand from the person behind her, grips.

"Let me go!" Zora screams as more tears come running down from her eyes.

"You can't leave!" the person behind her shouts as they tighten their grip.

"Why? Because I am your item!"? Zora shouts, then was released.

As she was released, she never hesitate to run toward the door and exit her father's mansion.

"I was just going to say it's cold outside," a bodyguard, who was the one holding onto Zora's hand, said after releasing her and watching her run outside into the cold.

Soon after her father came and asked the bodyguard, who stop Zora before if he had seen her.

"Yes, she already left."


"She's just like her mother! Always run, but she won't run far, so let her go," Mr Brooke said, then turn and head to his bedroom, where his wife was asleep by herself.