Wedding: Blood, guns and deaths part II


As a group of men run into the churchyard, another group of men showed up, which isn't on the first set of man's team.

"FATHER! IT'S A SHOOT OUT! I WILL LOOK FOR ZORA, KEEP THOSE ASSHOLES BUSY!" Demar shouts to Demarco, who was shooting and fighting like the badass hacker he is.

As he runs into the church with the screaming of scared people, he went mad crazy looking for Zora.

"FATHER! WHERE IS SHE!" Demar shouts in the church as he shoots two bullets to the ceiling.


Demar quickly jump on the floor as Josh, who was behind the stand, shot twice at him.

"SHE'S NOT HERE AND I WILL NEVER LET YOU HAVE HER!" Josh shouts which cause all the people in the church to run out of the church and run into danger it's just like the saying ' You jump out of hot oil into the fire.'

"WHERE IS SHE THAT'S WHAT I ASKED!"? Demar shouts as he competes with all the noise and shots that are being fired.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Josh shouts back.


Five minutes before, Demar had entered the church. . .

As the shots were fired, Mr Bins grab Zora, throwing her over his shoulder and quickly exist the church through the back entrance.

Mr Brooks had men set around there waiting for this moment.

Since Mr Bins had warned Mr Brooks about Demar, Mr Brooks had changed his plans for the wedding and put more men out for Zora's wedding.

And he was right for putting more men because Demar and his men would have wiped out the few men that were here before the other set had arrived.

"In the car!" Mr Bins shouts as he took Zora from his shoulder and throw her in the back seat since she was refusing to go with him.

Mr Bins manage to push Zora in, sat beside her and closed the door.



The present. . .

"IF YOU FATHERING HURT HER, YOU ARE DEAD MEAT!" Demar shouts in frustration as he fires two shots at Josh.

Josh came from behind the stand as he shouts, "ZORA BELONGS TO ME AND ONLY ME!" then started firing at Demar.

Demar hide and run behind the benches in the church until he was at a new hiding place.

"COME OUT! I AIN'T SCARED OF YOU!" Josh shouts as he continues firing.

Demar kept hiding as he waits for Josh to reload before attacking.

After using up all his bullets, Josh throws his gun aside.

Hearing that, Demar came out of hiding and point his gun at Josh.

"Since you are out of bullets; unfortunately, we will do this with our fist and I won't go easy because you love Zora," Demar said as he throws his gun aside and took off his jacket and pulled the buttons on his wrist, then got in position for a close combat fight.

Josh smirks before attacking first, but luckily, Demar blocks his attack.


"TELL ME WHERE THE HELL IS ZORA!"? Demar shouts as he finally knocks Josh down after fighting for over 10 minutes with the commotion happening outside.


Josh finally give up before saying, "It makes no sense. I tell you now when you can't save her now."

Demar gave Josh a confused look before grabbing him in his hands and pointing his fist to his face.

All bruised up with blood running from both their mouths, nose and knuckles, Demar held his fist down as he heard Demarco speak through his earpiece.

"Mr Bins already left with Zora. . ." Demarco said as he manages to escape the commotions at the front and check the back since he knew men were around there why they didn't come through that way.

"SHIT! LET'S RETREAT!" Demar shouts in frustration as he heard what Demarco said.

"Okay, I will let the others know!"


Demar walk away from Josh, took up his gun and was about to run out of the church but turns to Josh and said, "You said Zora belongs to you alone earlier. . .Zora doesn't belong to anyone. She ain't an item to have an owner."

Then Demar turns and runs out of the church as he heard Demarco outside shout, "WE RETREATING! NO MAN LEFT BEHIND!"


Outside of the church, Demar and his men were running towards their drives as they shoot at Mr Brooks' men.

As they all were in their drives, they drove away without looking behind them.


In the car with Mr Bins. . .

Zora kept refusing to go with Mr Bins then try to fight Mr Bins but unfortunately fail as he hits and knock her out.

"Bring me to my mansion so I can get some alone time with my wife," Mr Bins commands his driver as he runs his hands over Zora's breasts.


At Demar's mansion. . .

The first mission they have ever encountered where innocent lives were lost, a lot of shots were fired and the amount of blood was present.

The first mission they have encountered where they felt defeated.

Even when they were outnumbered numerous times, they never felt so defeated.

Thankfully, no life was lost on their side but a lot of injuries, none being serious.

As the leader, he had to give his men a speech to encourage them even after an unsuccessful mission.

"It was tough out there. I can tell from the look on all of your faces. We fail a mission, but we are still in one piece. This is not what we had planned, furthermore, we never knew the Blood Lions were waiting for us to attack to outnumber us. Defeat sucks. It hurts like hell! But we will get them next time, so keep training, rest and be on your toes for anything that could happen!"

"I will take my leave now, remember you all did your best!" Demar said, then left his men's and went to the gym in the basement.


Hitting the dummy repeatedly with no protective gears and reopening the cuts on his knuckles, he shouts in frustration as tears filled his eyes.


He was taking the defeat hard. Nothing that he had planned for this mission went as a plan.

He believes he led his men into a war in which they almost lost their lives.

He said they we outnumbered, but he knew the truth that it was more than outnumbered they were also no match for the Blood Lions.

They got lucky this time, but the next time they attack, he's afraid they won't be lucky again.

Plus, the fact he never saved Zora has been on his mind; eating away part of him, as he felt like he had let her down.

"Demar?" Demarco entered the gym as he called out to Demar. "I found Zora. Let's go get her!"