Losing control

Demar stayed quiet as what Demarco said played repeatedly in his mind.

"And. . .she now has got only 24 hours," Demarco said, but then felt Demar's hand remove from his shoulder.

But before Demar's hand had been removed, Demarco could feel Demar's handshaking after he said Mr Brooks' blood doesn't match Zora's own.

"Demar?" Demarco called out as he turn around to see if Demar was still behind him.

"That's bullshit. . ." Demarco heard Demar say, then repeated himself, but louder.


"I stand and watch him extract the blood from himself! How can it not match!" Demar shouts as tears forms in his eyes, knowing he might actually lose Zora.

"BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!" Demar cursed much louder than before, then hit a vase down to the floor, which everyone heard inside and outside of Demar's mansion.

Demar kept cursing as he started smashing and breaking everything that was breakable in the living room.

Demar's men quickly rush into the living room and turn the lights on where they saw Demar smashing everything and Demarco standing in the middle and watching Demar break everything.

This wasn't the first he saw Demar rage like this and he won't stop him because the last time he tried to, he nearly die. The best thing right now and for everyone is to leave him until he is calm.

All of Demar's men know this side of Demar because they all met Demar and became a part of his team by helping them in their darkest time, without expecting them to repay him.

His uncle once said to him, "Demar, I am not your father, but you trust me anyway with your mother. I didn't ask for you to trust me, nor I ask you to repay me for all I have done for you. All I did was offered my help because that's what I wanted to do. If you can offer your help to others without expecting nothing in return from them, you will meet many people who will be willing to stand by you no matter what."

And Demar did just that until he had two hundred men who would risk their own life for him.


After finishing making the living room a mess, Demar went up to his room and took up his gun, then exist the mansion and speed off in his car.

Demarco was about to order some men to help him clean up the mess, but they already got to it with no question asked.

When Demarco saw that, he went upstairs to Demar's room and check to see what he had taken up.

Demar is cheerful, calm, but once he rages, it means he is not himself. He isn't the guy who will bake, cook, clean or do work to get him calm; he becomes a different person.

After checking Demar's room and seeing that his gun wasn't there, he knew he was going after Mr Brooks and Mr Brooks was dangerous. He could end up getting killed.

Demarco quickly calls the only person he knew Demar will listen to in a crisis like this and pray that they get through to him.


At Dr Joseph's private hospital. . .

His eyes were red and filled with anger. He walks into the hospital and heads to the room Zora was in.

He touches her face lightly and kisses her on her cheek as he closes his eyes and then teardrops slowly drop from his eyes one by one.

He was feeling pretty defeated and the only thing he could think of was to kill the man who had been making him feel so defeated and hopeless.

The woman he fell in love with at first sight only had 48 hours, then he runs to that man he thought was her father and all that man did was use up 24 hours of the time she has to live.

He was furious and was ready to fight but firstly he must promise the woman he loves he will be fine before doing something risky that will worry her.

He wipes his teary eyes and was about to leave Zora's room when he heard his phone ring.

Before stepping outside of the hospital to answer the call, he took one last look at Zora with a genuine smile, then took his leave.


As he was outside the hospital, he took a seat on one bench which was in front of the hospital and answers the call.

"Yes, mom?"

"Demar, what's going on?" his mother asks calmly.

"What do you mean, mom?"

"Demarco called and told me everything," his mother said. "I don't know how you are feeling at this moment, but I know it's hard on you right now."


"Demar, going to kill Mr Brooks will not help the situation Zora's in right now. You still got 24 hours to get her help. I know your uncle teaches you a lot about calming down and thinking positive. And right now that's what I want you to do," his mother calmly said, which brought back memories of how his uncle and he would sit down and reason with each other.

His uncle was a wise man and his mother was the best at being calm in frustrating situations. His mother was his ship and his uncle was his anchor.

Remembering those moments and listening to his mother's calming voice, his tears came flowing down like a river.

He loves and cares for Zora a lot and the moment he felt like he was going to lose her; he lost his way. Thanks to his mother, he's able to find his way again.

This just proves that Demarco is a good friend. He knew he couldn't stop Demar, but he knew just at the right time who could help Demar find his way, as before.


After talking with his mother and back to his normal self, he saw a familiar face approaching the hospital.

"Mr Lin?" Demar called out to the man as he was approaching the bench Demar was sitting on.

Doctor Lin look at Demar before asking, "How's Zora?"

"24 hours left," Demar said as he looks up at the dark sky.

Doctor Lin took a seat beside Demar, then hand him a bag he was carrying and said, "She has more than 24 hours."

Demar looks at Doctor Lin then check the bag Doctor Lin handed him and when he saw the amount of plastic bags filled with blood the first thing he asks was, "You kill Mr Brooks and drained all his blood from his body?"

Doctor Lin laughs then said, "His time will come, but this blood is from Zora's real father."

"Real father? Wait what do—"

"Bye now! Take good care of her!" Doctor Lin said, then got up from beside Demar and walks away from the hospital.