The Founder of Black Dragon

He looks down at the pale girl that has been sleeping for over a day, clasps his hands beside her bed, lay his head down and asks quietly, "When will you wake? How long should I wait?"

He was missing her very much even though he has only known her for 2 months.

Zora felt more than a one-night stand towards Demar; somehow he felt connected to her and seeing her hurt and sleeping for a day worries him.

Deep down he was feeling like so much as happened within that one day she has been asleep for.

He would do anything to get her awake faster, but the looks of the situation, there seems to be no way.


While asking his questions to the unconscious Zora, a small teardrop fell from his eyes and landed on Zora's hand.

He lifts his head to help him control his tears, smiles and wipes his teardrop off Zora's hand.

He looks down at Zora and held her hand in his palms before speaking.

"Could you believe I was going to kill the man who put you in this state, dress like this?"

"You probably can't see what I am wearing, but I was going to kill the man in my nightwear."

He begins to laugh as he lightly squeezes Zora's hand.

"I will defeat any obstacles before me to reach you. I would willingly risk it all, only for you."

After finishing speaking, he kiss her hand, rest her hand down gently and got up from Zora's bedside and left without looking back at Zora.


Demar's Mansion

As he arrives at the entrance gate of his mansion, all of his men were lined up perfectly to greet him along with some unexpected guests.

He stops in the middle of the driveway and got out of his car.

As he got out, everyone bow their heads to greet him.

"Welcome home master Benjamin!"

Demar nodded his head and greet his men; afterwards, he apologies to all his men out of loyalty, honour and respect for what had happened last night.

"I shouldn't have behaved the way I behave last night. I overreacted to a situation that needed to be approached calmly. Sorry for all the work I gave to each and everyone last night to clean up my mess. I apologize and hope each and everyone can forgive me."

After apologizing, he bows before all his men, which took all his men by surprise at their leader's sudden action.

Being shocked to see their leader bowing down to them, they all continue to bow and shout, "NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE! WE ARE THE BLACK DRAGON AND WHATEVER ONE MAN CARE ABOUT, WE ALL CARE ABOUT!"

Seeing the respect his team still has for him, he got up, curled his hand into a fist and hit his chest three times, then raise his fist to the sky and repeat the words of his men.


Everyone repeat after Demar until they all were speaking at the same time.

This is the loyalty, respect and honour the Black Dragon has and was built on.

This is how the Black Dragon was made and this positive energy was the energy that was running through every man's veins that were in the Black Dragon.


While the Black Dragon was uplifting themselves, someone shoot up to the sky, which quieted everyone.

Demar turn to face the person who fired to the sky smile as he saw a familiar man standing beside his mother.

"Uncle Benjamin?" Demar asks as he approaches the man who stood beside his mother.

"All in the flesh!" The man replied as Demar was approaching him.

As Demar was in front of him, Demar bowed before him in honour and respect, as he was the founder of the Black Dragon.

Seeing Demar bow before him, the man rest his right hand on Demar's head and said, "No need to bow before me. You are also a leader, aren't you?"

Demar quickly replies without hesitation, "Yes, I am! But I have to show respect to the ones above me!"

"Hahahaha!" the man burst out in laughter. "You haven't changed! Still the same strict, respectful, loyal and formal Demar! Get up now, son!"

Demar rise to his feet then hug the man before him and greeted softly, "Welcome home uncle."


After greeting his uncle, they all went inside where Demar will be introducing his uncle, the founder of Black Dragon.

As everyone was seated in the living room, Demar, who stood at the front where everyone could see him, begin to speak.

"As some of you may know, I am not the founder of Black Dragon. My uncle, Mr Benjamin, handed the Black Dragon over to me. I'm guessing he will be staying with us for a while, so treat him with respect and honour."

"Even though I am the leader now for the Black Dragon, Mr Benjamin is still higher than myself and everyone here, so don't let me have to hear any critical comments about any of you from him, understandable?"

"UNDERSTANDABLE," every man said, that was seated in front of Demar.

Demar then calls upon his uncle for his uncle to say a few words.

Mr Benjamin stood at the front and scan every man in the living room before saying, "As Demar as said before, I am the founder of the Black Dragon, which is true. Not to worry, I am not here to take back the Black Dragon. I am only here to spend some time with my nephew. Before I send everyone off, is there a tattoo or an armband for the Black Dragon?"

Everyone look at each other in confusion about what Mr Benjamin was asking about.

Demarco looks over at Demar and whispers to him to tell the men what Mr Benjamin is asking about.

"Mr Benjamin is asking about our symbol for the Black Dragon. A symbol was once there, but after the Black Dragon was handed over to me, it was removed and I haven't had the time to make a new one," Demar explains.

Mr Benjamin nodded his head before asking, "Is it a tattoo or armband?"

"This is going to be embarrassing, but as strong as I look, I am afraid of needles," Demar replied to Mr Benjamin's question, which had everyone, including Mr Benjamin, laughing at him.

"Haha, alright calm down everyone. As soon as Demar comes up with a design, he will let everyone know about it. You may leave now."

Soon after, everyone had left the room, leaving Demar and Demarco alone.

Demar looks at Demarco and could tell he was deep in thoughts so he decided to tease him.

"Demarco, I am going to shower. Want to come with me?"

"Yeah, go—wait what!"? Demarco replied as he snaps out of his thoughts.

Demar burst out in laughter, then ask, "What were you busy thinking about?"

Demarco sigh before asking, "Isn't it weird that after he handed the Black Dragon over to you from 5 years ago then disappears he's just coming back? And to make it worse, he asks if we have our symbol? Don't something seem off?"

Demar nodded his head and said, "You are right. Something is off. I have been having the same thoughts, but I will speak to him privately soon about the matter."

Demarco sighed and nodded his head, then Demar left to head upstairs to shower, but had to tease Demarco just a little more.

"Are you sure you don't want to meet me in the shower? The water is pretty nice around this time of the morning," Demar said as he turn around and smirk at Demarco.

Demarco laughs before replying, "I will meet you soon," then smirks back at Demar.

When Demar realizes he flirts back, Demar shouts, "You fathering paedophile!" then hurried up to his room to get freshened up.