Weird Creatures III

The goblins slowly stood up and saw him standing there.

"GETSUGA TENSHOU!!" - Ichigo screamed.

The Attack went towards The goblins. as always they separated and dodged the attack. but this time ichigo had a plan.

He immediately ran with the getsuga tenshou and jumped high again, This time the goblins were busy dodging the attack so he attacked one of the goblin's head with his sword causing immediate death as the head was chopped. He then swung the sword to hit the other goblin (while in the air), which was also distracted. That goblin tried to focus and block the attack with his hand but it was too late. Ichigo sliced the goblin in half. In this period. the third goblin got distracted by the killing of his other mates that he was unable to properly dodge the Getsuga Tenshou and it sliced the club in Half. The attack went through and the moment it hit the cave walls it shattered. Ichigo landed on his knee. He was shocked by it. but the last goblin was still left to kill and the goblin had no defenses.

The goblin was now scared because he had no weapon or other goblins.

Ichigo saw the goblin with anger.

The goblin threw a fenso on him but ichigo easily dodged it.

The goblin was dead scared at this point. So ichigo went near to the goblin, the goblin tried to keep the distance, but He grabbed the bald head and asked him.

"Do you know anything about this system, can you speak our language?"

Goblin stared at him, and kicked his stomach. Ichigo felt the pain and moved a little towards the back but he had firm grip on the bald head.

"Ok then"

He Sliced the goblin in Half.

Three goblins on a rocky surface.... lifeless..

Ichigo was about to puke at the hideous view.

Then He started walking away from it.while walking he got hit in the hand by something it was like a fist that hit his hand. He got a bit of pain, but then He looked at the hand.

'A Black circle with Progress written on it, I wonder what it means?!'

He tried to get that tattoo mark off from his hand with the other hand and accidentally hit the hand too hard. A voice spoke and his progress got visible in front of his eyes.

[Here is your current progress:

Level: 1

Level progress: 65%

Attack strength: 12%

Health: 98%


Sword level: Bankai

Please speak "Full information" to see complete profile]

Ichigo spoke the words. and the profile was in front of him.

[Level: 1

Health: 98% - Maximum Limit: 100%

Lives: 3 - Maximum Limit: 3

Level Progress: 65% - Remaining: 45%

Special Attacks and Abilities: Getsuga Tenshou, Flash step.

Sword levels : Shikai, Bankai

Attack strength: 12% - Maximum limit: 100%

Last enemy defeated: 3 Goblins

Current Location: The Cave

Additional Information: The Limit only applies on attack strength and special attacks. other physical traits are not affected. e.g speed]

This was a lot of information for Ichigo to consume. so he went through it one by one.

'So my level is 1. I wonder how many levels there are in total. and I have to complete it.

So according to my calculations. the creatures I defeated increased my progress by 5% each.

I pretty much know about special attacks and abilities.

I know about sword levels.

The Attack strength is what I don't understand. why is it limited?

My lives are 3, meaning I can die two times and third will be the last time

Last enemy I defeated were GOBLINS! OHH so now I get it. it's like those I see in the games my sister plays...


is this some sort of game???

So many questions and no one to answer.'

Ichigo then stands straight

"If this is a challenge, I accept. If this is any experiment, I still accept and I will defeat this. with the power of my Bankai and faith!"

He presses the hand again that closes the profile information.

'At least I don't have to press a button that pops up'

He starts running forward with confidence as has now accepted the system

New challenge awaits our adventurous Ichigo.