Goblin Fighter & Archer Vs. Ichigo

Both the goblin fighter and archer prepare for another attack.

both attacked ichigo with a fenso. he was there, still.... rocks on him.

A big glowy beam was coming towards him. He saw the attack and immediately did a flash step and then he attacked by jumping above the fighter, The archer saw ichigo coming and immediately took placed arrow in his bow and shot it at him. he got hit in his arm while he was in the air. the golbin fighter also saw him, he quickly cancelled the fenso and tried to attack ichigo , but ichigo quickly grabbed the fighter from the back, the immense pain of arrow was still there, but he still grabbed the fighter and stepped on the ground and jumped again, this time he looked for a pointy sharp rock, His eyes immediately saw a the sharp rock. He put the goblin on that rock with full pressure. the rock pierced through him.

"Nooooooooo" - Screamed goblin archer.

archer panicked and ran towards ichigo, he saw the archer coming. He couldn't do anything so he pushed the fighter even more so the rock pierced more.

Now the archer came near to ichigo and and tried to ready his arrow. Ichigo grabbed him aswell.

"OH NOOO YOU LITTLE!!" - Screamed archer and the arrow he was about to put in the bow, he pushed it in his chest, but ichigo moved, tried to dodge it, while grabbing the fighter, so the arrow pierced through his shoulder.

"Aaaaah" - Ichigo screamed.

"You will die!!!" - Archer.

Ichigo immediately spoke

"Getsuga.... Tenshouuuuuu!!"

The archer got attacked from this close range.

He fell far away.

The goblin fighter died

Ichigo left the goblin fighter and walked towards the archer who was dying slowly, he went there and sat near him and asked him in loud voice.


"i know nothing" - archer replied with low voice.

"no, you must know something!! anything"

"Many enemies await you" - archer said with dying voice and then died a few seconds later.

"DAMN IT!!" - Ichigo.

He then walked a few steps and fell because of the damage he took.

He was bleeding so he immediately pressed his hand to check his health

[Health: 88%]

the health slowly dropped to 87%

'Damn, I must stop the bleeding otherwise my health will continue falling down"

He sat there on the rocky surface, quickly removed the arrows, very painful indeed. then he took off his kimono used it to close the wounds.

now he checked the health and it stood steady at 87%

He laid down, and checked his progress

[Health: 87%

Attack strength: 14%

Level: 1

Level Progress: 85%

Ability unlocked: Magic Spell : Crucio

Use instruction: Use the magic wand now in your inventory to cast the spell

Temporary power:

Attack limit temporarily increases to 20% for 15 minutes if you give up 1% health.]

After looking at that, He rested and slept.

"I must not give up, Never"


"Ichigooooooo" - Rukia

"Wait rukia, let me prepare breakfast, then we can go kill some hollows"

" can't believe we are all living happily " - rukia

"Yeah" -Ichigo

Ichigo saw a dream where everyone was happg and safe, his family, friends all of them were laughing....


He woke up after six hours.

He looked here and there.

" ohh, now i know, it was just a dream.. Am I trapped here for eternity?... I don't know..."

So he continued walking...walking forwards. He grabbed the bow and arrow from the archer just in case... and walked very slowly. the same area did not end after some steps forward. that surprised ichigo, usually it took even shorter than that to get to another area. anyways he continued. He fell again... and this time he was dizzy aswell, maybe because of that long walk. He slept again for another eight hours.

He woke up. then he started walking, finally after 30 minutes of walking he entered in another area. this time it was the same as previous one. He saw different creatures again...

"Yes, Another enemy!!"

This time there was only one enemy. It was also a goblin. it was green but now it had wrinkled face, long hairs and was smiling. it's weapon was a stick...

"Hmm, Is this... goblin shaman?? I remember that from somewhere, I just dont remember where exactly..." - Ichigo.