Chapter 42 - Shameless

The savings of more than three hundred years are more than one, and it won't be clear for a while. But the old Yinlong still likes to hold the little phoenix intimacy very much, especially when he thinks that he is holding the little phoenix's body, he is so excited! So after a long and proving spring broadcast event, Ban Yu did not rush to do anything else. He carried Xiao Fenghuang into the guest room next door.

There are also large beds and small hot springs. Zhou Xuan and Wang Wei were not allowed to live here because there is only a double bed, and four people cannot live in it. Now that's all right, Ban Yu put the little phoenix next to him, and he touched the left and kissed on the right.

Feng Yang was tossed for more than three hours the first time he opened meat in his life. Although he could use his aura to ensure his body was not damaged, his waist was so weak. He "pop!" He patted the dragon claws that Ban Yu had fallen on his face for several times: "Sleep!"

What time is this? !

"You sleep yours, I watch mine." Ban Yu said, "I can't sleep now anyway."

"Then you just use your eyes to see, and you are not allowed to'see' with your hands!" Feng Yang's throat became hoarse, and what he said was a little Tsundere that he didn't even notice.

"I now know why this thing can't be stopped once the gate is opened." Ban Yu saw Feng Yang pat on the pillow from time to time, and simply pulled the pillow aside, gently resting Feng Yang's head on his arm, "This way Are you more comfortable? The pillows in this room are a bit high."

"Hmm." Feng Yang rubbed Ban Yu's arm and found a comfortable position, "Don't talk, I want to sleep."

"Okay." After Ban Yu finished speaking, rubbing Feng Yang's waist, it really calmed down.

However, Feng Yang did not fall asleep quickly. Maybe the dragon is really good in some aspects? Ban Yu has been in a state of excitement. As long as Feng Yang is next to him, he will definitely be caught, and he will still be caught by something very hot.

He couldn't help but hide out of the bed while sleeping. As a result, Ban Yu saw him hiding away and took him back in his arms.

Later Feng Yang discovered that Ban Yu might not be able to control this thing himself. Just like Ban Yu said, how can the savings of more than three hundred years be so easy to pay, and it is spring, the season of restlessness.

Feng Yang turned around, opened his eyes, and looked at Ban Yu's eyebrows under the dim night light.

To be precise, it should be Mo TingXianJun's eyebrows.

"How do I call you from now on?"

"Ban Yu, Mo Ting, it's okay." Ban Yu said with a smile, "Of course, the one I want to hear most is'Husband'. Others have been called, only this one has never been called. But don't worry, wait We can call again after our wedding."

"...I called."

"Huh? When?" Ban Yu was surprised, "Why don't I know?"

"Dream. You said that I don't call your husband, so you don't want to give it to me, so I called." After a pause, Feng Yang yelled unscrupulously: "Husband."

"Hey!" Ban Yu "Boom!" hit Feng Yang's forehead with his forehead, "It's over, I swear by heaven, I really intended to let you sleep, but you told me how to sleep!"

"Then don't sleep well, anyway, I don't...nor do I have to sleep." Feng Yang licked his lips and took the initiative to climb onto Ban Yu.

Ban Yu took a look, hi! The little fiancee still knows fun!

As a result, Feng Yang smiled and said: "Husband, I'm hungry, how about you let me know how to eat?"

Ban Yu was "woke up" by pouring a pot of cold water on his head, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "I will eat you first, how about you eating it later?"

Feng Yang nodded happily.

So the "Spring Sowing" activity started again, and this time it lasted longer than the first time. In fact, this is the case, it was not easy at the beginning, but after enjoying the fun, naturally I can't stop.

Feng Yang is not a twitchy character. When he takes the initiative, Ban Yu is naturally happy to cooperate.

One night flies quickly.

The two talents were worthy of being separated at dawn, and this was still considering whether Wang Wei and Guan Jinfei would find them, otherwise Ban Yu would be able to toss Feng Yang until the next dawn.

Feng Yang lay on the bed lazily looking at Ban Yu's back: "You really don't plan to go back?"

Ban Yu put on his clothes, turned around and tweeted Feng Yang, "I will take you back together if I want to go back. Besides, I've been bored with the immortal world for more than three hundred years, so I can walk around in the mortal world. Don't worry, God Ji and Spirit Your husband will help you handle the root matter. If you want to stay in the mortal world for a while, let's stay here for a while. If you want to go back sooner, the husband will take you back to the immortal world sooner."

Feng Yang laughed: "Hmm."

Ban Yu rubbed Feng Yang's hair: "Sleep for a while, I'll go get some food for you, and ask Yan Liu by the way... By the way, Yan Liu is my attendant, let him come to see you later. I will ask He couldn't find Ban Yu's soul."

Feng Yang hugs the pillow, his white and flexible back has a clear view: "Do you want Ban Yu to return to his original body?"

Ban Yu's eyes darkened again and nodded: "We can't stay in the mortal world for a lifetime, but if we leave, Ban Yu and Xiao Feng Yang will end their lives in this life. Little Feng Yang is fine, nothing Worried, but if Ban Yu is not there, they will be very sad."

Feng Yang also makes sense to think about it: "Then just ask, I can do anything. When I descended, I was prepared to stay here for decades."

Even the mental preparation for old age has been done.

Ban Yu covered Feng Yang silently: "Go to sleep, I'll change my body. I'll call you when I'm ready to eat."

Feng Yang squeezed Ban Yu's fingers, closed his eyes with a smile, and fell asleep in a moment. But after Ban Yu got out of the bedroom, he didn't immediately change back to the body of mortal Ban Yu. He set the barrier, opened the gate, and summoned Yan Liu.

"XianJun?" Yan Liu rushed over immediately.

"Last time I asked you to check Ban Yu's soul, did you find it?"

"I found it. He has been reincarnated and is now in the womb for five months."

Ban Yu: "..."

Yan Liu asked, "XianJun? Is that the queen in the room?"

Ban Yu glared: "Nonsense! Is your XianJun so casual?! I just looked for it...cough! Let's not talk about this. You, in my name, ask Xuyang XianJun to come over , Be fast." Ban Yu said as he handed Yan Liu a thing, which is a magic weapon that can stop time at a certain time: "I will see people in a moment."

Yan Liu expressed his understanding and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Not long after, he walked back from the gate, followed by an old man who looked sixty or seventy years old, half a head shorter than Ban Yu, gray hair, but full of energy. This is the Xuyang XianJun of the Shenfeng clan, and the only one in the Shenfeng clan to rank among the immortal class over the years.

"Mo TingXianJun is polite, I don't know what XianJun calls for looking for Xiaoxian?" Feng Clan XianJun Xuyang is very respectful to Ban Yu, because he is the same XianJun, but he is the Xiaoxian who first touched Xianban, and Ban Yu is the middle level of XianJun. The highest immortal. They are all immortals, but their mana and status are vastly different.

"XianJun Xuyang sit down." Ban Yu finished speaking. Instead of sitting, he went to the kitchen to work.

"Mo TingXianJun, you are..." Where did Xuyang XianJun dare to sit, looking at the person who had deliberately picked out in front of him, not quite clearly.

"This is the family affair of the Shenfeng clan, so I shouldn't be more involved. But Xuyang XianJun knows that some of your descendants are about to lose the face of the Shenfeng clan? Although Xuyang XianJun is now in the Xian class I'm not asking about the Feng Clan for a long time, but in the final analysis, it's the origin. You still have to ask about it. Otherwise, someday my baby will really be killed by your descendants. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear this responsibility.

"Xiaoxian...XianJun doesn't quite understand what XianJun means." Xuyang XianJun was almost sweating after hearing this for a while. Could it be that someone in his clan hurt Mo TingXianJun's baby? What baby?

"Let's go back to your clan, I hope you won't be fainted by the anger." Ban Yu said, getting three leaf golden scale powder on Zhizhi who absorbed the water. He held a special file in his left hand and a three-leaf golden scale in his right hand. It was not the first time that the scale had been polished. It was missing a corner, but this thing is so precious, why should I mix it with Zhili! ! !

Xuyang XianJun felt painful, but he didn't ask too much. He would definitely go to the clan area to have a look, opened the door and left Sihailong Palace.

After a long absence, I came to Fengtai Mountain, the clan land of their Shenfeng clan.

The clan land that used to be spring all year round is now under pouring rain, the birds are nowhere to be seen, the ground is muddy, and the water is about to rise!

"Come here!" Xuyang XianJun shouted when he saw this strange disaster in his hometown.

"Who is yelling?" Clan Chief Taili was in the main hall with the other two patriarchs persuading Feng Yuyan to make amends with Ban Yu, lest the rain kept falling, but Feng Yuyan would not listen. advise. He was very upset here, he suddenly heard people yelling, even more angry, so angry that he shouted back and opened the door and looked over. It doesn't matter if you look at it, you almost got a heart attack when you saw it, "Lao, Lao Fengwang!"

"Where is Feng Yuyan?" Although she was practicing in retreat with great concentration, she asked about the family affairs, but Xuyang XianJun still knew the name of this generation of Phoenix King. He was in a very bad mood when the name was called.

"Grandfather?" Feng Yuyan heard Ban Yu say that he wanted his grandfather to rectify and rectify the Feng family. He thought he was just talking about it, how could he have wanted to come so fast!

"Asshole thing! Why did you mess with Mo TingXianJun?" It rained like this, and I want to know what the hell is about! Mo TingXianJun can care about where the rain falls on the sky, but can manage it if you want!

"Grandfather, it's not I who provoke Mo TingXianJun, but he is unreasonable and ruined the ice thorn whip that has been passed down from generation to generation!"

"Shut up!" Xuyang XianJun gave Feng Yuyan a fierce look, "Tai Li, what the hell is going on. If one sentence is false..." Xuyang XianJun swept the room. The juniors, "Don't blame me for embarrassing you juniors!"


Chief Taili glanced at Feng Yuyan, thinking about it, he still had to listen to the old man, and then told the truth. From Feng Yuyan who quickly married a human-shaped pheasant as his successor after the death of the Queen of Phoenix, to having a son with the pheasant, and abolished Feng Yang for that son, and then took Feng Yang for the pheasant. In addition to the spiritual root interruption...

Xuyang XianJun's face darkened as he heard it, but he was not eager to clean up Feng Yuyan. Instead, he asked: "Then what does this have to do with Mo TingXianJun? Why does Mo TingXianJun say that someone in my clan hurt his baby?"

The Taili patriarch bit his head and said: "Mo TingXianJun didn't know how to get to know His Royal Highness Feng Yang. He also said that His Royal Highness is his fiancee, and he is also very guarded by words and deeds. The treasure in his mouth, mostly, mostly refers to His Royal Highness Feng Yang."

Xuyang XianJun asked Feng Yuyan: "Are you really breaking Feng Yang's spiritual roots, except for his spirituality?"

Feng Yuyan bowed his head and said nothing.

Xuyang XianJun yelled: "Speak! Are you dumb?!"

Feng Yuyan usually didn't dare to make trouble in front of his grandfather no matter how overbearing he was. He heard the words: "It's the rebellious son who insists on not giving the fairy grass! Otherwise, how could I put such a heavy hand?"

Xuyang XianJun said nothing, raising his hand is a heavy slap, "Slap!" Feng Yuyan's mouth saw blood: "You ungrateful stupid thing! If it weren't your original partner, you could have what you are today. Status? You still have the face to say that the fairy grass! Since the fairy grass is left by the banquet, it is naturally owned by Feng Yang, and you still want to use it in the next room? You are simply... come! Go get his Bring me Jishi and that Xiao Nianzhang!"

Feng Yuyan was a little anxious now: "Grandfather, what are you doing?"

Xuyang XianJun "huh!" he sat on the throne: "What do you do? Clean up the door! Although the blood of my god and phoenix clan is not as noble as the dragon clan, but it can't tolerate you so evil!"

Soon someone brought Chang Siwan and Fengxi over. Although the two of them were healed by Feng Yuyan at the moment, the broken spiritual roots could not be recovered, so they looked sad. Now he was called up to the main hall, and I don't know what happened. Seeing Feng Yuyan, Feng Xi jumped up and grabbed his sleeves, and asked with red eyes: "Father! Where is Feng Yang? Did you catch Feng Yang that bitch?!"

Where did Feng Yuyan dare to answer the conversation at this time, holding down the younger son's hand: "Shut up!"

Chang Siwan had never seen Xuyang XianJun, but seeing him sitting on the throne, Feng Yuyan didn't say anything, and knew that this must be a distinguished person. So she pulled at her son's clothes, and then stood quietly behind Feng Yuyan, and asked in a low voice: "Feng Wang, what's the matter if you sent someone to find a concubine?"

Feng Yuyan saw that she was soft and weak, compared with her sturdyness, which was really distressing, so she subconsciously protected her behind.

Xuyang XianJun didn't feel that the mother and son who came in had anything worthy of sympathy, and said coldly: "Yu Yan, since you gave Feng Yang two choices, I will let you choose one today. Either you beat the two of them back to their original form and drove them off the mortal world, or you go to the mortal world with them."

Chang Siwan immediately paled with fright, and put her arms around Feng Yuyan's arm: "Feng Wang?"

Feng Xi glared at Xuyang XianJun: "Where did the old guy come from? How dare my father make a choice!"

Xuyang XianJun snorted disdainfully, "Hum": "Things that can't be put on the table! Feng Yuyan! Hurry up! Have you seen the rain outside and it's endless?! Look at what you do! It's impossible that you will hurt the whole Feng Unlucky for the clan to follow you?!"

Feng Yuyan looked at Chang Siwan and Feng Xi as if thinking.

Chang Siwan was so frightened that she looked pale. If this is beaten back to its original form and driven off the mortal world, how can she have good fruit? ! She had worked hard for so many years before she had the opportunity to get from the mortal world to Fengtai Mountain. In order to lure Feng Yuyan, she didn't bother much.

Feng Xi was cut off from her spiritual roots. It was just when she was angry that she saw Xuyang XianJun being so persecuted, she immediately shouted: "It is not rained by my father, it is Feng Yang that bitch! If it weren't for him to seduce Come here with Mo TingXianJun, why is it raining here! You have the ability to go to them! You have a shit with us here!"

Xuyang XianJun: "Feng Yuyan, this is what you value? I don't have respect and ability and mediocre ability. I don't even deserve to lift Feng Yang shoes! When Feng Yang was born, I saw it with my own eyes, but your qualifications are not as good as you. He! It's fine if you don't take him seriously, you actually suppressed it. How did you promise me when I returned to the immortal world?! Did you protect Feng Yang like this? Do you know that he is my Feng Clan for all these years It's most likely to be a child of XianJun! It's fine now, if you make trouble like this, he will probably not come back!"

Feng Yuyan said heartily, it would be better if he could not come back. It is because he is stronger than me, who is an old man, and that strong momentum is exactly the same as his mother, so I want to suppress him.

But he can't say this now.

Xuyang XianJun said with a cold face: "It seems that you are interested. In that case, don't be the king for the time being. You can't even accommodate your own children, but who can you really accommodate? I'll deal with it. With these two, you can go to the back mountain and give me a thought!"

After saying that Feng Yuyan didn't say a word, Xuyang XianJun's expression was even colder: "What? Is it possible that you still want to accompany them to the world?"

Chang Siwan grasped Feng Yuyan tightly and said with tearful eyes: "Feng Wang, my concubine does not want to be separated from you."

However, Feng Yuyan knew that if he chose to go down to the earth with Jishi and his youngest son this time, he would never return to the throne in the future. He gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay to let them go to the mortal world, but please grandfather not to hurt them."

Chang Siwan knelt and sat on the ground with a "normal" sound, while Feng Xi roared, "Father, are you crazy?! I don't want to go to the mortal world!"

Xuyang XianJun couldn't stand a little pheasant in front of him, cast a spell on the spot, and beat Chang Siwan and Fengxi back to their original form. One of them became a pheasant with a rather bright coat color, and the other said that the phoenix was not a phoenix, and that it was a pheasant but not very similar, looking nondescript.

Feng Yuyan had never seen the true appearance of Jishi and his youngest son.

Xuyang XianJun said: "Send them to Feng Yang in a while, let Feng Yang decide. If they were not for their instigation, you might not insist on taking Feng Yang's fairy grass."

Chang Siwan and Feng Xi, who had become pheasants and little pheasants, were so scared that they circled Feng Yuyan immediately. Feng Yuyan glared at them silently and said nothing.

Never thought of going to see Jishi and his youngest son in their original form, because he never thought they would be beaten back to their original form. now...

Xuyang XianJun frowned. Although he really looked down on these two pheasants, Feng Yuyan's current reaction was disappointing enough. No wonder the status of the Feng clan has been declining in recent years. With such a selfish king, no one can go down.

"Lao Fengwang, are you leaving now?" Tai Li saw Xuyang XianJun collecting two chickens.

"Why don't you leave? Is it because it keeps raining here?" Xuyang XianJun stared at Feng Yuyan. "Things that don't grow, I've been away for less than 20 years. It's good for you, but nothing is done. Take me to shame with you! What are you still stunned? Don't you hurry up and apologize to Feng Yang with me!"

"Why should I apologize to him? He is a junior!" Feng Yuyan quit.

"Junior? The junior in your mouth is about to become XianJun! You stupid thing! Mo TingXianJun! Is that something you can provoke? I am more than five hundred years older than him. I see He has to worship it! Bastard!" Xuyang XianJun bitterly opened the door and began to think about whether Fengtai Mountain should let Feng Yuyan continue to manage it.

But in the mortal world, several days have passed, Feng Yang and Ban Yu returned to the bodies of mortal Xiao Feng Yang and mortal Ban Yu.

Because Xiao Feng Yang performed very well in the underworld, he could reincarnate immediately, and the mortal Ban Yu had successfully cast a new fetus, so after discussing with Feng Yang, Ban Yu decided to stay in the earth for a few more months. For them, life is almost limitless, and it doesn't matter where they have been these months. Then when they are about to leave, find a suitable time for those who should forget them to forget them.

As for now, let's talk about it if you have enough fun!

The sports meet has already begun. Today, with Feng Yang's open performance, Wenyi of Senior Two has achieved excellent results in multiple projects. At this time, Zhou Xuan and Wang Wei are studying where to celebrate in the evening.

"Feng Yang is the protagonist, let Feng Yang speak." Zhou Xuan said, "Today he is a great hero."

"Sorry, I have already made an appointment with Ban Yu to go to the hot springs." Feng Yang said, "I will go another day, when the sports meeting is over, we will go again. I will invite you when the time comes."

"Are you going to Sihailong Palace?" Wang Wei asked. Going to the hot springs reminds me of this place, after all, they have all been there, and this Sihailong Palace belongs to Ban Yu again.

"Yeah." Feng Yang did not deny either, "Speaking of which he still asked me to get you something." Feng Yang took out his pants pocket, took out four golden cards, and sent one to his hand.

"What?" Guan Jinfei was curious.

"There are only four bath cards for the Sihai Dragon Palace, and they are completely free within three months." Feng Yang said, "you can use it for your family. Although there is only one for each person, Ban Yu said, you can take your family with you. , It's free, as long as you show this card."

"That's okay?!" Wang Wei felt that this gift was a bit expensive, after all, the consumption of Sihailong Palace was not low.

"Yes." Feng Yang said with a smile, "If not, I will help you beat him."

"It's really a person who has the power, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!" Guan Jinfei sighed, "My brother, righteousness!"

"Feng Yang, honestly, you and the eldest brother..." The squad leader looked around and saw that there were no outsiders, "What is the matter with you and the eldest brother? Don't blame me for talking too much, we took this thing, but all the consumption is you People's favor, so you have to know."

"I promised to be with him." Feng Yang said, "If you feel nothing, we will be the same in the future. If you feel uncomfortable, then we will be ordinary classmates again."

Monitor, Zhou Xuan, Wang Wei, Guan Jinfei: "..."

Feng Yang glanced at the four dumbfounded, picked up the jackets hung on the basketball hoop, smiled and went to find Ban Yu. He and Ban Yu will not deliberately hide what they do when they are not together, even more so when they are together. He now goes to the supermarket to eat and drink every day. Anyway, in Ban Yu's words, they are all owned by their own.

The squad leader suddenly shouted at the back: "Feng Yang!"

Feng Yang turned his head: "What are you doing?"

Wang Wei said: "Did you almost have something to do!"

The other three focus on their heads.

Feng Yang: "What's the matter?"

Guan Jinfei said: "Don't you have to invite dinner if you leave the order?!"

Zhou Xuan: "Right! Where's the rice?"

Feng Yang laughed: "Keep up, how can I please if I don't keep up?!"

Four young men happily and happily ran over to join Feng Yang, and finally went to the Sihai Dragon Palace to eat a buffet, and then went to the hot springs. I didn't watch the movie this time, so the time was nearly three hours earlier than the previous one, but after tossing down the day at the sports meeting and then soaking in the hot spring, several people were tired and drowsy.

Upon seeing this, Ban Yu rushed them back to the guest room, and then took Feng Yang back to their bedroom. As soon as the two people closed the door, the spirit body floated out of the body and returned to their original body. They could not wait to hug each other, caress roughly, kiss each other hard, as if they had been separated for centuries.

Actually, I didn't share the same room for a day.

Ban Yu's favorite thing to do now is probably to take off Feng Yang's clothes. Every time his fingertips touch Feng Yang's soft and delicate skin, he feels that he is in a particularly good mood, especially when he thinks of leaving a mark on Feng Yang. And his own taste...

The warm big hand eagerly lifted the red robe, but when it was about to join, there was a spectacular knock on the door.

Xuyang XianJun said: "XianJun, Xiao Xiante brought Ni Sun over to make up for it."

Ban Yu curled the corners of his lips when he heard the words and entered in spite of Feng Yang's anti-contrast. Then he picked up Feng Yang and walked to the door: "Then pay, I and Yangyang will listen."

Xuyang XianJun glared at Feng Yuyan next to him: "What are you still trying to do, talk!"

Feng Yuyan hadn't dealt with Feng Yang for so many years, and had never shown weakness. If he was wrong, he could easily say it, so he kept his neck silent for a long time.

Ban Yu was not in a hurry, he leaned against the wall and rubbed Feng Yang's body lightly, admiring Feng Yang's expression of frying and embarrassed shouting. Bad bad.

Feng Yang gasped in a low voice and asked, "Who is outside, outside?"

Ban Yu smiled and said, "Your grandfather and Feng Yuyan."

Feng Yang: "!!!"

In the next second, Xuyang XianJun only heard a painful cry of "Woo~~~~" from the room!

Five minutes later, the door opened, and two figures, one white and one red, sat on the sofa, one with a red face, and the other seemed to be annoyed by not being satisfied.

Needless to say, Ban Yu is certainly the one who is not full. He stared at Feng Yuyan angrily: "Wang Wang doesn't seem willing?"

Feng Yuyan has Feng Yang's heart of a thousand swordsmanship, but he has to suppress his anger: "Little god dare not."

Ban Yu said: "Let's talk about it, what to do."

Feng Yuyan: "The little god has eyes but doesn't know Taishan. He had offended XianJun before. Today I am here to apologize to XianJun. I hope Master XianJun will not remember the villain."

Ban Yu laughed: "It's not me that you offend, right?"

Feng Yuyan gritted his teeth: "Feng Yang, Father did not take enough care of you before, and some things were not handled properly. In the future, Father will definitely pay attention."

Feng Yang Liangliang "heh" said: "The relationship between father and son is severed, where is the father?" After saying that, he respectfully said to Xuyang XianJun: "Feng Yang thanks my grandfather, but Feng Yang currently has no intention of returning to Fengtai Mountain. After he has finished acting, please take him back. He said that he is not tired and I am tired."

Xuyang XianJun sighed: "The Feng Clan still needs you. Think about your mother and queen."

Feng Yang nodded.

Xuyang XianJun said: "Then I will take him back first. If there is anything in the future, you can find your grandfather."

Feng Yang glanced at Ban Yu: "Okay."

Ban Yu stared at the two pheasants beside Feng Yuyan straight, but he didn't say anything. Xuyang XianJun saw that they didn't mention it, thinking that he should be disdainful to mention it, so he didn't say much. He took Feng Yuyan and left the living room and said, "After I go back, I have been thinking about it when I want to understand and when I will come out again."

Feng Yuyan not only said nothing, but also mocked: "It's just a sordid thing for Israel to serve people. I really don't understand what Mo TingXianJun values ​​him..."

Damn it!

Before Feng Yuyan finished speaking, he fell from the same place. The black hole suddenly appeared under his feet sucked him away. As for where it fell, Xuyang XianJun has no idea.

Xuyang XianJun looked at the two trembling pheasants on the ground with a complicated expression: "You are really doing your own things and can't live."

Ban Yu's voice came from the room: "One year in the mortal world, one day in the gods. I stay in Feng Yuyan for ten days, presumably Xuyang XianJun won't mind?"

No matter how stupid Xuyang XianJun is, he can't regard these ten days as ten days in the mortal world. He heard the words: "Naturally not. Feng Yuyan has nothing to say, Lao XianJun strictly disciplines them. As for these two chickens..."

Ban Yu shouted: "Yan Liu?"

Yan Liu appeared next to Xuyang XianJun at the right time and stuffed two pheasants into the bamboo cage.

Xuyang XianJun didn't say a word, opened the door and went straight back to Fengtai Mountain. Seeing the sky of Fengtai Mountain was clearing, he was finally relieved.

The next day, Wang Wei, Guan Jinfei and others went to the table—they had eaten buffet before, and this was a formal treat for dinner. Wang Wei saw a plate of chicken stewed with mushrooms: "Hey, is this chicken? How does it feel different from what you used to eat?"

The monitor said: "I think too. It seems more fragrant than chicken."

Ban Yu smiled and said, "Pheasant, eat it, make up for it."

Wang Wei and the monitor were not polite. You chopsticks and chopsticks, quickly let a plate of small pheasant stewed mushrooms see the bottom.

Feng Yang watched them eat deliciously, turned his head to look at Ban Yu, and whispered: "You... did you deliberately let Feng Yuyan go? Then he went to Xuyang XianJun again. It was expected that Xuyang XianJun would bring Feng. Does Yuyan come over and pay us, Feng Yuyan would be rude to me?"

Ban Yu looked wronged: "How come? Your husband, am I such a bad person?"

Feng Yang: "..." Are you not?

Feng Yang: "By the way, where did you shut Feng Yuyan?"

Ban Yu: "I will tell you when I have finished my remaining savings!"