Chapter 45 - Birthplace 1

There are few things in this world that the Nine Heavens Profound Fire can't burn, and Ban Yu can't extinguish it with ordinary water, don't mention how anxious it is along the way. Later, after he caught up with Feng Yang, he forced Feng Yang to go to the bathroom together. The two went into the compartment and set up a barrier. After looking down, the egg skins were all red!

Ban Yu gasped exaggeratedly: "Baby, you are too cruel! Are you going to murder your husband?!"

Feng Yang smiled and said, "Who told you to ignore me?"

Ban Yu used his aura to recover well: "Okay, huh? See how I clean up you at night!"

Feng Yang snapped his fingers, and a new little flame appeared at his fingertips: "Are you sure? I actually don't mind having grilled dragon eggs for lunch, the ones that are tender on the outside and tender on the inside..."

Ban Yu didn't wait for Feng Yang to finish speaking, and immediately kissed the person in his arms, like punishment.

Feng Yang did not refuse either. He put his arms around Ban Yu's back, raised his neck slightly, and let Ban Yu's kiss gradually move down. He has recognized Ban Yu, so he is so close to him. But this does not mean that he will be led by the nose. Their whole life is uncertain where they will go, and they are not gone after decades like the human world, so they can't be counseled, they must learn to respect each other.

How about going to XianJun? Before going to XianJun, he was his future husband first.

Anyway, this is an old fairy dragon, and it doesn't burn out, just as fun.

Ban Yu feels hotter the more he kisses, but it is not convenient to do anything here. Although he has set up a barrier, it's just that others can't hear him and Feng Yang's voice, and they won't open the door of the compartment where they are, but they can hear the outside sound. It is too horrible to use the sound of someone else's hand as the background sound of affection.

So Ban Yu stopped and pinched Feng Yang's ears: "Dare to do this next time, so that you won't come to bed for three days!"

Feng Yang smiled and licked his lips, and said unconsciously: "Afraid of you?"

Ban Yu hugged the person again and kissed hard, kissed Feng Yang until Feng Yang's mouth was swollen before letting go, and then took him for a teleport, and when he got home, he pressed Feng Yang on the plane tree.

The sound of tearing cloth came from the room...

&&& &&&

Feng Yang has no projects in the afternoon. He had to report for the 5,000-meter long run and the high jump, but when he finished the project, everyone found that he had reported too much, so Zhou Xuan and the squad leader took them separately. He didn't have to participate in this, he didn't care.

At this moment Zhou Xuan was going to prepare for a long-distance run, and Feng Yang sat in the viewing seat to blow the air. This day is getting warmer and warmer, and the wind is hot on the body, especially at about two o'clock, when the sun is basking, the heat flows up to the body one after another, and it is so comfortable that people almost fall asleep. .

Feng Yang instinctively exposed himself to the sun, with his arm resting on his arm, half of his face facing the sun, a fair face without blemishes, and his skin was as good as a newborn baby.

After a few days of the sports meeting, it was obvious that everyone was tanned, just like him before the sports meeting, what is it now.

"Feng Yang, do you really use no skin care products?" He Tingting was almost turning into lemon essence. She uses a lot of sunscreen every day! Why is she more than three colors darker than Feng Yang now!

"...Does the facial cleanser count?" Feng Yang opened an eyelid, "If it doesn't count, it's not necessary." Ban Yu did it, saying that the face of a mortal should be washed with facial cleanser.

"Then you won't feel dry after washing without skin care products?" This was asked by the academic committee. Although she is not as exaggerated as He Tingting, she is also curious about how Feng Yang's skin is made, how it is always in such a good state, it never grows acne, it is not oily, and it is not dry. It is really just like the advertisement. P's face is the same, even better than that. She often sees Feng Yang eating fried food and drinking hot milk. Isn't she afraid of getting angry? The real name is sour.

"My brother Yang is naturally beautiful." Wang Wei said next to him, "what kind of skin care products do he use? He beats a bunch of small meats without washing his face!"

"Fortunately, Feng Yang is not a girl, otherwise we might have a way to survive." The academic committee wore an anti-ultraviolet hat and couldn't help but look at Feng Yang for a long time. She couldn't say why, and she felt that Feng Yang in the afternoon was more lazy than Feng Yang in the morning, and she was particularly seductive? !

"Ah! It's boring. What time does the five thousand preliminaries start?" The Academic Committee hurriedly packed up the thoughts in his mind. She, a girl who has never been in a relationship, can actually make up for Feng Yang and the class boss to do this and that, it is too shameful!

"It's half past three," said the monitor. "By the way, where are you going on May Day?"

"I won't go anywhere this year. I just go out to see people. It's better to rest at home and review by the way." The academic committee said, "I guess it would be good if I can finish my homework. Are you going out?"

A group of people shook their heads irreverently.

The third year of high school is coming soon, and the more you learn later, the tighter you will be. Just playing around for a day and a half is a big welfare category.

Feng Yang didn't plan to go out either. If he met Ban Yu before, he might consider going out and find a place with plenty of energy to stay for a few days, but now he can't be with Ban Yu no matter where he goes, so it doesn't make much sense to not go out. At present, his spiritual roots have been restored with the help of Ban Yu, and he will be able to absorb the spiritual energy on his own in a short while, and then he will have time to find a way to go to places with sufficient spiritual energy.

"Feng Yang what are you laughing at?" Guan Jinfei happened to be on the left side of Feng Yang, Feng Yang was lying on the left side again, so Feng Yang smiled and Guan Jinfei saw it.

"Nothing." I originally thought that it would take several decades to stay in the mortal world to get another chance to ascend. Now it seems that it won't take long, so Feng Yang is in a good mood and wants to laugh involuntarily.

"Hey speaking of it, why did the noon brother yell and run after you?" Wang Wei said, "You didn't do anything to him?"

"He has a convulsion." Feng Yang glanced at the direction of the supermarket and said with a smile: "I didn't see that he didn't come out this afternoon? I feel ashamed."

In fact, the main reason was that he didn't have any projects in the afternoon. Ban Yu didn't need to cheer for him. He didn't come out because it was not easy to say anything intimate to him when sitting in their class. There is also Yan staying here, it seems to be looking for Ban Yu for something.

Feng Yang happened to run into Lin Jingyun at the time, and Lin Jingyun looked for him, but he could not go with Ban Yu.

Lin Jingyun approached Feng Yang to ask Feng Yang about the college entrance examination in advance, because Xiao Feng Yang had been preparing to take the college entrance examination in the second year of high school before, so she finished all the exams for the exam and did the preparations. Lin Jingyun wants to hear Feng Yang's opinion. Feng Yang's learning attitude after the incident of jumping from a building seems to be different from before, not to say that she did not learn well. In fact, she seems to have learned better than at that time, but she does not have the positive energy of that time, so she Not sure if he is still planning to take the sophomore exam.

Feng Yang said that he was still taking the test, so Lin Jingyun asked him to fill out a form, and then told him about other things, and also mentioned Ban Yu.

Maybe recently the "Relationship between Ban Yu and Feng Yang" has been spread a little bit, and it has also passed into Lin Jingyun's ears.

Feng Yang felt relieved when Lin Jingyun said to him earnestly, "Remember to not affect your study". At this time, new information came from the mobile phone.

Ben Dagou: Are you sure you have no projects today and tomorrow?

Feng: Yes, what's wrong?

Ben Dagou: I have a little nephew who is about to be born, and I want to help. I want to take you to have a look.

Feng: ...Which nephew?

Big dog: what do you think?

It seems inconvenient to talk on the phone!

If it's a mortal nephew, obviously Ban Yu has nothing to help, so Ban Yu is mostly talking about the dragon's nephew.

The four tribes have their own birthplaces, which are specially used for the birth of children in the tribe, such as the grass forest in Fengtai Mountain and the Baiyutan of the Dragon tribe. However, the children of the Feng tribe do not need any special help when they are born, because they are born relatively smoothly. Unlike the children of the dragon tribe, they have to go through a catastrophe at birth, and the level of the crossing depends on the children's abilities. different.

Feng Yang also learned from his mother's mouth before. When the children of the Dragon clan were born, they had to overcome the catastrophe, so those capable elders who were able to help would all guard together, in order to keep the new life safe. Born.

Since it's a nephew, Ban Yu is an elder, so there is nothing wrong with it. The question is to let him go with him?

Feng Yang found an excuse to go to the supermarket to find Ban Yu: "If you are busy, you can go back first, and I won't go. I don't seem to be able to help much if I go, and it might add to the chaos."

Ban Yu smiled and said, "What's the mess? Are you thinking too much?"

Feng Yang hesitated and said, "Most of my birthplaces are people of my own clan who can enter, and I don't have a spirituality now, and I can't pass through the gate. I will definitely trouble you to go."

Ban Yu said: "When you stay with me, you can be regarded as a member of our clan. As for the boundary gate, where I am afraid that I will not be able to go? You are too underestimated by your husband. Go, just treat it as a slip. It's a little bit. By the way, I can get familiar with the birthplace of the dragon clan. After all, in the future..."

Feng Yang asked: "What's next?"

Ban Yu laughed: "What do you mean?"

Mo TingXianJun is not the only child of the Mo family, but the only son, and the only nine-clawed golden dragon born with god-level spiritual power in the history of the dragon clan.

Among the four tribes, only the Dragon tribe is divided into four parts: East, West, South and North. Mo TingXianJun is the prince of the East Sea Dragon Clan, the head of the quarter, so you can imagine how much Dragon Clan expects him.

In Yanliu's words, when his family XianJun just turned 30, the old dragon king and the queen began to urge him to get married, but in a blink of an eye they were more than three hundred years old. Yes, my hair is going white. If this is to let them know that they will have a daughter-in-law, they might be so happy.

Feng Yang suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he heard this. Why did it feel like he couldn't come back after this trip? ? ?