Chapter 47 - Birthplace 3

There are very few children in the Mo family. In addition to Ban Yu, Ban Yu's generation is also his three sisters. His sisters had a lot of children after they got married, but none of them had the last name Mo. When these children find companions and have children, the surnames will be even more varied, so when they are introduced to Feng Yang, they really have surnames.

Fortunately, Feng Yang has a good memory, otherwise dozens of people are of different generations, so he must have a mess.

"These are people who come here often, and there are a lot of people who are usually busy and didn't come. I will take you to meet again if I have the opportunity." Ban Yu took Feng Yang and sat down at the banquet pavilion and said.

"You should tell me earlier that you have so many junior relatives, so that I can prepare a meeting ceremony before I come." Feng Yang whispered to Ban Yu very quietly, "They are either called uncle grandpa or cousin, I will sit It's too embarrassing to work here."

"Anyway, they don't lack anything. If you don't send it, don't send it. In truth, you are smaller than them. If you want to send it, they should send you." Ban Yu grabbed Feng Yang's hand and whispered to him. .

"Is this a question of lack?" Feng Yang stared.

"What do you want to do? What do you want to give away?" The old shameless feeling of whispering to someone he likes in full view is very addictive, and he hasn't finished talking.

"Ahem!" The Queen of Dragon smiled and coughed slightly, "Look at these two children, so many people, they have whispered."

"Yes. According to me, just take advantage of Mo Ting's return this time and settle his marriage." Queen Xilong came with her son and daughter-in-law this time, and said with a smile when she saw him, "It saves him a blink of an eye. I don't know where I am going, I can't even catch it."

"Cousin Mo Ting, you haven't seen how much your aunt is looking forward to holding her grandson. Now she has to stand there and watch for a long time when she catches a child." The little girl who said that the old dragon eats the phoenix chick laughed and said, "You want Work harder. We in Xihai now have the 25th generation eldest grandson, and your Donghai card will stop in the 20th generation. You can't do that."

Ban Yu propped his chin with one hand and looked at Feng Yang: "I want to be faster, but it doesn't count if I only say this."

Feng Yang: ...what do you think of me! When you see me, everyone else is looking at me too!

Feng Yang lowered his head to drink tea, pretending not to hear what Ban Yu and his cousin said. Although he is more outgoing, he is still a little embarrassed to talk about childbirth in front of so many people, especially with so many elders present. He did this with Ban Yu in advance because he likes Ban Yu, but having children is another matter. He hadn't considered these at all before he met Ban Yu. Don't talk about who you have children with, just who you are with and who you like. I haven't thought about it.

He has been very lonely since the death of his mother, and he has never thought about love matters.

Ban Yu shook his head lightly at the family, beckoning everyone to stop talking. The cousin saw that she put her hands together and made an apologetic expression, thinking she had said something that shouldn't be said.

Ban Yu waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, and then patted comfortably on Feng Yang's hand: "Are you scared?"

Feng Yang said: "No. I just think there are some can go with the flow."

Ban Yu raised his eyebrows: "Oh? For example, what questions?"

Feng Yang: "..." Do you want to fight!

Ban Yu saw that if this was continued, it was estimated that the little daughter-in-law would have blown up her hair, so he quickly smiled and said, "Okay, I won't tease you." After speaking, he whispered again: "Don't worry, you are not ready yet. No one can force you."

Feng Yang tilted his head, as if asking with his eyes: Really?

Ban Yu smiled, hooked Feng Yang's little finger with his little finger, and kidnapped him childishly.

After playing this, the people in the pavilion did not mention marriage and childbirth again, and the woman who played the "mourning" piano did not show up. The Dragon Queen asked people to take some spiritual fruits, and the whole family talked and laughed about the little life that was about to be born.

Those who can sit here don't need to eat, and eating is just to satisfy the taste buds or to add aura. There are no whole grains here, they are all kinds of fairy fruits. Feng Yang also took a spirit fruit, a kind of green, which looked like grapes, but there were only six fruits on each bunch.

I haven't seen it in Fengtai Mountain before.

Ban Yu picked a grain and put it to Feng Yang's mouth: "This thing is called Fushan Biyu, which is actually a kind of grape in the fairy world. I brought it here when I came back last time, but I didn't expect there to be any. Keep it fresh."

Feng Yang took Ban Yu's feeding, bit into his mouth and tasted it, and found that it was fragrant and sweet, so he couldn't help picking another one.

Ban Yu said: "If it is delicious, you will have enough in the future. There will be more in the mountains behind our own house."

Feng Yang looked at Ban Yu suspiciously: "Our own home?"

Ban Yu smiled and said, "Is it the fairy house for your husband? Not only do you have this kind of grapes, you also know. What you have eaten before are all grown up in the forests of our back mountain. You don't think they are. All of them are very big, and the meat is fragrant? Tell you, our back mountain is full of gardens. I can blow up as many as you want."

Feng Yang: "..."

Feng Yang tried to eat milk before pretending that he hadn't heard it, but when he ate Fushan Biyu, he obviously didn't enjoy it as much as before, and his heart was already flying.

Ban Yu wanted to seduce Feng Yang from the beginning, but now he deeply doubts whether in Feng Yang's heart he is better than a Zhi Zhi!

He decided not to fry Feng Yang until he figured out the problem.

Ling Duo got up at this moment and said, "Grandpa, grandma, grandson wants to go to Baiyutan to see if my little grandpa is born."

The Dragon Queen said: "Go, your little grandfather is probably a lazy boy, and he refuses to come out after all this is over."

Ling Duo smiled: "Mrs. Uncle, Grandpa Yang, are you going?"

Ban Yu asked Feng Yang: "Do you want to see it?"

Feng Yang nodded. Ban Yu pulled him up and flew towards Bai Yutan with Ling Duo and two other cousins.

The birthplace of Fengtai Mountain is a large forest of bamboo grasses, and the birthplace of Panlong Mountain is a large cold lake, the kind that can't see the end at a glance. White mist floats on this cold pool all year round. If you are not familiar with the terrain here, you might fall into it if you come. Feng Yang was held by Ban Yu all the way, naturally there was no such trouble, but he was still taken aback when he saw Hantan. I saw a pure white female dragon lying in the cold pool, twisting uncomfortably.

This female dragon is Mo TingXianJun's eldest sister, Mo Ling. Feng Yang roughly estimated that she must be at least sixty to seventy meters in length, and it may take two people to hug each other. And beside her, there was a male blue dragon who was gently rubbing her neck with his huge head. Immediately he used a loud, rough voice that is not an ordinary person: "But is Mo Ting here?"

Ban Yu squatted down by the pond at this time: "Yes, big brother-in-law, the little nephew is about to be born, can I be an uncle?"

Qinglong sighed: "I feel at ease when you come. My little five is too lazy and will not come out in time. I am worried that he will get worse if he does not come out."

Ban Yu said: "Don't worry about your elder brother-in-law, I will protect my nephew from birth safely.

Qinglong nodded, and looked at Feng Yang for a while: "This is..."

Ban Yu smiled and said, "My unqualified daughter-in-law, his name is Feng Yang, she is a little Phoenix." Ban Yu said to Feng Yang: "They are the eldest sister and the eldest brother-in-law. The eldest sister Mo Ling, the eldest sister-in-law is Xihai Hongjian Prince."

Qinglong saw at a glance that Feng Yang was not a dragon, but when he heard that he was a little Phoenix, he was still taken aback. He has been worrying about his wife and unborn child recently, and he hasn't paid much attention to other things. He didn't expect his brother-in-law to find an alien partner. This is very rare in any race.

Feng Yang laughed and said, "Feng Yang has met his elder sister and brother-in-law."

Qinglong floated slowly: "My younger brother's wife is polite. I wonder how many years my younger brother's wife is?"

Feng Yang: "..." Why do you want to ask this question!

Ban Yu still had a thicker skin, and said with a smile: "He is only going to be twenty years old, a little guy. I used a sack to cheat."

Feng Yang stunned Ban Yu, and smiled awkwardly.

Ban Yu found that Feng Yang's expression was not very good, so he talked to Hong Jian and Mo Ling, and took Feng Yang to sit down on a small stone platform not far away. He asked Feng Yang in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Feng Yang said, "Do you want to transform into the original form when your dragons give birth to offspring?"

Ban Yu said: "It depends on the child. If the child is not of high level, he will be born in human form. If the level is high, such as your husband and me, he was born in the original form. This is just the opposite of your Feng clan. Huh?"

Feng Yang nodded and frowned unconsciously: "Then your tribe must give birth in the cold lake?"

Ban Yu smiled and said, "Mostly yes. But don't worry, you will depend on you wherever you live."

Feng Yang got up and walked in the direction he was coming and going. This topic is so maddening. Let's not talk about whether the dragon and the phoenix are born together, just say this birth... he had never thought about it before! ! ! In their clan, they were not born in the form of human beings. Oops.

Feng Yang was quite curious when he came, but seeing Mo Ling writhing uncomfortably in the cold pool, his heart was a little confused. However, God seemed to want him to go through this process. Before he could go far, a sky thunder struck down. There was a "bang", deafening, and then there were bursts of pain in Baiyutan.

Ban Yu pushed Feng Yang to his cousin without even thinking about it: "Zilin, take care of it for your brother first."

The cousin named Zilin said: "Don't worry, cousin!"

Ban Yu rushed to Bai Yutan without even thinking about it, and people from other tribes also rushed. They didn't get too close, only Ban Yu jumped up forcefully, transformed into the original shape, and hovered over Bai Yutan.

A golden dragon with a length of several white meters leaned up to the sky with a long roar, covering the dark clouds that gathered at an extremely fast speed.

This is the first time that Feng Yang has seen Ban Yu itself...
