Chapter 53 - Escape plan

Anything abnormal is a demon. Feng Yang ate another portion of Dongpo meat, which filled his stomach to 80% full, and began to seriously think about his abnormality at the moment. He has liked eating Zhizhi since he was a child, and he didn't like to eat vegetarian food, but he has never eaten as much meat as he does now. If this happened slowly, it would be nice to say, but it happened suddenly.

He just slept and woke up like this, which is too strange.

Mo Ting also found it strange, but he knew that this change was not overnight, but after more than half a month of sleep, so he couldn't help but think about other places. such as...

Mr. XianJun dropped his gaze on Feng Yang's lower abdomen, then turned to Feng Yang's face, and then back to Feng Yang's lower abdomen.

"What do you see in my stomach?" Feng Yang turned to the side uncomfortably, always feeling that Mo Ting's eyes were strange.

"Baby, do you have any other feelings besides wanting to eat meat?"

"Other feelings?" Feng Yang thought for a while and said, "I feel like I slept for a long time."

"Ah, this is fine." Mo Ting looked at Feng Yang's stomach intently, "For example, nausea, vomiting, or tired, do you?"

"No." Feng Yang shook his head, "I'm hungry." Very hungry.

Waking up after sleeping for more than half a month, it should be normal to be hungry...but I can't say that. Mo Ting thought for a while: "It's also possible that the appetite has changed because of the new environment. Let's observe again, if this is only this time, there should be no problem. If you continue to want to eat meat, then... Then we may have to be careful Some, what if it's Xiao Mo Ting or Xiao Yang Yang?"

Feng Yang looked down and said, "Should not be? I don't have any other feelings."

Whether it is a god or an immortal, the process of pregnancy is different from that of a mortal. Mortals are a love between men and women. After sperm meets an egg, they form a baby in a woman's womb, while gods and immortals rely on spiritual energy to give birth. Although there is also a physical body, there is a spiritual body first and then a physical body. And because of this, even though he and Mo Ting are both men, they can give birth to offspring.

The problem is that if there is a strange aura in his body, he should notice it, but he doesn't feel it.

Because of this, Mo Ting felt that Feng Yang should not be pregnant, but Feng Yang suddenly didn't like eating Zhizhi, and wanted to eat big fish and meat, which was really strange.

"Forget it, I don't want to. Didn't you say to go with the flow before?" Feng Yang took the skewers of roasted venison, "Let's go, it's better to go out for a round when you have this time."

"Okay, listen to you." Mo Ting directly carried the food box to Feng Yang, "Speak up, what do you want to see first? It's really not a big talk for your husband, we have everything here. "

"Go and plant that thin moon phoenix tree first?" Feng Yang said, "The one you gave me." Although this kind of tree can live for a long time even if it is out of the soil, it will still be able to absorb it without aura for a long time. dead.

"Alright, I will show you around to see where to plant it."

Mo Ting was very happy that Feng Yang had slept for so long and woke up and remembered the tree he sent, so he took Feng Yang to the largest garden in his fairy house to take a look. Before Feng Yang came, there were only four people living in his immortal mansion. In addition to him and Yanliu, there was one who served flowers and plants and one was a messenger. But regardless of the number of people, the place is huge.

Feng Yang found that he couldn't see his head at a glance, and the garden that Mo Ting said should not be called "garden", but "flower field"...

The fairy flowers and grasses all over the mountains and plains, with a faint spirit flowing around them, and butterflies dancing lightly among the flowers.

When Feng Yang and Mo Ting walked past, two butterflies with large palms and Jin Hui fell on their shoulders. The red and royal blue wide-sleeved robes were lined by the big golden swallowtail butterfly, and the two unrelated pieces of clothing were directly transformed into couples' clothes. The couple's dress is simple and luxurious, as if they were born to be a pair.

Feng Yang smiled and said, "These two little things are spiritual."

Mo Ting said: "No, I have been here so many times over the years and I haven't seen any one fall on me. They fall when you come, and they are still in pairs. This must be a good sign."

Feng Yang put his hand to his shoulder, and the female butterfly fell on his fingertips. Mo Ting did the same when he saw it, and led the butterfly to the tip of his finger, and then he took the tip of the finger to Feng Yang's lightly...

The butterfly flew again, but did not move away from them, but circled around them and flew slowly.

When Mo Ting saw this, he untied the Qiankun bag, thinking about taking out the thin moon phoenix tree. Feng Yang looked at the pair of butterflies but said, "Don't plant the phoenix tree here. It's good now."

Mo Ting thought about it, it's okay to plant one or two trees. If you want to make a sycamore forest, you really have to shovel out a large part of the flowers and plants here. It's a pity, so he put his mind on the bag again : "Okay, then let's change the place."

So the couple walked out of the flower field leisurely with a "little yellow tail". At the same time, the thin moon phoenix tree in Qiankun's bag was "very relieved." Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man's voice with contempt suddenly sounded in the dark and dull Qiankun bag.

"Oh, others want to go out but can't get out, but you are fine, you are actually afraid of going out."

"Who, who are you?!" Ye Xinlan asked in horror.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what is important is that I hate Feng Yang as much as you!" The man grinds his teeth.

"You eavesdropped on me?!"

"Eavesdropping? There is no soundproofing in this Qiankun bag. How can you eavesdrop? According to me, you have time to think about it, so you might as well think about how you can go out without being spotted." The man snorted coldly. Not a tree demon?"

"of course not!"

"Then how could you be locked in here?"

"What does this have to do with you?!" Ye Xinlan didn't want to mention it.

Of course she is not a tree demon, not only is she not a tree demon, she is not even a demon. She is an upright child of the fairy family. Although the cultivation base is not high, and all his family members are no longer alive, this cannot be denied.

If it wasn't for Mo TingXianJun...

Thinking of Mo Ting, Ye Xinlan couldn't help feeling sad again. When she saw Mo Ting for the first time more than 20 years ago, she put him in the bottom of her heart. From then on, she had only one wish to marry Mo Ting. Although this wish has not been fulfilled for many years, no one else has appeared around Mo Ting. She was able to live in Panyun Mountain because of her brother's trust. She has seen Mo Ting more often than others. She thought that as time passed, she could always impress that person, how could she have wanted to kill Feng Yang halfway!

In the past, the Mo family obviously thought that one day she might become the Mo family's daughter-in-law, but after knowing Feng Yang, Feng Yang is always longer than Feng Yang. That was clearly a boy, how come it caught Mo TingXianJun's eyes!

"What's the use of you being angry with yourself here?" The man said in a tone of hatred for iron and steel, "Think about how to drive Feng Yang out of your sweetheart."

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Ye Xinlan said stiffly.

"Don't understand? Humph, then it seems that you want Feng Yang to live with your sweetheart."

"I didn't!" Ye Xinlan shouted loudly. After roaring, he probably felt that his emotions were a little out of control, so he turned his head severely.

Intellectually, she knew she should stop here, but emotionally she was really hard to give up. So when she accidentally learned of Mo TingXianJun's residence in the mortal world from the conversation between the princess and Yanliu, she couldn't help but sneaked into the mortal world.

She originally planned to find a chance to have a good talk with Mo Ting, but Mo Ting went out with Feng Yang when she came back. She was looking for a place suitable for hiding, when she suddenly found that the thin moon sycamore that Mo Ting raised in the world had the smell of Mo Ting, and she simply attached it. Later, Mo Ting came back, but he still followed the annoying Feng Yang!

So she chose to continue hiding between showing up and continuing to hide. She was worried that after Mo Ting returned to Xianting, she would not be able to meet him again. If she could be taken to Xianting, it would be better.

But when she was about to be released, she was a little timid again.

She had successfully concealed her aura with the magical device that her parents gave her when she was alive, but this thing could not be used frequently. If she goes out this time, she will most likely be discovered, and it will be difficult for her to stay in Xian Ting.

"I have a way to make Feng Yang leave this world, and you can also reach your sweetheart." The man said, "But I have one condition, do you want to listen?"

"Oh, I don't even know who you are, how can I trust you?" Ye Xinlan asked.

"Pop!" The man snapped his fingers, and a wisp of Nine Heavens Profound Fire instantly illuminated his face, but who was it if it wasn't Feng Yuyan? !