Chapter 9

We are outside of the restaurant bidding each other goodbye. We learned that Ms. Kate and Sir Nicer were a couple for a year now. Sir Nicer is a Chemistry teacher. We idolize him as he teaches in a simple way and we understand every lesson even if it is a hard topic due to his amazing strategies. We learn to love Chemistry through him. And I may say that they have chemistry for each other. Physics and Chemistry tandem is so amazingly breathtaking combinations as a field of love for them.

I am currently calling Marielle if she wants me to fetch her, After some rings, she finally answered.

" Cath, how was your victory treat?" Marielle asked curiously.

"It was fun. Want me to fetch you?" I asked her while observing the streets of the restaurant. I feel kind of odd. Something is pulling me in a certain direction.

"Nah, no need. We need to practice overtime today. You go home first. I'll just text you if I arrived home." I ended the call. As curiosity strikes me, I walked in the direction where I don't know where it leads. After many turns and straights, I arrived in a porridge cart. I slowly walk towards it and observe. I sat at one of its chairs and looked for something odd.

"Hello dear customer, want a bowl of porridge?" The elderly asked with her genuine smile.

"One bowl please," I asked politely. She immediately prepared it while I continue to observe the surroundings and the cart itself. I am planning to taste the porridge while I will observe what is that something odd that I felt that lead me to this cart. I am full due to the dishes of Sir Jacob's restaurant. Maybe a couple of spoonfuls of porridge will do.

" What are you looking for, dear child?" The elderly asked. I can only see her back as she is preparing the bowl of porridge. I observed the elderly for a minute before letting my sight away from her and sighed deeply.

"It is quite a burden to the bearer of the responsibility especially if she still wants to live." Her sentence made me looked at her.

"Pardon?" I asked

" An event will change your fate. But it still needs your life as a consequence." She put my porridge in front of me as she finished her sentence. It still shocked me. This elderly know my fate.

"You know me?" I asked her shockingly.

"You are the future savior of the Magic Realm by sacrificing your life, am I right?" I immediately stood up and get closer to her.

"How did you know that?" I asked

"Call me Grandma Mona, young lady." I slowly calmed down and still in disbelief. This Granny knows my existence. I can feel that she did something to calm me down.

"Eat your porridge." I couldn't understand my body. I cannot control it at all. I began eating out of my will.

"Child, the Locks of the gates of this realm are weakening. Lend your aura to it. Dark Cultivators have plans to conquer this realm secretly. You need to secure the safety of this realm as soon as possible." I am shocked again by her words. The Realms are protected by the Portunus Locks. It means the creator is getting weak.

"That's right. The creator is weak. An unknown illness infected him. The Gods of Health are being summoned. I don't have any updates. Your aura can give a protective shield as a remedy to buy time to discover the source, cause, and cure of His illness. They have a theory that maybe the Dark Cultivators are the mastermind."

If that's the case, Mother should detect these changes. Realms and their gates are under Mother's protection and control. It made me realize, Mother is getting weaker. Mother will contact me immediately if something is wrong but she didn't. I didn't realize that I finished eating my porridge and release by the control of Granny.

"The tree of life is getting weaker. You need to look after her. The fluctuations of auras are happening. Controlling these fluctuations can cause unknown results to the tree of life. You need to communicate with her. As her Fruit, you need to take care of your Mother. The other child is still gaining the trust and power of the Underground Realm. It will take some time before he wakes up. And surprise attack to him will also commend, " she continued. She put my bowl away and looked at my eyes. Her gentle eyes and gentle voice give a calming feeling but all the information she is giving me is a shocking and nervous feeling.

"Somethings about your fate will change, but it depends on your actions. Child be careful. You're one of our hope. Please go back home soon." As she finished her sentence, she and her cart disappeared.

I am still shocked and cannot absorb what happened a while back. Something bad is happening. Mother is getting weak as well as the Creator of the Portunus Locks. I need to go home and go to Mother immediately.

I walk towards the nearest bus stop. Five minutes have passed, and no bus arrived. I am looking at my watch and at the far road anticipating the arrival of the bus. I am getting impatient and feeling anxious.

I cannot do things not normal here. Fluctuations will occur means disasters will happen here in the Mortal Realm. I can only go to Mother's Realm at my apartment as it was protected by a safe aura that cannot harm the Mortal Realm and to connect me from Mother's Realm. Mother made that aura for me. For my so-called freedom and to let me be stubborn for a while. All of them know that I will go home of my own free will someday and I guess they are right. My return will be sooner than expected. I can feel it.

I feel agitated as I saw the bus coming to the bus stop. As soon as it stopped, I hurriedly got inside and sit in the nearest chair. I am looking at the window, seeing the scenery is very pleasant and can help me be calm. I used my AirPods and play some music.

I close my eyes for a moment and let out a heavy sigh. I am starting to plan my course of action. A week from now, Interschool Competition will start. We have one week to train and to join our classes.

The competition will last for three days. The same schedule still uses as our Intramurals. The first day will be the parade and the Sports Competition, the second day will be the Academic, last day will be the Socio-Cultural Competition. After our competition, we are free to do what we want. It will be advantageous for me to have a day rest and to check on Mother. I will attend the third day only if Marielle's team will compete or during the Awards Night of that day.

Minutes later, the bus stopped and I get out and run towards my apartment. As soon as I arrived. I teleported to Mother's Realm. The Tree welcomed me and the other elements. I looked at the surroundings trying to look for something. I walked throughout the unrestricted part of the Realm and I am shocked by what I saw.

The green leaf of some flowers turned black. I touched it and it immediately turned to dust. I immediately called Mother telepathically.

"Mother! Where are you?" No one answered.

"Mother?!" I called her several times but no one answered.

I looked again everywhere but, I cannot see her or can't communicate with her.

I walked towards the tree and lean my forehead to it. I am trying to feel it, its aura and power. I closed my eyes and concentrate. I slowly opened my eyes as I slowly transform. My eyes are emerald green, my body is glowing with yellow light, and I am dressed in a below-the-knee dress with a touch of yellow-green and yellow. I can feel the grass, the aura, the energy, the elements surrounding this realm as well as the life forms. I can sense all the beast from the portal and all the life forms within the parameter and from all the Realm. My body and soul are all connected to them.

I extended my arms forward and let my power be concentrated in my palms and when I released enough power, I push it upward and let it exploded throughout the realm. It also went to the portal of spiritual beasts and other portals who needs my power. I turned around and faced the Tree. I leaped forward and went through it until I am in the space. I am welcomed with the space filled with elemental power and auras. As I observe the surroundings, I can see the ball of light where Mother usually resides. I walked towards it and as I arrived I saw Mother sleeping.

"Mother" She slowly opened her eyes.She smiled weakly at me.

"Child" she began coughing and gold liquid coming out from her mouth. The ball of light dispersed and Mother move to come down with her weak body.

"Mother, what's happening," I asked as I support her and let her lean towards me. I transferred my auras and power to Mother so that she can regain her strength.

"Child, thank you" she looked at me lovingly.

"I'm getting weaker as time passed by. The fluctuation of the aura is strong. The repelling force of the auras of the universe is stronger. The result end will occur. But I cannot predict when."

" I need you to balance the realms, Child. I hope that you can help me." The pleading eyes of Mother hit my heart. The consequence of my actions is inevitable. I sighed deeply and look at Mother's face and lean my head to hers.