First and second meeting


I here walking through the thick forest under thr moonlight i walk and walk until i reach my most favorite spot here in joseon.

this is where i always hangout whenever i am bored i close my eyes and feel the breeze of the air until i almost fell into the river luckly there is a man who saved me i watched him as he saved me i want to thank him but he suddenly disappeared but then i knew its already late as i walk back i heard people voices searching for me i think they already know i am not home i wish i could see the man who saved me i sleep thinking of that man his plump lips beautiful brown orbs of his eyes everything is perfect about him.

It is already morning i got waken up by the sunshine shining in my face i did what i want to do this day and when it reached the evening i went back to the place i have been for months now i reached again that place and watched how the moonlight shines in the water of the river until i think someone is watching me i pretend i dont know it until i reached behind the tree and so no one  until i looked up and saw the man who saved me i smiled at him he came down the tree and faced me i looked at him and smile and say my name "My name is Jae hwa what is your name?"i asked him.

He stared at me for a minute and i saw how his brown orbs turn into purple.

My eyes widened "what are you?" i ask him but he just stared at me but a little while he smiled at me i smiled to seeing him smile and then he spoke "My name is Beom Seok i am an witch but i dont hurt others" i smiled at him when he said that after that he talk and talk to me until i bid my goodbyes at him he watch me until im gone.

Months has passed we always meet at that place until he confessed at me he said " im watching you since the first time you have come here and i think i like you" my heart flutters when he said that i respond at him saying i like him too.

Weeks has passed since he confessed i never feel this before he always teaches me to use sword and bow while i was training how to use a bow i talked to him "Beom Seokah i cannot able to meet you tommorow i have things to do" i said to him 2 days have passed since i said that to him i visited this place after that day bit he did not showed up until a maid show up she said " Princess the king has captured the witch that you have been meeting for the few months and he will kill him tommorow" after i heard that i went to the dungeon where he was being locked and i let him go we ran and ran until we reached the center of the forest i looked at him he is full of blood i told him

"why did you not protect yourself" i croed until i feel his hands on my cheek until i feel his lips on mine but sound of horse interrupt us we run and run until an arrow hit the tree and in our front is the prince of Goryeo Prince Byung Woo  stood in front of me i looked back at Beom Seok he is holding an sword now they fight and fight until i saw how Beom seok fell down and saw how Prince Byung woo will kill him but i stood in front of them and smiled in front of Beom seok.


I saw how Jae hwa the woman i loved getting killed i used my powers to make the prince fall asleep i saw how she endured the pain she smiled at me and caressed my cheek she said to me "stay alive for me i love you" that is the last words i hear from her before she died i shouted all my might until it cause at earthquake i cry all my heart i can't stand seeing the girl i love died i carry her body and cast a spell at her " please be the same until we meet again on your next life" and then i saw the mark on her neck

then i buried her near the place where we first met i promised myself i will never ever love again if its not you i will wait and wait for you.



" I have waited for her for over 3 century there are a lot of reincarnation of her but none of them has the mark i have given to her i always visit her grave near the river.

What ever happen i will always wait for you so that is the end of the story did you guys enjoyed it" i said to children infront of me " Yes Mr.Oh" i smiled at them " so i will see you all next time ok "

After that i recieved an call

" Yah Nam Ju where are you "

"oh hyung im coming "

After that i came back to our house i mean the Paradise Penthouse after 20 min i have arrived i ride the elevator to 45 th floor the tap the card at an another elevator and i pressed the button to 60th floor where i lived once i opened the door i saw my Friend that is pretending to be my father.

( i will explain it Nam ju does not age because he is a witch he has a friend which he met from 1979 his friend know he is a witch his friend own a big company in korea that is why he decided to pretend that Nam ju is his own son)

"So do you know Mr.Kim" he said

" ohh the one who owns this place and the school i go to" i said to him

" right his daughter is coming home from America so all the members of Paradise Palace needs to welcome her since i am the Vice president of Paradise Palace we need to be there" he said

" ok " after that i prepared i wear my suit so because there will be an welcoming party .

after that i came downstairs and waited for father after he finished we head toward the ground floor to see other Paradise members standing waiting when they see us they bowed except for Mr.Kim and his family after awhile some reporters shout asking the girl in the black mask and sunglasses we all stand up bodyguards closed the doors so no reporters can get in Mr.Kim stands and welcome her daughter after that Father came toward them then i followed.

"Nam suk meet my daughter Ji Nah" said Mr.Kim

"nice to meet you Ji Nah" father said

After that the girl introduced herself

"hi my name is Ji Nah nice to meet you Mr.Oh" after that she removed her mask after she removed it i got shocked because she looked like her i tried to look at her neck but its covered with her hair i got back to my senses when she called me

" Hey what is your name" she said to me

" My name is Oh Nam Ju" i said to her

"why so you look shocked have you seen a ghost" she said while giggling i smiled because she looked like her and act like her all i have to do is to see the mark on her neck.