
Chapter Eleven

The night was getting late, and Wei Wuxian offered the bed to Meng Yao who kept refusing, "I have work still to do before retiring for the night, Yao-gege. Please get some rest and I'll gather blankets for myself when I am ready to rest." Wei Wuxian reassures him.

After a few more times that Meng Yao tried to refuse, but eventually, Wei Wuxian got him into the bed, before going to the desk once more and pulling out the Yin Iron. Without touching it, Wei Wuxian let it float in mid-air letting resentful energy carry it up and down. Wei Wuxian felt sick to his stomach remembering the unbearable pain, of removing his wings. They were already mingled and broken by being swiped out of the air by the demon King, but they could have healed on his own, but…

Shaking his head, Wei Wuxian didn't want to go down that dark path. The Guqin noticed Wei Wuxian's distress, it began to play, "God Wei, please don't regret your sacrifice, for we all are eternally grateful for being able to live on.���

"I don't regret it A-Bai, it's just a painful memory," he whispers to Baiguang. "The… it was just painful… to have my wings cut off… and it was even more painful to watch them be forged to create the Yin Iron."

"My God Wei…."

"Though I in no way regret because the Yin Iron helped me kill the Demon King that the humans made by greed, and all the wicked things of this world." Wei Wuxian declares.

The morning came and they felt after some breakfast and tea. They left before the sun was fully aroused and took off to Qinghe Nie on horses. They had to stop four to rest for the night, more for Meng Yao. Though by the end of the week, Wei Wuxian and Meng Yao found themselves in front of the Unclean realm gates. Meng Yao calls out and the gates open for them. Meng Yao motions for Wei Wuxian to follow him inside.

Once in the courtyard, Meng Yao dismounts the horse and Wei Wuxian follows suit. Two stable boys came to get the horses from them and Wei Wuxian pats his horse on the neck before passing the rings to the boy.

"I didn't expect any guests today." A rough deep voice calls out and Wei Wuxian looks up to be met with a large-looking man with dark robes and braids in his hair that almost made him laugh but he swallowed it back down and hid his smile with a bow.

"Greeting Sect Leader Nie Mingjue." Wei Wuxian addresses him. "This servant's name is Wei Ying, courtesy name Wuxian."

Meng Yao went back to being a tense and nervous boy and hiding it all behind a fake smile. He bows too low again, shaking his head. Wei Wuxian takes a hold of his arms again. "Sect Leader Nie, I have returned."

Nie Mingjue smiles slightly, "Welcome back Meng Yao." but his face hardens again, "I expected you days ago, did you think you were on vacation?"

"I apologize Sect. Leader Nie." Meng Yao bows deeply again.

"I am sorry to interrupt Sect. Leader Nie, but I must be going again."

Meng Yao turns to Wei Wuxian, "But A-Xian you just got here.��� he looks disappointed. "Don't you want to stay for dinner?"

"Yes, invite the stranger I don't even know into my home for dinner." Nie Mingjue rolls his eyes.

Embarrassed Meng Yao bows to the Nie Sect Leader. "Sect. Leader Nie Mingjue, Wei Wuxian is a friend of mine and came so far to accompany me back to Qinghe Nie. Please accept my apologies once more, but may my friend stay for dinner and rest before he is on the road again?"

Nie Mingjue scoffs a bit as he stares down at Meng Yao who shrinks into himself a bit before turning this intense gaze to Wei Wuxian expecting the other young boy would be somewhat afraid of him, but Wei Wuxian stares him dead in the eye with a warm smile and never wavering. Nie Mingjue seemed somewhat impressed before letting a small huff of a laugh out. "A friend of Meng Yao is someone I would trust. Young Master Wei you will be staying the night here in Unclean Relm and dine with Yao-didi and me tonight."

"Thank you for the invitation Sect Leader Nie but I must be on my way as I said beforehand." Wei Wuxian tries again.

"It wasn't a request young man." Nie Mingjue says before turning around and walking away from them both. Two guards come up from behind and place a hand on Wei Wuxian's shoulder.