
Chapter Twenty-Two

The fight came to an end as the rest of the Wen's fell to their knees once they witnessed what Wei Wuxian did to their Master knowing it was going to be their fate if they did not lower their weapons, besides there were some who were happy to turn themselves over to Jiang's then to return to Qishan Wen.

Searching for the Jiang family, Wei Wuxian went running to the sword hall to find Jiang Fengmain on his knees with a sword through his chest and Madam Yu on the ground holding her dead husband's hand as she died as well. It broke Wei Wuxian's heart at the sight, but he bowed respectfully to the family that took him in without question before removing the sword from Jiang Fengmain's chest and laying him by his wife making sure their hands were still holding one another.

Searching even further, Wei Wuxian realized how late he was, as there were more than half of Lotus Pier on the ground surrounded by their pool of blood. He had to find the Jiang siblings, they had to be okay, and he did find one, on the ground by the throne was Jaing Cheng not moving.

Running to his side Wei Wuxian moves Jiang Cheng to his side and places two fingers to his wrist and lets out a breath of relief when he finds a pulse… but that was the only thing he found. Jiang Cheng lost his core, more likely to Wen Zhuliu, but he was alive, and Wei Wuxian could help him with his no core situation, as the humans had their core formed from somewhere, and that somewhere was Wei Wuxian himself.

Gathering Jiang Cheng in his arms Wei Wuxian takes to the sky to take him to safety with Lan Wangji but before he gets far from the sky Wei Wuxian notices a lone Lotus Pier boat beached leading into the forest. Then he realized that they somehow must have got Jiang Yanli out of there in time. Falling onto a path beside the boat with Jaing CHeng still in his arms Wei Wuxian looks around for her, calling her name out.

He called and called for her, turning to scream her name until he heard a small whisper of, "...A-Xian…?"

Placing Jiang Cheng leaning against a tree Wei Wuxian runs where he heard the weak voice to find Jaing Yanli huddled on the ground soaked head from toe because of the incoming rain. "A-Xian." she says again when she sees him but she couldn't bring herself to smile, "A-Xian, Mother, father, A-Cheng." she starts to sob their names.

Holding her given hand Wei Wuxian starts to cry with her, "I am so sorry, Shijie." he finally calls her what she always wanted to hear him call her, "I wasn't fast enough, Sect. Leader Jiang, and Madam Yu… they're… they're gone Shijie, but I was able to find Jaing Cheng, he's alive but you parents…"

It was more than enough for her to crumble, she couldn't seem to stop crying and she couldn't even tell what were her tears and what was from the rain.

Somehow Wei Wuxian was able to get them both back to Chariot that still held Lan Wangji. With Jaing Cheng on his back, and Jiang Yanli in his arms he was able to fly them to the hiding place that Lan Wangji was waiting for him. Standing in the rain was Lan Wangji waiting for Wei Wuxian to return and sure enough, he saw him flying in with the Jiang siblings with him.

"Sect. Leader Jiang, and Madam Jiang?" Lan Wangji asks as Wei Wuxian lands.

Looking sorrowful into his eyes Wei Wuxian shakes his head. "I wasn't fast enough."

Not wanting to push it any further, Lan Wangji helps Wei Wuxian place the sick and hurt Jiang siblings in the back and out of the rain. Realizing there wasn't any room left in the back Lan Wangji decided to sit up front while Wei Wuxian led the horse into the closest town.

Once all four were safely in an inn Wei Wuxian asks Lan Wangji to write Nie Mingjue a letter of what occurred in Lotus Pier and to send back up just in case another wave of Wen's comes after Lotus Pier and to help with the Wen's prisoners. Yes, there are very few Jiang disciples left but there were now even fewer Wen's there once Wei Wuxian arrived.

Even though Wei Wuxian said there was no need to tell Nie Mingjue that it was Wei Wuxian who single-handed defeated the Wen's and killed both Wen Zhuliu and Wen Chao, Lan Wanji still put in the letter emphasized that it was all thanks to Wei Wuxian who also saved Young Master Jiang and Young Lady Jiang before sending the letter.

After a great discussion, that night Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji came to an agreement that they need to find somewhere and lay low until Lan Wangji is fully healed and Jaing Cheng and Jiang Yanli are better, but Wei Wuxian still doesn't know where yet and who knows how long that could be for too.

After some hard and careful search, Wei Wuxian found a small village that was out of the way and farther up the mountain was a run-down house that held no family inside and Wei Wuxian decided that this was the place for them to hide in. Getting everyone inside Wei Wuxian went to work repairing the house bit by bit, doing the most important first before anything else.

Lan Wangji started to work on his recovery by meditating and focusing his Qi on his leg to heal it faster. Even though she was sick still and in a fragile state Jaing Yanli was up and taking care of her brother. Making medicine that she learned in the medical ward where she would help the sick and hurt in Lotus Pier, for Jiang Cheng and making food with whatever Wei Wuxian could dig up for them to use, which was mostly rabbits from the forest and fish from the close river, also some veggies he stole from the neighboring town.

Lan Wangji was walking around more with a makeshift cane that Wei Wuxian made for him. He went outside to see if Wei Wuxian needed anything to find him cutting wood shirtless and only in his trousers, with his hair in a single braid that rested on his shoulder and pooling down his hairless chest. Lan Wangji's breath cut in his throat at the masterpiece that Wei Wuxian is. His skin sun-kissed but not too dark, no scars littered his body but a few freckles here and there. He was built no doubt but thinner and slimmer like a woman, but made up for it but the muscle that lined his body. Lan Wangji could feel the heat in his ears.

Wei Wuxian notices Lan Wangji staring and places his makeshift ax on the chopping block, an old stomp, before wiping the sweat from his forehead and neck, "Is there something you need Lan Zhan?" he asks him.

"Wearing no less than one layer of robes in public is forbidden." Lan Wangji resights a rule from Cloud Recesses.

Wei Wuxian couldn't help but laugh, "But Lan Zhan, we are not in Cloud Recesses or Public." he reminds the Twin Jade.

Picking up Wei Wuxian's shirt that was hanging on a tree he hisses, "It's forbidden!" while throwing the shirt Wei Wuxian's way without looking at him again. Wei Wuxian was laughing even harder as he caught the shirt and placed it on again to make Lan Wangji happy.

"Lunchtime!" Jiang Yanli calls out to Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian who gladly made their way inside to eat some of Jiang Yanli's delicious food.