
Chapter Thirty-Six

The banquet has ended and they marry joy that they all came with wasn't there as they left, for what they witnessed tonight was truly bizarre, and terrifying. Though Nie Mingjue felt more out of place at being appointed the next Head Cultivator, it was a huge responsibility.

Jin Zixuan was truly bewildered hard at being appointed Jin's Sect. Leader in one night. He was sure he had many years to come before he was to be Sect. Leader but not tonight, as he followed behind the raging Jin Guangshan, though it seems it was all pointless because as much as Jin Guangshan wanted to see Wei Wuxian fall to his knees in front of him, he knew it would be impossible for now anyway.

Wei Wuxian promised to follow Jiang Cheng back to Lotus Pier after he settled things here in the Nightless City. Jiang Chang telling him to not take his sweet time Wei Wuxian sent off the Jiang sibling before sending a letter to Wen Qing letting her know to come back to the city, which she arrived by the end of the week and soon after Wei Wuxian appointed her as the next Wen Sect. Leader.

There was a grand ball for celebration at the end of the month for being rid of Qishan Wen's evil and new dawn with an amazing woman leading them. All the Sect Leaders came to congratulate her, even Jin Guangshan, though he tried to make comments that "It's improper, that she is a woman!" which was shot down by not only Madam Jin's death glare but every single Sect Leader shot daggers at him for it, especially the Lan's who had a woman as their Sect leader.

For it only being a few weeks since he saw Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji seemed hesitant to leave his side, though when it came to when everyone went their separate ways, Lan Wangji gave a quick kiss to Wen Yuan's forehead, who was always in Wei Wuxian's arms, before Lan Wangji turns to give a quick peck to Wei Wuxian's cheek, causing the older man to blush like crazy and before Wei Wuxian could say or do anything Lan Wangji runs away with bright pink ears.

Saying goodbye to the Wen's he's seen as a second family, and promising he and Wen Yuan would visit as often as possible, Wei Wuxian left with Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli back to Lotus Pier which Wei Wuxian spends the next to months helping rebuild what they lost, and Jiang Cheng was beyond grateful for his sworn brothers help. Though Wei Wuxian's three months were up and the entire Cultivating world traveled to the Unclean Realm where they celebrated Nie Mingjue rising to power at the head cultivator.

The celebration lasted for days and when it came to an end everyone started to go back to their sects leaving Nie Mingjue and Wei Wuxian, who was proud of how far they came after the war. Jiang Cheng asked if Wei Wuxian and Wen Yuan were going to come back to Lotus Pier with them but Wei Wuxian refused and said it was his time to move one but would visit and come running when needed.

Even though Jiang Cheng was upset that Wei Wuxian and he were splitting from here, he knew there wasn't much holding Wei Wuxian down to Lotus Pier as it was already built again, so he told Wei Wuxian to mark his words.

It was Lan Wangji's turn to ask if Wei Wuxian would return to Cloud Recesses with him, which Wei Wuxian smiles at. Wei Wuxian grabs Lan Wangji by the front of his robes and pulls him down at Wei Wuxian stole a kiss of the Second Jade of Gusu, "I would rather not send your Uncle to an early grave, as he is still weak and hates my guts. Just imagine his innocent nephew arriving home bringing a boy with a baby strapped to his chest." he laughs.

"Don't care as long as I have Wei Ying at my side." Lan Wangji claims.

"Then come with me back to the cottage." Wei Wuxian offers, "It's where I am taking A-Yuan and me to live at."

Lan Wangji was speechless but not in the best way as guilt risen into his eyes. His mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water and Wei Wuxian knew right away what it meant, "Doesn't matter as long it doesn't come between you and your family right?"

"It's not like…" but Lan Wangji was stopped by Wei Wuxian's hand.

"Lying is forbidden in or out of Cloud Recesses, Lan Zhan. I understand but it doesn't mean you can't come and visit, if not for me then for A-Yuan as he grew close to you."

"I'll also visit Wei Ying too." Lan Wangji promises.

Wei Wuxian laughs, "Then mark your words Lan Zhan." he whispers to Lan Wangji.

This time Lan Wangji didn't just kiss Wei Wuxian's cheek and run off but he gathered Wei Wuxian in his arms and planted a full-on heated kiss stealing Wei Wuxian's breath away. Little Wen Yuan was in between their bodies looking between them, but he didn't complain but just laughed. Catching their attention both males look down at the baby and kisses him on the head.

The day grew on and Lan Wangji had to leave with his brother. Nie Mingjue gave Wei Wuxian a horse, and Wei Wuxian was off to the Yiling Mountains. Four days later, they arrived at the cottage. Going inside Wei Wuxian places Wen Yuan on a hay mat before picking up the broom and got to work on cleaning the house and freeing it of the dirt and musk from the months that they were gone.