
Chapter Thirty-Nine

Weeks turned into peaceful days, and Wei Wuxian can go back to his normal routine. It was supposed to be a few days until Lan Wangji was going to reunite with them again but when the day came to it instead of it being Lan Wangji it was Nie Huaisang. There were days where he would come visit Wei Wuxian to talk about paintings and poems but this wasn't one of these visits as Nie Huaisang was in tears.

"Nie Huaisang what happened?" Wei Wuxian asks as he falls into Wei Wuxian's arms.

"Master Wei, my brother!" he cries, "My brother is dead!"


Before making it into Qinghe, Nie Wei Wuxian drops Wen Yuan with Granny Wen at the Yiling Patriarch Mountain. Though both on Nie Huaisang's sword they took off to the Unclean Realm. Already there was every single Sect. Leaders and disciples. Jiang Cheng met with Wei Wuxian when Nie Huaisang landed. Being followed inside Wei Wuxian was staying close to Nie Huaisang to offer him support while Jiang was also close to heel behind Wei Wuxian.

Lan Wangji notices Wei Wuxian's sudden appearance and wanted to run to his side but he knew his brother needs him most as Lan Xichen lost his sworn brother, Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue were close ever since birth.

Jin's were the last to arrive, as Jin Zixuan came in with his wife and child close to him and his father behind them, and someone Wei Wuxian wanted to see for a while now but never knew where to look. It was Meng Yao dressed as a Jin with a large black hat on, and Wei Wuxian knew right away he didn't know this boy anymore.

The meeting has begun and the Nie advisors started to explain how his Excellency died in such a tragic way. He was on a night haunt as they didn't expect thousands of corpses to come after them, as they were risen from the dead and attacked Nie Mingjue and his disciples were ambushed. There weren't any survivors.

"Let me get this right, his Excellency was killed by a corpse." it was Jin Guangshan who interrupted. "Weren't there only two who knew how to use such evil tricks and one of them is dead?"

Whispers were spewing about, and all eyes turned to Wei Wuxian, Though it was Jiang Cheng who spoke in his offense, "Wei Wuxian was the one to give Excellency his position! What motive would Wei Wuxian have to kill him?"

"Maybe he wanted it back!" someone yells.

"Maybe Wei Wuxian got jealous and killed his Excellency to gain the power back!"


"Can Wei Wuxian prove he didn't kill his Excellency?" that stupid Jin Zixun asks wanting to bring attention to himself.

"Can you prove that I've done it, to begin with?" Wei Wuxian shot back causing the man to grow angrier.


"What?" Wei Wuxian asks, "You're allowed to criticize me but I'm not allowed to define myself?"

"Let's not grow hasty with such rumors." Lan Xichen breaks in with his hands raised, "It's unseen to have other Cultivators using the darkness, besides there was a rough patch between Yiling Patriarch and his Excellency years ago yes, but his Excellency grew to appreciate Master Wei in the end."

"So his Excellency did have rough patches?" Jin Guangshan continues. "What was that about if you wouldn't mind me asking Zewu-Jun?"

"His Excellency and Master Wei have misunderstood when Master Wei was collecting the Yin Iron." Lan Xichen ignorantly explained causing gasps and uproars throughout the entire place. 'But that was before Master Wei explained to us he was the Yiling Patriarch and he was the creator of them wanting to take them and destroy them."

"Did his Excellency let Wei Wuxian take the Yin Iron?" Jin Guangshan acted as if he was intrigued.

"Yes, and the other two that were in Wen Ruohan's position."

"Well, this is quite upsetting news." Jin Guangshan acts upset. "Perhaps Wei Wuxian didn't mean to kill his Excellency if it was truly his doing. Perhaps the power of the Yin Iron got to him as it did with many and he lost control targeting the man he once saw as an ally. Perhaps Wei Wuxian should turn the Yin Iron to the Jin sect for our vault is not so easily penetrated.``

Wei Wuxian heard enough and stood up and yelled in a commanding voice, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" which everyone listened to, "I am the Yin Iron's soul Master as it came from me! NO. ONE. WILL. EVER. TOUCH. THE. YIN IRON. AGAIN. AS. LONG. AS. I. STILL. STAND!"

Everyone shrink in fear at his words, but now many have little reason to suspect him but still did for those silly rumors and with little to none evidence that was collected of the Yiling Patriarch, but it was most popular opinion so like rodents they started to fall off the cliff with the road that Jin Guangshan was leading them to.

"Father that's enough!" Jin Zixuan orders the old man. "Take my father to his rooms and make sure he stays there and not to leave and cause no more trouble."

Jin Guangshan huffs, flipping his sleeves behind him as a few disciples lead him out of the room. Sect. Leader Jin got up and bowed to Wei Wuxian saying, "Please forgive my father Yiling Patriarch. It's one of his many hobbies to cause a stir during boredom."

"I will forgive it this time, but don't let me see him again." Wei Wuxian declares.

"You won't have to Master Wei, you have my word." Jin Zixuan bows and backs out of the room and is followed by the rest of his disciples. Jiang Yanli and Jin Ling stayed behind with her brother and Wei Wuxian.