
Chapter Forty-One

Back in Qinghe, Wei Wuxian was returning to his room to be with his son after long hours of listening to complaints about the cultivation world, but the common folks and cultivators themselves. It was tiring, to say the least. Walking inside his quarters Wei Wuxian was met with his son making a running start at him before jumping and Wei Wuxian catching him, hugging him close as he missed little A-Yuan. Granny Wen was sitting at the table setting out food for them all to enjoy.

Thanking her for her kindness Wei Wuxian sat at the table letting Wen Yuan continue to sit on his lap as they were about to eat but a knock came on the door and Wei Wuxian groaned out loud frustrated. He moved Wen Yuan off of his lap before going to the door to see it was a Jinn messenger. Taking the letter Wei Wuxian thanks them before closing the door and making his way back to the table.

Granny Wen was serving them all food as Wei Wuxian read the letter and frowned to see it was from Jin Zixuan wishing to see him tomorrow at the Qiongqi path that was in Qishan Wen but it did cut into almost every Sect that is met in the middle. Sighing Wei Wuxian thought it could be about something about his Shijie.

The morning came and Wei Wuxian made quick work of his paperwork before asking for a horse and setting off to Qiongqi path but to be met with Wen Ning. "A-Ning what are you doing here?" Wei Wuxian asks.

Wen Ning greets Wei Wuxain and says, "On my way to Yiling Patriarch Mountain to give the new improved cold medicine my Jiejie made for the upcoming winter. Why are you here Master Wei?"

"Sect Leader Jin needed me for some reason." Wei Wuxian answers. "I am here to meet him."

"Sect Leader Jin? I saw some Jin's on my way here but it wasn't Sect leader Jin who was leading them."

Confused, Wei Wuxian asks, "Who was it?"

"It was Jin Zi…!!!" he was cut off when an arrow shot him in the shoulder causing Wen Ning to stagger. Catching him, Wei Wuxian looks around to find Jin Zixun who was perched upon a mountain.


"Who are you again?" Wei Wuxian asked not to remember who Jin Zixun is.


"Boy I did not curse you and you think so fully of yourself if you think I would remember nobody like you!" Wei Wuxian shot back.

"FINE THEN PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!" before Jin Zixun orders the archers to rise from their hiding places and open fire on Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxia was faster and picked up Wen Ning and took cover behind a boulder as the arrows were let loose. Not sure how he could get them both out of this alive with no cultivation Wei Wuxian had little to no choice, because he wasn't going to leave Wen Ning here to die. Closing his eyes for a split second to concentrate Wei Wuxian cold onto the Resentful energy before coming out from behind the boulder. Raising his hand he uses the resentful energy to stop the arrows from the sky and shoot them back to their archers. Taking Chenqing from his belt and played the haunting tune to raise the dead Jins and they captured Jin Zuxin for him pinning him to the ground screaming and kicking trying to break free from dead Jin's.

Dropping the flute from his lips Wei Wuxian fell to his knees as the resentful energy was taking its toll on him without his spiritual energy to lay back on and clean the resentful energy from him. Panting Wei Wuxian forces himself back on his feet to move to where Jin Zixun was being pinned to the ground.

"Now you are at my mercy, you stupid boy!" Wei Wuxian hisses.

"WAIT! STOP!" a voice screams for him down the sky. Looking up to see it was Jin Zixuan who dropped in front of Wei Wuxian blocking him from his cousin. "Please Master Wei don't kill my cousin!"

"I'm not but he will be charged with harsh crimes for what he did here." Wei Wuxian claims, before raising Chenqing to his lips ready to order dead Jin��s to raise the criminal to his feet, but before he could make the order, a second tune that they both heard. Wei Wuxian lowers his flute to look around for the source and so did Jin Zixuan. The haunting tune was similar to Wei Wuxian but Wei Wuxian recognized the order, the song was singing, "Kill! KILL! KILL JIN ZIXUAN!!!"

All the corpses looked up and stared at not Wei Wuxian but at Jin Zixuan and they both knew how this was going to end but Wei Wuxian was fast enough to push down the first of the corps of them with Jin Zixuan behind him. Jin Zixuan pulls out his word to start fighting them off but his mistake was not watching his own back as Wei Wuxian was busy trying to save his life and Jin Zixuan had a fist come through his chest causing him to stop dead in his tracks. Wei Wuxian turned around and was horrified to find Jin Zixuan's chest open with a huge gap in the middle of his chest.

Wei Wuxian catches him before he falls to the ground completely. All the corps started to fall to the ground as well as they accomplished their tastes and were ordered to rest by that second flute.

Knowing there wasn't more he could, Wei Wuxian carried Jin Zixuan's body back to Lanling Jin dropping him by the entrance but was seen by guards who started to scream for him to halt when they saw he was carrying their dead Sect. Leader.

Not wanting to hear it anymore Wei Wuxian used resentful energy to take to the skies and went to Qinghe Nie to gather his son and Granny Wen before leaving again to the Yiling Mountains to get away from it all. Dropping Granny Wen at the Yiling Patriarch Mountain where she went to take care of Wen Ning's wounds Wei Wuxian takes him and his son home where he spends the rest of the day holding little A-Yuan in his arms crying knowing what could come next and Wei Wuxian wouldn't be strong enough to stop it all from happening.