
Chapter Forty-Six

His wings taking him home while he was passed out from the pain of the holy flames Wei Wuxian was flown to the heavens where his parents were waiting for him at the gate and Wei Changze caught his son as Wei Wuxian's wings gave in, dropping him into his father's arms. Cangse Sanren was in tears at the horrible fate that almost befalls on her beloved son after all he has done for these horrible humans.

Not wasting any time Wei Changze sprouted his dark wings and took off to take his son to his grandmother hoping Baoshan Sanren could help his son. Bursting into the Main temple of the Goddess of the eternal flame Baoshan Sanren was waiting for them as she knew her grandson would need her. Not wasting time she rises from her throne and takes the boy from his father's arms and carries him farther into the temple.

Her servant following behind her they helped their Goddess lay her grandson onto a white bed removing the clothes from him that was already torn and filthy from the humans. Baoshan raises a hand before he blows into it causing an orb to glow and grow on her hand. She places the orb over the boy's chest before pressing down and letting Wei Wuxian absorb it within him causing Wei Wuxian to take a large gasp of air and his skin starts to glow the beautiful gold healing him entirely. Wei Wuxian was a God once more, and back into his true form, wings and all.

Back in the human realm, the cultivators took off to the skies to search for Wei Wuxan believing he had not gone far. Though back in Lanling Jin, Jin Guangya was planning on destroying the Wens forever and taking over their lands. He believed it wouldn't be hard as their Sect Leader was a woman. However, it was Jin Guangyao who had a bad feeling once he saw Wei Wuxian sprout his wings and fly so high into the air it would be impossible for anyone to follow him. This means Wei Wuxian could have gone to the heavens. Jin Guangyao was speechless.

"Does that mean Master Wei was more than a human? Was he possibly a God?" Jin Guangyao mutters.

"What nonsense are you going on over there?" Jin Guangshan asks.

Jin Guangyao walks over to his father and bows and pleads, "Father I don't think we should do anything with the Wen's. I have such a bad feeling about this."

"You mean those wings that Devil sprouted?" Jin Guangshan huffs, "It could have been one of the many tricks he has.

"Father I am not so sure about…"


Now realizing how much he fed into his father's madness there was no stopping him so all Jin Guangyao could do was bow before taking his leave, for now.

At Cloud Recesses Lan Wangji declared he was going into seclusion for the remainder of his life for the guilt of giving away where Wei Wuxian was hiding, all because he believed in a few rumors with little evidence. The only thing that set a nail in Wei Wuxian's coffin was when he took Jin Zixuan's body back to Lanling Jin, but now when he thinks about it a monster wouldn't have done that but hidden the body or left it for crows to eat. Lan Wangji was a fool, and now he will pay for it for the rest of his life.

In Qishan Wen, Wen Ning was holding a sobbing Wen Yuan who he found in Wei Wuxian's home, and just in time before Jin tried to burn it down with the boy still inside. Sect. Leader Wen Qing was beyond pissed and was ready to declare war with the rest of the cultivation world for the death of Wei Wuxian.

And a war they did have but didn't last as long as Wen Qing found herself on her knees in front of Jin Guangshan, who was looking sympathetic to her before he slew her where she kneeled, which became the end of the Wen's.

Wen Ning was able to escape with the now Four-year-old Wen Yuan in his arms, but nowhere to go until they met Lan Wangji after he decided to come out of seclusion after hearing the slaughter of both Yiling Patriarch Mountain and Qishan Wen. Without overthinking it Lan Wangji hid them both in Cloud Recesses, where he changed their names to Lan's instead of Wen's. With the help of Lan Xichen, they were able to give them Cloud Recesses robes and headbands.

Even though Wen Ning was grateful for Lan Wangji's assistance he could never forgive him for the death of his Master Wei, but for Master Wei's son's sake, he pushed all their differences away to keep the boy safe.