Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Sister is a fox

"Liu Yi, can you take me here?"

Liu Yi looked stunned and looked at Ma Yizhen in front of him. He was wearing a white lace dress. He was pure and lovely, and he was standing on the side of the road. He pointed to the signboard of "Hanting Express Hotel" and said to himself.

Go, go, go here...

What are you doing here?

"Well, why do people want to go here to play..."

Ma Yizhen pulled up Liu Yi's hand and spoiled it.

That feminine, almost let Liu Yi's bones crisp.

"This, is this good..."

Liu Yi swallowed and swallowed the flowers in front of him for a long time.

Ma Yizhen is a literary and art committee member of their class, and is a neighbor living in Liu Yijia.

This girl is called a Peugeot, and Liu Yi likes it for a long time.

Speaking of it, Liu Yi has forgotten how long he likes this sister paper. It seems that he moved from Ma Yi's home for the first time. When he first saw this sister paper, he already liked it.

However, this sister paper's attitude towards him has always been very cold.

What happened to you today, even pulling yourself, going to the Hanting Express Hotel for a stroll?

This, the spring of the legendary silk, finally arrived!

Liu Yi suddenly had tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong, you see, we all know it for almost three years!"

Ma Yizhen smiled charmingly at Liu Yi, and Liu Yi, who was laughing, was quickened.

"I know, you are the heart of others... and you have always been very good to others. People think that there is nothing for you... just give yourself to you..."

She said, blushing like an apple.

"But this... really bad... I will be treated as a rogue!"

"That's it, let's go home."

"Go and go, open the house!"

"Isn't it going to be a rogue?"

"Afraid of what, my game is originally a rogue!"

At this time, Liu Yi's blood was boiling. He took Ma Yi's hand and went straight to open the room.

As soon as I entered the warm and romantic little room, Liu Yi couldn't help it. It was a madness to hold the body of the scent of the scent.

At this time, Ma Yi's voice made a big aunt's voice.

"Hey! You guy, you are crazy! You know how you see people!"

This can shake the sound of the eardrum and let Liu Yi wake up directly.

He opened his eyes and found that everything in front of him had changed.

The warm and romantic big round bed room is gone.

The beautiful and feminine Ma Yi sister paper is gone.

I am holding a big aunt with a red armband, and my mouth is still on the arm of others.

I am a grass, this is the situation of God horse!

Liu Yi was completely awake and stood up from the grass in the park.

"Spring dreams are awake? You said that you are a young man, or a student! How to sleep on the grass in the park, sleep, sleep, and work on my hands..."

Aunt pulled her own red armband and began to criticize and educate Liu.

"You said that your current children are too young to worry about your parents. You said you..."

This aunt Barabara said a lot, but Liu Yi stood there and worried.

How can I be here...

Yes... he suddenly remembered that he was given a date by a beautiful sister paper...

However, the last sister paper seems to kill myself...

Liu Yi touched his heart, but found that there was good, but the small shirt inside broke a hole.


It's weird!

He suddenly remembered again, and it seems that another fairy MM saved himself!

This...not a dream!

Some of Liu Yizhen's, I don't know what to do.

"What dreams, you are a waste of humanity! Idiot teenager!"

At this time, Liu Yi's ear suddenly sounded a familiar woman's voice.

"Ah! Ghost!"

Liu Yi suddenly screamed.

"You said that I am a ghost!"

The aunt was not happy at the moment. "You, this child, I am teaching you, why don't you appreciate it, and say that I am a ghost, you must be a heavy taste for this child, like a woman of my age. Hey, younger sister. Time is indeed a big beauty, even if it is a bit old now, it is still a charm, so ah, I understand..."

She hangs on the river and starts a Barabala again.

And Liu Yi's ear is still ringing the voice of the sister paper.

"Ghost your sister! Sister is a fox fairy!"

Liu Yi really has to collapse.

In the broad day, do you really have a ghost?

This forest must be too gloomy... Yes, go to the place with the sun and kill the evil spirits!

Liu Yi, regardless of the aunt who stood there and continued to criticize education, turned and ran.

"Hey, how did you run this guy! At least give my sister a call, we always contact..."

The voice of the aunt's reluctance has been followed by Liu Yi.

Liu Yi ran all the way, but his ears kept facing the voice of the beautiful woman.

"What are you running! Don't run! Oh, you still run, run very fast! You are Liu Xiang, you, do you want a hundred meters hurdles!"

The voice kept chasing the ears of Liu Yi, like a magic sound.

Liu Yi was afraid of death, just as he rushed into the park pond, he suddenly flew out a red smog from his right hand, condensed into the shape of a fox, suspended in front of Liu Yi.


Liu Yi's legs were soft and he sat down on the ground.

Fortunately, there are fewer people in the park during the day, otherwise Liu Yi really wants to attract a lot of attention.

"What are you running! This lady is so scary!"

The fox-shaped smoke slowly floated in front of Liu Yi, scared that Liu Yi was cold and the vest was sweaty!

"You, what the **** are you..."

Liu Yi squeezed these words from the roots.

God, I am going to die in the light of the day, I am really dead!

Oh, no, I don't want to die when I am still alive!

I haven't even touched Ma Yi's little hand...

But yesterday I touched a girl's chest! It is a pity that it is poor!

I don't want to die like this without touching the big breast!

Liu Yi wants to cry without tears.

God, come and save me!

I will give you more incense and burn more photos of Aoi!

Just as Liu Yi's various grandfathers asked his grandmother to beg for the gods, the little fox spoke again.

"What are you doing, look at the way you are afraid, or is it not a man! Tell you, this lady is not a ghost, is a fox fairy! Pure and beautiful, kind, lovely and gentle little fox fairy!"