Chapter 8

Chapter 8 There are monsters.

"Oh! Little Butterfly, too many boys in the same class you don't know!"

The girl who was hot with a quicksand, and her body was so good that she burst into a grin.

"Sure enough, our Miss Murong, this class of boys in the class should be resentful!"

"There is a resentment and a resentment."

Murong's mouth licked his mouth, and the delicate little nose slightly wrinkled. The goddess was full of style, which attracted a lot of male passengers to see the heart and mind.

Hey, if you can have such a beautiful girl paper as a girlfriend, you will be worth less than 20 years!

"They are resentful, and have something to do with my Murong butterfly. Also, Lele, can you not call me Missy, how many times have you said it, listen to awkward!"

"Okay... But Xiaodie, the trick is coming out so late today, will it be punished if I am late..."

"What are you afraid of? It's not something that you teach yourself early!"

The Murong butterfly is only proud of the little peacock.

"Oh, it's our Miss Murong, it's domineering!"

Wang Lele couldn't help but smile.

"Also called Missy! The penalty!"

Said, Murong Butterfly extended a hand and squeezed a hand on Wang Lele's nose.

"Oh! Xiaodie sister, can't be so embarrassed!"

Wang Lele's eyes were filled with sorrow and grief, and he said with his own nose. "It's pretty good, what should I do if I'm flattened... No one wants it later..."

"Do not worry, even if you are a nose, there will be men!"

Said, Murong Butterfly glanced at his girlfriend's chest, and had to say that although the surface always pretended not to care, but my heart still cares.

Hey, two people obviously grew up together, but what did Wang Lele eat in the end, not playing hormones, or drinking Shengyuan milk powder, how is the chest so much bigger than himself...

"Little Butterfly sister made fun of me..."

Wang Lele is even more resentful. "It's ugly to death, no one wants it..."

"Your chest is enough to make up for everything..."

Murong Butterfly suddenly smiled badly. "Come, let my sister check it, is it developed again?"

"Don't, don't make trouble..."

Wang Lele quickly squatted on his chest, and the people next to him drooled, and said that he wouldn't lie, check it and not get pregnant!

"Don't make trouble... Xiaodie sister, you see Liu Yi, how does he run like Liu Xiang!"

Wang Lele said, reaching out to the car.

"Who knows... Isn't Liu Yi a sports special student..."

Murong Butterfly doesn't care much about these things.

She feels that her life is already very uncomfortable, and she does not want to let other trivial people add trouble to their lives.

When Murong Butterfly's gaze fell on the window of Liu Yi, he couldn't help but smile.

This unkempt boy... is indeed a bit familiar.

Is it my classmate?

I saw this Liu Yi, which was ignored by Murong Butterfly. At this time, I took two long legs and kept the rhythm of breathing. I was not slow to follow the bus.

This guy is running very fast!

Daily training for physical specials?

Murong Butterfly couldn't help but be more curious.

At this time, Liu Yi did not know that the most beautiful girl in the class was looking at herself. At this time, he was not worried about being late.

I am dead late!

Liu Yi's heart was uneasy, but the thrill of running this time made him very comfortable.

Is this the feeling of chasing the wind in the legend?

Rely, too young and literary!

"Run slowly! This lady's fairy is almost wasted by you!"

The little fox has been whispering in the ear.

Regardless of her immortality, Liu Yicai only knows that he will die if he does not run!

The bus turned to a viaduct next to it, and Liu Yizheng was going to keep up. Suddenly he saw a small forest under the viaduct and stood a crying little loli.

That little loli is about eleven years old, with two ponytails, a yellow bubble skirt, and a princess underneath, very cute.

She stood under a tree and cried.

On the side of a tree four or five meters high, there is a big balloon with a picture of a Mickey Mouse.

Liu Yi suddenly sinks into his heart and he turns to the viaduct.

"Hey? Why are you going?"

When I saw that Liu Yi suddenly did not chase the bus, the little fox asked quickly.

"Go help!"

Liu Yi said briefly.

"are you crazy!"

The little fox Lin Biao suddenly exclaimed, "Are you afraid of being late? Going to help others? Are you crazy?"

"My grandfather said that it is a human duty to help others. If you are not willing to help with your hands, it is better to be a demon."

"How is the demon!"

The little fox suddenly didn't like it. He said, "The demon is also very loving! Who told you that the demon must be a bad person! Who told you!"

Hearing the little fox, he asked in a hurry, and Liu Yi felt a nap in his heart, only feeling a little bad foreboding.

"I, my grandfather said..."

"How come your grandfather said, what is your grandfather doing?"

"Kill, kill the pig..."


Liu Yi felt that he must be entangled in this little fox land, simply ignoring Lin Biao's mutter in his ear, three or two steps to the front of Xiao Loli, taking a deep breath, barely hang a very kind smile, then Bent down and asked to the little Loli.

"Little sister, do you want to help your big brother?"

Xiao Loli sucked her nose, raised her face, and looked at the unkempt Liu Yi, and it was even more fierce to cry.

"Wow... Mom... there are monsters to eat Xiaoying..."