Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Magical Eyesight

"Well, Liu Yi, I learned to be late."

Fortunately, this class is not a class for Liu Yi, but a language teacher.

This language teacher is a vulgar old man in his fifties. It is quite funny and humorous. Liu Yi quite likes his class.

Seeing that Liu Yi knocked on the door, the old man pushed the glasses and joked.

"Look at you, this is a work-study school. Use the morning time to go out and pick up the mineral water bottle?"

Liu Yi's body was raging, sleeping in the park for a night, and sweating on the road. Now it's going to be awkward and embarrassing.

Being ridiculed by the old man of the language, the students in the class suddenly looked at the look of Liu Yi, and laughed.

Liu Yi is ashamed, and I can't wait to find a place to sneak in!

He did not dare to turn around and look at Ma Yizhen's gaze.

She must have laughed and killed herself...

Originally, my impression in her heart was very poor... This time, it was completely failed.

"Forget it, sit back and go to class."

The old man of the language did not want to delay the time of the lecture, and waved his hand and said to Liu Yi.

"Thank you, teacher..."

Liu Yi sneaked back to his seat.

At the same table, Chen Cai was sullenly watching himself, saying.

"Liu Yi, Liu Yi, today you are squatting, when the old class wants to check the post, suddenly the principal is called out. But you are so handsome, this is the most popular style of the past few years, how? Has it been fashionable recently?"

"Go to your jealous..."

Liu Yi suddenly stunned Chen Cai this guy.

Loss friends, it is a mistake to make friends!

On the table, Liu Yizhen sneaked a glimpse of the position of the front row of horses.

The little girl was wearing a school uniform and was texting with a low head and a smile on her face.

In the view of Liu Yi, it seems like a mocking smile.

God, is she laughing at herself...

Liu Yi suddenly curious, this chick is sending a WeChat...

He strongly wants to know.

That kind of curiosity is like burning a fire, burning in his heart.

At this time, the blood in his body suddenly began to accelerate again.

The feeling of being like a drug again appears on him.

At that moment, Liu Yi's line of sight suddenly changed.

Like wearing a pair of high-powered telescopes, he instantly brought the distance between two people closer.

Even an inconspicuous little cockroach behind Ma Yi's ear is clearly reflected in Liu Yi's line of sight.

Lying in the trough, what is the situation!

Liu Yi was shocked.

This surprise does not matter, his eyesight instantly restored to its original state.

The clear and beautiful Ma Yi dynasty disappeared in front of him, and the distance between the two people in sight was once again far away.

Just now the situation of God horse!

Liu Yi's heart is amazed.

And he wants the little fox to answer his doubts for him, but Lin Biao will not know whether it is really angry or what is wrong, that is, life and death do not bubble!

It seems to be the legendary diving party!

Liu Yi couldn't help but hurt.

Fairy sister, this will I need you!

How can you disappear like this!

Come on soon...

Liu Yi kept mourning the name of Lin Biao in his heart. Unfortunately, Lin Biao has not responded to him.

Next to Chen Cai, Liu Yi held his hands and kept looking like a strong, and thought that Liu Yi had a stroke.

"Liu Yi, what's wrong with you, teasing you two sentences, are you convulsing?"

"Going, I am practicing the fairy!"

Liu Yibai took a look at his own friend.

"Ha ha ha, Xiu Xian, I still repair the computer!"

When Chen Cai heard the words of Liu Yi, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Liu Yi, Chen Cai, would you like to try to stand up for class?"

The old man frowned and said.

Chen Cai was honest.

Liu Yi is very wronged.

Grandma's, it's obvious that Chen Cai spoke and he was defamed!

Who made a bad friend!

After Liu Yi gave Chen Cai a blank eye, he continued to concentrate on his own eyes.

I want to see it!

I want to see it too!

That Ma Yiyi looks like he is playing mobile phone again!

Liu Yi's eyes are sour and have been staring at Ma Yi's cell phone.

I want to see it! That feeling, appear again!

It seems that in the midst of it, someone is responding to the request of Liu Yi.

Soon, Liu Yi felt that his blood was accelerating again.

The cold feeling re-flowed throughout the body.

His eyesight stretched in an instant and landed on the mobile phone in the hands of Ma Yizhen.

The latest Samsung mobile phone, big screen, looks very cool.

Ma Yizhen is indeed sending WeChat.

The content of the text message is also clearly reflected in the eyes of Liu Yi.

After Liu Yi saw it, he was instantly cold and cold, like a hail.

I saw that Ma Yizheng was editing a message and sent it to a man named "New Society Gao Fu Shuai".

"Husband husband, I told you that the Liu game in our class was stupid. Today, I ran to the school with a sly look. I still want to chase me!"

"Don't take care of him. It's not good to see him early. I will find a few people to teach him a meal at night."

The new society is rich and handsome.

"Well, ah, my husband is the best. That stupid fork, I am sick of him. It is unfortunate, he still lives next to my house, I think I may be touched when I go out, I am depressed. Husband, or you Look at him, scared him to move quickly!"

"Ha ha ha, no problem, I will help you, you will reward me in the evening!"

"Hus husband, you hate..."

The heart of Liu Yi, directly frozen into ice, also with a trace of pain.