~ SIX ~

6 of Billionaire's Lover


"...Kealey?" Kaiden looked extremely shocked to see me as the bride. It was very well expected.

"Kiss your bride." The officiant repeated and the booming cheering noises increased like crazy. I really couldn't believe such high-class people could be so… dumb-sounding. I expected them to be very quiet and act really classy but I was disappointed.

"Time isn't waiting for anyone. Don't get everyone talking." I whispered.

As shocked and confused as he looked, he held my face, craning my neck backwards and connected our lips. I felt the spark of the kiss flow through my entire body. My legs became wobbly due to the sensation the kiss sent to me. I had never imagined Kaiden's lips against mine to be so soothing, breath-taking, heart-freezing, life-shaking.

Too bad the kiss ended. I wished for it to have taken forever. It was so shocking that I could experience so many emotions in a kiss that lasted for only 5 seconds.

From Kaiden's reaction, look, curiosity, I could tell that I was to expect to be in a hell of a whole world of questions when we got home. Home? I was going to be living with Kaiden! I couldn't wait for it.


Kaiden pulled me right into the room of the Presidential Suite we were in, not stopping till he pushed me, making me fall roughly unto the bed.

"So...I think I deserve an explanation." He was obviously aggravated. Who wasn't going to be? He tapped his foot against the floor incessantly. Frowning was an understatement to his facial expression.

"Dear husband, please calm down. Oh, it feels so good to finally call you that." I smirked, resting my hands behind me on the bed.

"Kealey, this isn't anything to laugh at. How the hell did you become my bride? What happened to Layla?" He clenched his fists.

"You really wanted to get married to my sister?" I gruffed. "I overheard your father talking with Layla outside of our house till she left. I felt so joyous that your bride left you, but I wondered why you wanted to marry my sister, which I still wonder why." I squinted my eyes at the thought of it. Why was he willing to marry Layla and why had she agreed?

"Then, I ran to the Wedding Hall, sneaked into Layla's dressing room. To my surprise, Layla had taken off her bridal clothes and left there. Lucky for me, I changed into them and boom, we're married." I explained.

"You're creepy, and desperate, and annoying." He narrowed his eyes, looking disgusted by me. I cared less about how frustrated he must've been. All that mattered to me was that I was married to the man I had loved for 7 years.

"You may call me names but I don't mind." I stood up. "Whether or not you like it, planned for it to happen, or accept it, the truth will always remain that I am married to you."

"Is this a joke to you? You're still young. You ought to do something that'll make you have a better life rather than marrying me." His voice was smoother.

"I have to delete my ugly photos on social media since I'm now a celebrity." I grinned like crazy, ignoring his words.

The sole of my feet hurt from the heels I was wearing. It was so fortunate for me that I mostly used the same size of clothes, shoes as Layla, and we had similar voices.

I took off the shoes, tumbling them across the room.

"I still don't agree to this marriage." He reminded me of that fact, resuming to wearing his frown.

"I know." I snickered, walking to him. I placed my hands on his shoulders, standing on my tiptoes and lifting my head up to draw our lips together. His lips against mine felt so good once more.

It was clear that he wanted to jerk away from the kiss but he was a man and there was no way he could resist my temptation. I jumped a little to curl my legs around his waist, intensifying the kiss.

"Kealey, stop!" He cut me off.

My feet returned to the floor and my hands left him. Something warned me that it was right to leave him, for now.

"I'll be in the shower." He said before adding, "I still don't agree to this marriage and I never will. You have only dug your own grave by getting married to someone like me. I'll make sure I ruin your life." He threatened.

I threw my head back and laughed, laughed so hard that my eyes were filled with tears.

"Who are we kidding here?" Seriousness was stamped on my tone as I spoke. "Don't you dare think of me as one of those women that'll be scared of you and let you treat me like shit. If you prove to be stubborn, I'll ensure that you know there's something called double- trouble."

"I don't love you and I never will." He hollered. "I just need to sleep right now to make my brain cool from this stupid action of yours, so we'll sort things out tomorrow."

"You'll have to love me. You're stuck with me 'forever'." I sat back on the bed, getting rid of the jewelry that was on me.

He chuckled, shaking his head. He turned, grabbed a towel from the wardrobe then left for the bathroom.

"Oh dear Lord, help my soul." I prayed.

I hadn't taken anything that belonged to me so I was going to do that tomorrow. I searched the wardrobe for Female's clothing and I found a comfortable nightgown. How funny could it be to have walked into the bathroom while he was there and threaten to do something stupid if he didn't comply with me.

As Kaiden was in the bathroom, I started deleting my dumb pictures on social media. I was super-excited to know that I already had almost a hundred thousand followers in just a day.

When Kaiden was done in the bathroom, he walked out with a towel covering the lower half of his body. His dripping chest and legs; it was so muscular, advertising how beautiful he was in every way.

I left for the bathroom, had a nice hot shower, dried my body with a towel then slipped the comfy nightgown on.

I returned to the room. Kaiden was on the bed, typing away on his phone. As I walked in, he glanced at me but returned to his phone.

Trying to be careful as ever, I climbed on the bed beside him then covered myself with the duvet he had covered himself with.

I giggled underneath my breath; I had totally expected something as crazy as the 'I'll sleep on the couch, you sleep on the bed' shit, but I was surprised that he wasn't complaining.

"Dear Wife, I'm glad you're back." There wasn't a smirk on, still the angry look. He kept his phone on a bedside table before moving closer to me.

"What're you doing?" It was something I'd love but it was very awkward so I had to ask.

"I'm moving closer to my so-called wife." He said, stressing the word 'wife' through gritted teeth. A vein popped out of his neck. "I need to let her know and get it straight into that dullen brain of hers that her husband is about to be a father."


"You heard me right. I have a woman that's pregnant with my child and believe me when I say that it wouldn't be the last baby I'd have from someone that isn't you." The way his face brightened with that stupid frowned combined with a smirk I felt like peeling off with a fork made my heart quench so bad. Not the last? Was he crazy?