Chapter 1 - Graduation

Chapter 1 – Graduation

Ailand was a world with a slightly more advance technology than Earth. In this world, technology that was similar to Earth's smartphone, laptops and gaming console was cheap and affordable by everyone. The more advance technology of these three gadgets was only slightly expensive.

Transportation was prominently the best. Bus, train, boat, ship and flight fees were cheap. Not only that but travelling long-distance was more comfortable and faster compared to Earth.

Geographically, Ailand has five continents with many seas, rivers, lakes and islands. There were many water bodies in Ailand.

Due to the geographical nature of the Ailand, many people had careers related to water such as Fisherman, Fisher, Fish Farmer, Deap-sea Explorer, Seafood chef and many more.

The most popular profession in Ailand was Professional Fisher. Just as the name suggested, the Fisher was professional. Normal Fisher went fishing for enjoyment and relaxation, but Professional Fisher went fishing as a career. They would go to the seas, lakes and rivers to fish professionally.


In Ailand, the calendar was divided into four seasons beginning with Spring, Summer, Fall and ended with Winter. Each season would have three months with each month had thirty days.

25th Fall, Month 3, The Year 2724

The Winter would arrive in a few days, and the surrounding temperature had become colder and colder as the Fall month would end soon.

South Heileen High School.

In Ailand, the Elementary school started from the age of six to ten. From age eleven to fifteen, it would be Middle school. For the next three years were High School.

The school was mandatory for everyone because education was necessary for a country to grow. No matter the background of the students, everyone was given an equal chance to receive an education. The government for each country gave education a big priority because knowledge is essential.

Only the three early education was mandatory. After high school, if the student did not want to continue further studies in College, no one would force them. They could start their career if they wished to or further their studies to have better certificate and qualification.

South Heileen High School was located south of Heileen Town. Heileen Town was a Grade B town with a population of around 700 thousand.

In Ailand, villages, towns and cities were given a grade based on the population they held. Each of them had four grades. Grade A, B, C and D.

Class 3A.

There was no teacher in the classroom. The students were scattered about in the classroom, either sleeping, chatting with other students or playing around. None of them was studying, and they were all relaxing around.

It was understandable because they were third-year students, and the next day, they would graduate High School. They had finished all the exams they needed to take in school, and all the exam results were already obtained a few weeks ago.

After graduation, they would need to decide either they wanted to further their study or entered the workforce.

If they decided to further their study, they would need to cram again after graduation and took the College Entrance Exam of their choice in the Winter. If they passed, they would officially become a College student, and if not, they could try again in the Summer or gave up and search for work.

If the student decided to enter the workforce, they would need to prepare for interviews and hope the company they applied to would accept them.

"So, working or study?" A student asked his friend.

"Ugh~ I don't know. My mom wants me to continue my study but… I don't have the will to continue," that student had his chin on the table and looked tired.

"Then, just prepare for interviews. You need to search now. The competition is fierce, and there will be a lot of competitors," his friend reminded him.

"I think I will further my study. My mom will kill me if I decide to work," that student sigh again.

"How about you?" he asked.

"Work. I went for an interview a few days ago as a boat crew, and I got the job," the friend grinned.

"…" that student was speechless. "That's why you look so relax!"

"Kekeke," the friend laugh.

The duo was not the only one talking about this. The others were the same too. Most of them were worried and uncertain about their choices while some looked relax as if they had no problem at all.

South Heileen High School's Hall.

Inside the hall, teachers and students were busy arranging and decorating the hall for the Graduation Ceremony.

A student with short black hair with a height of around 1.7m was busy arranging the seat with a few other students. He had an average face with a standard build. Nothing was striking about him, and he looked as normal as other regular students.

Near him was another male student who looked as average as him. "So, Mark, which college is your choice?" the student asked the short black hair student who was named Mark.

"Filleon University," Mark answered while he continued arranging the seats.

"What?" Duncan was shocked. "Isn't it hard to enter that College?" Duncan had an unbelievable face. He never thought that his friend was aiming to enter the number one college in the country.

"There is nothing wrong to try. If I pass the entrance exam, that will be good. If not, I will choose another college. I already have a plan in mind," Mark replied while he was still busying with his work. Mark looked confident when he gave his reply.

"…" Duncan was silent, and he stared at his friend without blinking and then, he sighed. "Well, with your brain, it is not impossible. You still have the chance to pass the exam, but your competitor will be geniuses from all the country," Duncan was worried.

"I know, but I still want to give it a try," Mark replied.

Mark was South Heileen High School No one student. He was not a genius, but he worked hard to become the number one student in the school.

Mark was an orphan. His mother raised him until he was five, but then, her mother passed away in an accident. As for his father, they were divorced, and because he remarried, he decided to let go of Mark's custody.

So, Mark's grandfather (his mother's father) took care of him until he was seventeen. Even so, Mark's grandfather passed away too because of old age. It had been a year since his grandfather passed away and Mark had been living by himself since then.

As for his father, he did send Mark money every month for his expenses, but they were not close. They talked once in a while, and that was it.

Mark was sensible, and he knew his father worried about his new family, and thus, he limited the communication between them. Mark did not mind it because he understood. He also preferred to stay away from any drama, and thus, he never tried to approach his father.

Moreover, it was hard to see his father as he lived in another country. So, it was easier to stay away from him and his family.

"If you get admission there, will you be migrating there completely?" Duncan asked. They had been friends for almost ten years, and it was hard to see Mark leaving.

"Depends. Maybe I will only stay there until I finish my studies. If I can get a good job there, I will live there. If not, I will head to the place where I am accepted," Mark spoke casually.

"Well, if you miss me, we can video call each other but let's not do that. Just messaging each other is fine. I am afraid people will misunderstand," Mark smiled.

"…" Duncan was speechless. He felt a heavy heart that Mark would be leaving the town, but now, he was more than happy to stay away from Mark.

After that, they continued their work. Since Mark was the number one student, he had more work to do. He would be giving the speech as the student representative and would need to go through a few rehearsals.

Due to this, Mark went home late that day. When he got home, it was almost 8 pm. He took a shower, went to his room and opened his laptop.

Mark surfed online and surveyed all the Colleges he planned to take the entrance exam. His main target was the Filleon University, but as he told Duncan earlier that day, he made his plan to take other Colleges' entrance exam too as a backup.

Mark had no plan to enter the workforce. He wanted to further his studies, and with a better certificate, he would be getting a better job and pay.

After he finished noting and surveying his target, Mark went to sleep at almost midnight.

26th Fall, Month 3, the Year 2724

At this day all around Ailand, it was a festive day for high schoolers. All High Schools around the world would be having the Graduation Ceremony. This day was the last day for a high schooler.

Mark dropped off a bus and walked to school. While entering the school, he saw many students with their parents by the side accompanying them for the Graduation Ceremony.

Mark could see that all of them were happy. He smiled too seeing them smiling. Mark did feel a bit lonely, but he did not resent his father. Also, he had his friends around, so, he was not lonely.

"Mark! Here!" Duncan shouted. Similar to others, Duncan came with his parents too.

Mark walked to Duncan and greeted his family. "Uncle, Auntie," Mark greeted Duncan's parents.

"I heard from Duncan that you would be giving a speech. Are you nervous?" Duncan's mom asked while smiling.

"A bit, but it is manageable," Mark replied while smiling.

"Congratulations, Mark. Hahaha, if only Duncan is as good as you, I will be laughing the whole day," Duncan's father spoke.

"Dad! I may not be as smart as Mark, but I am one of the smart guys in this school," Duncan was a bit pissed with his father's remarks. He told the truth. He was one of the school's top students. He would also be receiving awards for being a top student.

After that, they talked for a bit more before they heard the announcement that all the graduating students needed to enter the hall. The event would start soon.

Mark and Duncan left Duncan's parents and entered the hall. As for Duncan's parents, they entered the hall too but went to the second floor prepared for the parents to watch the event.

Since Mark and Duncan were the school's top students, they were placed at the front row behind the teachers' seat. Mark and Duncan wore the graduation robe and sat silently and quietly at their seat.

The event started with the MC giving some introductions, and after that, everyone stood up to sing the school song. Then, the principal was invited to give his speech.

As usual, it was a dull and plain speech. Not only that, but it took longer too. More than that, a few other prominent teachers in the school were invited to give their speech too, but it was all the same. Boring and plain.

After that, Mark was invited to the stage to give his speech too. Since he was as average as other people, his speech was nothing impressive too. The same boring and plain speech. Duncan was giggling the whole time Mark was talking on stage because it was boring.

After that, it was the time for the award ceremony. The principal and a few other teachers stepped to the stage to award the students with their diploma.

The first who went on stage was Mark. Applause rang throughout the hall, and Mark went to the stage and received his diploma from the principal. They shook the hand, and the principal gave him a few encouraging words and the event continued.

The graduation event went on for four hours, and after it ended, the parents, students and teachers were invited to have some supper the school had prepared.

Even so, most of them did not go to eat but when somewhere to take a few pictures for commemoration. They did not want to miss the chance to record this day in an album.

Mark spent his time with Duncan's family. Duncan's father invited him to have lunch with them, but Mark refused kindly. He did not want to parade on their family time. Thus, Mark went home.

While on the bus, Mark remembered all the memories he had while in high school. Other than studying in the library and playing around once in a while with his friends, there was nothing memorable about his high school's time.

"I did it, grandpa. I become the no one student in school," Mark mumbled while he stared at the view outside the bus.


Mark's smartphone rang once. He knew it was a message. Mark unlocked his rectangular, plain white smartphone and saw there was a message from his father.

[Congratulations on your graduation. I prepare a gift for you, and you will get it when you get home] the message wrote, and that was it.

Mark's father did this many times. He had received a lot of gift from him for his birthday. Mark left the message alone and kept his smartphone in his pocket again. Half an hour later, Mark got off the bus and walked back home.

Mark arrived at the building and took the elevator to the fifth floor. He got out of the elevator and went back home.

However, there was someone who looked to be around 30s to 40s in a blue suit stood in front of his house while looking around the view from the balcony.

'Who?' Mark thought. He did not walk forward and observed the guy for a few seconds. Since he was in front of his home, the guy must be looking for him.