
They thought like they have walked into some scary demons place.There were whole field of creepy plants which were growing from body of humans . There were whole field of such plants which were growing by taking nutrition from human body while Humans can be still seen alive but only sleeping.

"Welcome guests , from human race would like to try some fresh blood wine"

Voice coming from field gave goosebumps to whole team.All of them had white faces drenched with horror seeing plants roots squirming inside human body.

"Oh sorry for disturbing your sightseeing but I advise you not to feel bad you can join your fellow humans in this heaven farm contributing by your flesh and blood to increase growth of my children."

Everyone was broken out of reverie and tried to locate source of sound. It sounded both like female and male voice.Zeph quickly calmed himself down and noticed weird state of team members.All of them were flustered and acting in befuddled manner.

He shouted "WAKE UP ,He is using his technique to lose your will of fighting."

Listening shout all of them realised their foolishness and quickly calmed themselves down.

"Oh you are not so much affected I guess why?

Gathering his wits Kyton like experienced warrior quickly suggested,"This Yaksha is too powerful maybe close to Navel chakra but definitely below Anahata level,we have to face him together, carelessness will bring death ."

"Right ,I am short of reaching Anahata level but I will be there after these whole children mature they will aid me greatly but sadly they still require quite energy infused human bodies,even all of you will not be sufficient but still it is better than something."sighed Yaksha as he came before team.

He was 7 foot tall , muscular handsome man but only blemish was his eerie green eyes ,lips and tongue.He had perfectly muscled body and was barechested wearing only trousers below.He was barefoot as he walked slowly towards front of team and smiled wickedly.

"You want to play Bephen...."

"Of course Manvolair,let me take part in fun"came voice from nearby tree top.

All of them was shocked.There is another one here .All of them looked toward that direction to find a huge insect shaped beast was sitting on tree branch. It looked exactly like mantis but little bigger.

Whole team was stupefied.This was totally out of expectations.

Naturally with their closeness to nature beasts and Yakshas at similar level of humans are more powerful than them but here there is one stronger than almost one and half stage than them and there is even another one who is if not stronger is of similar strength to that Yaksha.

If earlier they can expect themselves to beat Yaksha with team work ,now even chances of running were almost negligible.It was life or death moment.

Zeph felt oppression of death for first time.His hand on katana handle was sweating and shaking with cold sweat .Earlier he fought with some beasts as life or death battle but that was in presence of his grandfather.Even he knew that he will not interfere there was some reliance on him in his subconscious.But first time feeling scent of death from so close was suffocating.He again and again tried to steel his resolve but his fear was not under his control.

Zeph didn't notice that it was all due to ability of Yaksha normally he would not be feeling such intense emotions but his ability raises the negative emotion exponentially.Zeph closed his eyes and focused his mind in meditation state.He always endured pain of his illness by same method so he was easily able to enter meditative trance.

He quickly controlled his emotions and was going to speak when someone beat him to it.

" I will take on that Yaksha you guys can take that insect.I hate insects"said Sauren as fire began rise from his whole body forming red cloak .His eyes were burning with desire to battle.Zeph was amazed to see pure battle lust emitting from him,for first time he was genuinely amazed by Sauren.

Zeph also commented, to end oppresive feeling over team," I will take over that insect,he is fast no one can match him in speed except me .So all of you focus on that Yaksha I will tie down beast then you can come over to help me ."

Eh didn't gave time for suggestion quickly blurred in front of mantis .He first time fully used his speed.

Kyton took deep breath and said "ok let's do as Zeph says".

Frosty air began to revolve around him.Veena took out her seven knife set which by telekinesis took positions around her.Sephora made air tornado around her body.None of them was holding back one mistake could lead to pure massacre due to difference in strength.

Manvolair was excited to see foolish preparation of these puny warriors especially of that with green eyes . He was burning large amount of elemental energy to form that cloak.Bephen was dissatisfied to hear that he was going to fight only one but when Zeph showed his speed he became excited.What could be more excited than making prey hopeless by beating it in his own field of strength.

To not interfere with fight with Yaksha ,Zeph decided to take their battle to the side but before he could propose Mantis suddenly attacked and there was one word in his mind


He was too fast .

Zeph hurriedly channeled energy to dodge slice of his claw and barely avoided it by narrow margin.He slipped back to see mantis seeing him like prey. Mantis was fast than him but gap was not too large if he channeled energy to extreme.He pulled his mind into trance state where he had only little grasp of emotions but it heightens his senses to extreme.He unsheathed his sword and attacked toward Mantis .

Mantis raised his claw to take slash head-on but Zeph already knew outcome, his strength output is not so high therefore to keep beast in surprise about his strength he changed direction midway and began running towards forest .Mantis thought he was running away he quickly followed after him.

Here on field Sauren took first chance to attack . He actually moved forward to fight in close quaters.well it was his trump card, mostly mages only treat their bodies as catalyst for conversion and manipulation of elements but he has refined his body to extreme so as to meet standard of fighting like extremely rare class called body martial artists who uses pure serpentine energy to help them fight in hand to hand combat as their bodies are not aligned to single element.

He punched directly to face of Yaksha who was surprised to find mage coming in close quater to him as beasts,demons and Yakshas all have superior body strength than humans but he was sent flying with that punch . elemental energy packed in that punch was actually able to match his strength.He got up from ground and saw another punch coming towards him to which he responded with his own punch.

Collision resulted in shockwave which seperated both of them .As he was slipping back ,from his blindspot came highly powered knife to enter his rib cage ,He swatted it away but was surprised to find it decoy for another two aiming his neck .He unnaturally bended his body to avoid them and stepped back to regain balance, then extremely sharp air wave came intending to cut him in half .

He avoided it by jumping to see frost blades plunging down from sky ,he avoided each of them skillfully and settled himself on tree branch.

"If this is all you got ,you should hurry and die because with these you are not even proving to be hardly a challenge."

All of them knew that he was right he could squish them one by one without giving them chance so as to put a fight they had to go on their extreme stage by betting their lives .

Sauren began to move temperature of his flames up ,he knew that he was not proficient in this skill but it was his only bet in this game.soon blue colured flames could be seen among red coloured cloak.Kyton decided to burn his energy to put his body on overload ,as frigid air began to become more icy with tiny ice flakes swimming in them .

His hands turned blue which can permanently damage their nerves if extra ice energy channeled through them but that was least of his concern now.Veena sat down to purely focus on channeling knifes in full power ,her limit was 8 knives but that decrease their overall force that's why she chose only seven knifes.

Sephora flew in air to increase her frequency of sharp long ranged attacks.

"Hmm looks like it will good exercise, hahaha"Manvolair said as he channeled his own energy into his body. Soon his body was covered in thick green energy which condensed to form eight extremely long tentacle like vines with head of sharp spikes.