Ruin unearthed

Zeph traveled day and night towards the city, also taking short breaks in between. On the way, he passed several traders and merchants who were going on the same way. 

The major trade route for the Phoenix nation happens to pass by the same road. In this route, Ranzaki city was the last stop of Nation Drake.

He entered into the vast plain lands, covered with fields of cereals. He was at the moment passing through villages of the area where farming is the main occupation of the majority.

Vast farms stretched in all directions with crops standing proud in the sunshine. It was a refreshing feeling for Zeph who was from the mountains.

In the distance, a few farmers building scarecrows to scare off the birds and other animals. Small children were running around adults taking part in the process.

They noticed Zeph from afar and waved him to come along. Zeph was confused about why they are calling him.