Test of Morality

Zeph wearing his mask casually strolled into the grey market. It was another one of popular illegal place which was as constant as any other legal city market.

Why? Because it was supported by both those who were in power and those who were out of power in the cities. These places usually ended up as an information exchange center Black Raven.

But today something was unusual, there was a huge crowd shuffling inside the market. Influx and outflux of people had increased by about seven times from normal numbers. He could see anxiety, restlessness on the faces of a few while some of them were just relishing in the misery of newcomers.

He was confused, had something big happened? Because he was totally out of clue. He walked to the nearest counter where a small raven feather was hanging from the sill.

He was about to speak, but his attention was attracted by the conversation going on, in the next store.