Chapter 7: Edward's Small Army

A/N: Enjoy guys. Don't forget your support.


They all then turned to Edward to hear his view. Edward didn't make them wait long and after balancing the right words in his mind he started his talk.

"Well, I agree and disagree with what Ned said. Honor shouldn't be all talk and no action. Honor shows in the way you handle people from the poorest small folks to the richest great lord but I have my views about honor. Not everything must be handled with honor. Honor is for those who deserve it. When you meet the disdain of the great lord, you couldn't treat him with honor. And when you are met with the kindness of smallfolk, you reply with honor. Also, War doesn't need honor. Your family and your people are your honor and when your honor causes them damage then you have lost your honor. As for the vale, in my view, no one applied real honor." Said, Edward.

A look of shock and then pondering appeared on the face of Ned and Jon. They were interested in Edward's view of honor.

They continued their talk about the Stark and The Baratheons motto. Then shifted to other houses. Their talk extended to the rest of the night. After that, all of them went to their room to sleep.

A half-year passed since this conversation. After seeing Edward's dazzling performance, Jon gave him his permission to bring the rest of his small army to the Eyrie.

When the rest of his soldiers finally reached the Eyrie, Edward was ecstatic with their progress. They didn't forget their training and war tactics that he taught them all these years. Now, every one of his men could be considered at the level of at least a small general, and some of them reached the level of a commander and can lead small battles.

They now formed a small Calvary force. Every one of them learned horse riding and with Edward's previous life knowledge, he taught them the different techniques to subdue the horse and do many maneuvers with the horses. He also taught them the basic Calvary tactics of using the force of the horse charges to scatter the enemy armies.

Edward also ordered them to learn how to use the different weapons or at least the sword, the spear, and the bow. They were still working on that. They became very proficient with the sword, although no on the level of Kingsguards or the famous elites under the different lords but with time, Edward was sure that all of them would reach that level.

One-third of them were now proficient archers. They could fire arrows while riding their horses. Some of them even had what Edward called hawk eyes that they could shoot their targets from far away. The rest were still working on it, even if some of them didn't have the talent. Edward was sure they would be good after their hard work.

Only one-tenth of them started to learn how to use the spear, even fewer were proficient wielders of the spear. The spear was the king of weapons after all and those who learned the spear arts to their full potential were invincible under the heavens.

Edward, himself, committed himself to this training. How the hell he was going to encourage his men to train or follow him if he didn't set himself as an example. He estimated that by the age of sixteen he would be the most powerful swordsman and spearman.

Edward also submitted himself and his men to a hell body training. He always wore weights even when training his sword. His soldiers followed him in every step. Now, their bodies looked like monsters.

The men's loyalty towards Edward was at its highest level. They respected their young lord especially when they saw him submit himself to harder training than theirs. Plus his intelligence and knowledge led them to this point where they stood proud even in front of the lord and knights of the vale who were famed for their pride and their arrogance. Those knights looked at them with awe.

Now, he had capable people under his command, and with more time they could lead a whole battle on their own. In the future, he would be able to fight on different fronts at the same time.

His foster father, Ned Stark, and Robert we're looking at his men with shock all over their eyes. Although they didn't wear fancy armors like the knights of the vale, their organized movements, their discipline, and their strong bodies indicated the hell training they were submitted to.

Jon turned his gaze towards Edward and gave him a look of approval. This foster son of his was really capable. To bring up such a force in just four years was a remarkable achievement. He now understood why Edward was always persistent about his men following him. They had to complete their training to be a force taken in every game calculation.

Ned looked at the men in awe. Those men with the projection of the army he always imagined. Although they were powerful, organized, and radiate with war pressure, they handled everything honorably. They were not arrogant, they were just pleased with their progress and nothing was wrong with that.

Ned turned his head towards Edward and looked at him with admiration. They were nearly the same age but Edward was on another level. His intelligence, his performance, his strength, and his competence was on a higher level. Although Ned was a competent and honorable young man when compared to Edward, the difference was great. Edward always completed assignments after assignments given to him by Lord Arryn and he completed them with flying colors.

Ned and Edward grew closer to each other in this past half year though not as close as Ned and Robert. Those two seemed to hit it off. Edward wondered if it was the universe's laws or what but the events seemed to correct themselves towards the prophecy. Without Ned and Robert's friendship, No relation between Robert and Lyanna. And without Robert, Lyanna wouldn't want to escape this marriage and go with Rhaegar and give birth to Jon Snow the prince who was promised.

Well, Edward knew better not miss with a prophecy so he didn't mind it. It was enough for them to be friends. Ned always would come to ask Edward about his view about honor since the last conversation. It seemed he wanted to outline his own view about honor. Well, Edward didn't mind much.