Chapter 9: War Outcome and Celebration

A/N: Hey guys, I had a high fever for the past few days so I couldn't write anything.

So I apologize for this situation but I will have three days off.

Notice: This chapter and the next one will have (R-18) scenes and I am not good at writing this stuff, so plz any children skip this part.


Don't forget your support and give a good review if you like it.


This mountains range was a perfect place to trap and retaliate so Edward's decision was the best in this situation plus they were here to fend them off and rescue Lord Arryn and that was achieved so why would he exhaust the men in pursuing and losing more in a fight.

He then headed towards his foster father's location after leaving some men to protect the passages down to the high road.

When he arrived he found his foster father sitting there with Elbert and Ned looking at all the men who died around them.

He looked at the coming Edward and gave him a small smile.

"What are your loses Edward?" asked Jon with a sad smile.

"My unit had no losses only some injuries. Lord Royce units had a few casualties when he was helping to encircle the main army. Robert's unit is the one that took some damage as they stopped the main army from dressing to your location. They had a hundred and some casualties between deaths and injuries. But we dealt them great damage, we killed about four thousand of the ten thousand men. We also captured about two thousand and the rest had different injuries." Explained Edward in detail.

Edward then looked around the area and had an estimation of the casualties here.

"By looking at this battlefield, we have about three hundred deaths. But the mountain tribes that attacked should have been exterminated." Edward nodded his head. It was a good result considering the surprise and the scale of the raid.

Jon could only sigh and ordered the men to clear the battlefield and headed with rest towards the Eyrie.

When they entered the high hall, everyone looked at Edward with respect. Considering the amount of time they had to prepare and the sudden trap of their lord, to be able to come up with such an efficient and organized plan that took into consideration every aspect of the battle and achieve such a victory. It was a deed only Edward was able to achieve. No wonder their lord trusted him that much.

If he could circulate that situation at such a young age, what would he be able to do when he reached his twenties or thirties? Would he be able to overthrow the Targaryen rule? The people were just joking but when Robert's Rebellion came they would know it was the truth.

When the rest of the kingdoms and the rest of the world heard about this accident, they were shocked by his talent and achievements at such a young age. To be able to command that large army and achieve such success, was indeed remarkable.

The smallfolk started singing about his achievement. It was a really moving song. It said like this.

"In the far, far away

The savages came, took their way

They raided, took the riches far away

They raped, they killed,

Refused to pay

But the mighty stag said you may

Not to take the riches away

They refused, They attacked,

But he threw them in the Eyrie shipbreaker (meta form of storms and) bay."

His popularity especially among the smallfolk reached the top.

The second event was when a huge event took place, at least huge in the eyes of Edward. It happened a year ago when Edward was thirteen.

His father, the mighty Steffon Baratheon hosted a tournament in Storm's End. Edward wanted to participate at least to change the match where Steffon got defeated in the hands of the sissy boy, Rhaegar. What would the people say when the father of the mighty stag was defeated by a sissy boy. This would be embarrassing, how the hell would he be able to face the people?

When he sent for his father to ask for his permission to return to participate, his father opposed him and said he should do his duties in the Eyrie.

Edward was annoyed by what his father said but decided not to continue on this topic. And his guess was right, his father got his ass kicked in front of a lot of people by a sissy boy, the same as his previous life.

Edward sighed. It seemed the world laws would always try to correct the timeline of the world to the original. But he didn't get discouraged, during wars, everything always got messed up.

The third event was when he completed his thirteenth name day. His foster father allowed Edward's men to bring prostitutes for Edward and Robert. They were now twelve and by Westeros laws and customs, they were considered adults.

After celebrating with his men, His men brought him to his room. He was a little drunk. It was not your every day that you turned adult.

When he entered his room and was ready to sleep, he sensed another three figures in the room. He thought they were assassins that came there for his head. He slapped his face hard enough to wake himself from his stupor.

When he opened his eyes, he was shocked by what he saw and was fascinated at the same time. He saw three prostitutes, each one made a different and attractive position to arouse him. His dizziness escaped him at once when he saw such a scene.

At first, Edward didn't know what to do. Although he had the knowledge about sex and lovemaking from both lives, don't forget he was a virgin in both lives.

Seeing the mighty stag, the one that many people started singing about him, stood there in his daze, the three prostitutes started laughing. The one in the middle with big breasts took the initiative and came near him. She started to arouse him by kissing the back of his neck and biting his ears. The other two didn't sit still either. They came close and started taking his cloth and armor.

Edward was dazed at first and didn't know what to do but when one of the three took off his last piece of cloth and the monster was released. Although he didn't claim that he was the biggest in this area, he was huge for his age. When it was released it struck the prostitute's face making a thud noise. When she started stroking his dick, he couldn't take it anymore and started grabbing the breasts of one of them. He tried to apply the techniques from his past life by massaging the breasts and stroking the nipples.

He was rough at first, no one got it right the first time. After some time, he started to get it right. The one in front of him started moaning while he started kissing the other. It was going smoothly till the one who was rubbing his dick started sucking It. That feeling, which he hadn't tried in both lives, made him reach his limits. He quickly grabbed her head and pushed his dick deep into her throat. His back hunched and his dick tossed all the cum into her throat.