Chapter 26: Edward's Viciousness

A/N: Hey guys,

The fourth chapter in today's mass release. At the first of every chapter, I would thank all those who supported me.

So, thanks to those who just became my Pàtreons.

Thanks, Kaiseth for becoming my new Pàtreon.

and thanks to:

Thanks, zatsuke for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Vaiolelai for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Miguel Rojas for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Aeden Emrys for becoming my Pàtreon.

You could find more chapters on my Pàtreon.


For the next mass releases, If we reached 40 Pàtreons, there would be a mass release with 6 new chapters. If we reached 50, we would have another release of 5 new chapters.



"Excuse me, your highness. But why have you asked for me? I don't think that we have interaction before. As you might know, I took this vacation to let my mother have some rest, and we would have to go back soon." Said Edward with a fake friendly smile, but inside his heart, he was viciously cursing Rhaegar as always. He was telling Rhaegar in his heart. "Just fuck and hurry up. We do not have the whole day for you".

Edward would always be Edward. Regardless of who was the man in front of him, he would still say what was on his mind. Although he toned the viciousness of his words, his polite words still hurt.

Again, Rhaegar's men were mad. Arthur Dayne's hand was already on the handle of his sword. It was as if he would lose control soon and take out his sword to attack Edward. He really hated anyone that disrespected his close friend, Rhaegar. As for Jon, he was gritting his teeth as much as he could. How dare a brat disrespect the man he loved? He wanted to cut Edward to pieces to vent his anger.

Barristan, who knew a little about Edward's personality, could only shake his head. He was ready for this. Edward was always arrogant and rude with his words. He also did not care about who the man standing in front of him was. Although Edward toned it down, he was still a little disrespectful.

"Haha, you are like what everyone described. And I had to admit that everyone was right calling you vicious." Said Rhaegar while still smiling. He heard a lot about Edward's personality, and he could finally see it with his own eyes. Well, every talented man was unique. He thought that this might what made Edward unique in everyone's eyes.

"Haha, thank you, your highness. It's just our Baratheon's bloodline. I could not hold my words and I would always say what is on my mind." Said Edward with a fake smile after his mother gave him a death glare.

'Oh, come on. Are you going to be like this the whole time?' Thought Edward as he looked at his mother, speechless. She had been giving him this glare every time he opened his mouth.

"So, what do you need, your highness?" Said Edward, trying to end this meeting as soon as possible. He would not gain anything from this meeting after all. It was his last vacation as he would be the lord after that. He did not want to waste any more time with Rhaegar.

Rhaegar nodded his head. He also did not want to be indirect, so he decided to tell Edward directly what was on his mind.

"Well, Lord Baratheon. As you can see, I know you are a smart person, and I could use your help. I need someone with your talent beside me. I know you are very bright and intelligent. You could help a lot of people in...." Said Rhaegar before he was interrupted by Edward.

"Well, I apologize, your grace, but I have to refuse." Interrupted Edward. He did not even let the prince finish his words. He was not going to listen to all this shit about helping the people and improving life.

'Work for you. Is Rhaegar crazy or something? After everything that I had done and all the preparation that I made to enter the game and you want me to go by your side. I am not crazy, am I?' Thought Edward while mocking Rhaegar in his head. He was going to fuck with Rhaegar himself, and the other side was trying to get him by his side.

Edward was going to overthrow the Targaryen's rule by himself if needed. He wanted the exciting life that came after it. He was not going to waste his reincarnation. Was Edward going to throw all that just for Rhaegar? If Rhaegar was a pretty girl with big tits, Edward might give it some thoughts but he was not. And he was trying to persuade him using the Smallfolks as if Edward cared about them. Edward just saw them as tools that he could use against others or being used against him by others. So, of course, he would refuse such a stupid offer, even if he got himself killed.

Cassana, hearing her son cutting Rhaegar in the middle of his talk and refusing his offer at that, turned pale. She was afraid that the prince was offended by Edward and would hurt her son. She looked at her son trying to make him give the prince some face, but Edward never responded to her.

Yeah, Edward was good to Cassana as long as she did not affect his goal and did not try to hinder him, but the first second she tried something that might affect him or his plans, he was ready to abandon her or kill her himself if necessary. To be a schemer, you must have nothing that could threaten you, or everyone would target your weakness to hurt you.

You might ask, Does that mean he would not care about anyone and would be bloodthirsty to even his wife and children? My answer is no. He would not allow the people he cares about to leave the castle till they can protect themselves. Or else, He would better imprison them so they would not be used against him by others.

After Edward sensed his mother's stare, he shifted his eyes towards her and gave her the death glare. Cassana was stunned for a moment before snapping out of it and withdrawing her hands. She sensed what she did was out of the line, because firstly, this was Edward's decision. It was his life, after all, and she should not interfere in a situation like that. And that was because if Edward involved himself with the prince, the whole of Stormslands would have to be involved with him as he was the future lord of Storm's End. Secondly, by doing such an act, she made Edward lose face in front of everyone present. She made him look like the amateur and childish that would need his mother's opinion before making a decision.

Knowing all that, all Cassana could do was to lower her head. She knew she had messed up a lot this time.

Edward did not even turn his head to reassure Cassana and kept looking in the prince's eyes as if he did not care about anything in the world. His eyes shifted between the prince and everyone in the tent. It was as if he was looking at a pray that he was ready to hunt. His eyes emitted a silent killing intent that made them afraid deep within.