Chapter 40: Discussion with the lords

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's the fourth chapter.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.




Stannis and Cassana could not help but look at each other, then at Edward. Edward had such a daring plan. They wondered how much opposition Edward was going to receive. But Edward would not tell them that he would implement those plans in the specific timing of Robert's Rebellion. They did not know when the chaos would happen, but he did.

After discussing for some time, Edward gave them their roles. Edward told Stannis to send a letter to the different lords. He wanted to meet them one by one to test their loyalty. It was time to put an end to this matter. If he suspected any of the lords might betray him, he would make it difficult for them little by little before burning down their Houses.

You might wonder why Edward would not kill them at once and save himself time and resources. The answer is obvious. Edward wanted to make them an example for those who dared to even think of betraying him.

Stannis nodded his head and discussed for another half hour before retreating to their room. They had spent a long time discussing Edward's plans, and they were all tired. Of course, Edward would hide his Shadow Legion's plans from even his mother and brother. Only the next Lord or heir of Stormsland would know about its existence.

It was the time for Edward to meet some of the lords of Sromsland. He was going to meet Lord Wylde of the Rain House, Lord Selwyn Tarth from Evenfall Hall, Lord Penrose from Parchments, Lord Errol from Haystack Hall, and Lord Buckler from the Bronzegate.

Edward decided to meet those lords first for multiple reasons.

First, He wanted to consolidate his control over Cape Wrath. So he called Lord Wylde. He should have also called Lord Armond Connington from Griffen's Roost, but Edward did not want to waste his time with House Connington. They had already entered his list of the first houses to be eliminated by him. He decided to give Griffen's Roost to Jon Clinn. He would be able to control the whole Cape Wrath by then. Clinn was his deputy and his right-hand man, after all. Plus, The Rain House was among the trade network that Edward wanted to build.

Second, He wanted to be sure that House Tarth was definitely on his side. The island of Tarth had a strategic location, and Edward was not going to ignore it. It was also Storm's End's Entrance from the sea routes, not to mention its closeness to the free cities.

Third, House Penrose was close to Crownlands, and Edward wanted to build a port in the area. It would be a great addition to the trade network, so he had to make sure that House Penrose was on his side. If not, Edward was going to eliminate them before the Rebellion.

Fourth, House Errol of Haystack Hall occupied good lands with fertile fields. He wished he could get rid of this house and appoint one of his men there, even if they were on his side. But he had plans to take part of the Reach to himself in the future and would appoint his men in that area.

Fifth, House Buckler of the Bronzegate is located on the Kingsroad between Wendwater and Storm's End. No need to explain how much important that location was. The castle was the entrance to Storm's End, so how could Edward not make sure that House Buckler would not betray him.

After The Lords of the Houses gathered in the Round Hall, Edward entered the Hall with Stannis and Cassana. The Lords stood up to greet their Lord. They had heard a lot about their Lord and his intelligence and achievements, not to mention that he was a knight at only fifteen. He also participated in many battles and achieved victory in them all. Many rumors already spread all around Westeros about his deads. Of course, that was part of Edward's doing. He wanted to spread the news to improve his image and threaten his enemies.

"My Lord." Said all the Lords in one voice when Edward entered. They did not want to seem disrespectful as they heard that their young Lord never forgives. He was the one who promoted the Baratheons' second motto. "The Baratheon never forgives."

Edward signaled the lords to take their seats. He gathered them here for a reason, and he would not waste time on such formalities. He only gathered them here to check their loyalty and threaten them indirectly.

"Take a seat, my lords." Said Edward, trying to sound respectful. He had already let go of his arrogant attitude for now, or at least at this meeting.

The lords nodded, and every one of them took his seat. They were a little surprised as they heard about how Edward's words were vicious. The stories about his speech with Tywin had already spread. Well, that was also Edward's doing. He wanted to show Aerys that Tywin was trying to kill Edward because of what he did. He famed more flame in Aerys and Edward's relationship.

"Why did you gathered all of us here, my lord?" Asked Lord Errol. After all, the man had the most land and men between all the lords, except for House Tarth.

Edward did not waste time and nodded to Stannis, who signaled a guard to bring the map that Edward had ordered him to prepare before the meeting.

The Lords looked a little stunned for a moment after seeing the guard coming to the hall with a map. They did not know what was happening and appeared a little panicked. Did the Lord decide to take some of their lands? Or why would he bring a map to the meeting?

"Before discussing anything, I want to know where your standings are. I know most of you were loyal to my father, but I am not him, nor I expect your heirs to be the same as you. I would only say it once if your houses followed my orders thoroughly and without any question, I swear on the name of the seven that your Houses would rise with me. But if you ever thought of betraying the Baratheons and sided with any outside force, I swear to end your Houses without leaving a child alive. I would also erase Your House's name from the history of Westeros." Said Edward trying to use the Carrot and Stick tactic. He was ready to end the life of those who even thought of betraying him. His plans could not handle any error from anyone. And he would not let anyone stop him.