Chapter 60: Tywin's plans

A/N: Hey guys,

Thanks for everyone's support. We finally reached 50 pàtreons.

As promised, I will upload five chapters today.

Here's the first one.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

Thanks, Shani Simmons for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, tbone22metal for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Jan Anuse for becoming my Pàtreon.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the next mass release, if we reach 65 pàtreons, I will upload 8 more chapters.



But Edward was surprised the next day. As he was planning to receive prince Rhaegar, who announced that he would participate in the tourney himself, he saw a scene that shocked him.

Edward saw Tywin fucking Lannister riding on his horse beside the prince. Edward was greatly surprised by this. He did not think that Tywin would come himself, not to mention with Rhaegar.

Edward had many thoughts after seeing this scene. Did his existence push Tywin to work with Rhaegar? But that was impossible as Tywin would never accept the Targaryen, especially when Aerys betrothed Elia to Rhaegar. Tywin always wanted to marry his daughter to Rhaegar, so how could he accept that situation?

Edward decided to investigate this matter after the tourney. Tywin was the only one that could create a variable in Edward's plans. And Edward could not accept that.

Edward already had plans to fuck the timeline, but that was only after the main characters were born. He was not going to face the Night King himself. He preferred sending the others to die rather than himself. Why would he face the Night King head-on in the first place? He was not the idiot hero, Jon Snow. If they could not stop the Night King, Edward would take everyone to Essos and build an empire there.

Edward threw this thought to the back of his head as it was not the time to think of such a thing. He walked to the price and said while bowing a little.

"Welcome to Storm's End, my prince, Lord Tywin. I hope it was a nice journey." Said Edward while looking at the prince and Tywin Lannister. Edward had got rid of his arrogant attitude, at least on the surface. He figured that what he did in the past could have caused his death.

Edward was taking this world as the story. He never thought that he was not the hero of this world until lately.

After some serious thoughts, Edward knew that he might die permanently this time. So that was why he decided to change his attitude, at least till he had the power to prevent such a thing. He made a decision to play from the shadows instead of the light.

"It is great to see you again, Lord Edward. I have been waiting to see you again since our last meeting. I was sad when I heard about uncle Steffon's death." Said Rhaegar while remembering his last visit to Storm's End when he also attended the tourney that Steffon had held.

"I suppose I have to call you Lord Baratheon now, do I? It had been some time since I met you. I was calling you a brat at that time." Replied Tywin, who did not wait for a chance to make fun of Edward.

"You can call me whatever you want, Lord Lannister. You were my father's friend, after all." Said Edward as he did not get agitated by what Tywin said. Tywin would always say such sharp words to provoke anyone.

"hmm..." Tywin was a little surprised as he thought that Edward would reply with his usual arrogant attitude.

'It seemed that he grew a little since our last meeting. Despite our conflicts, he would be a great match for Cersei as Rhaegar will marry that fucking Dornish girl.' Thought Tywin, who would always see Lannister's gains above all. When he remembered that he could not marry his daughter to the prince anymore, Tywin was a little angry at the Targaryens for all the humiliation he suffered under Aerys.

Tywin was so angry after hearing Aerys's announcement of the betrothing of Rhaegar and Elia. Tywin did not forget his meeting with the Dornish princess when she proposed a marriage between their children. Tywin remembered how he had humiliated her while saying that Cersei would be Rhaegar's wife. But The news of the engagement between Rhaegar and her daughter came as a slap on his face.

From that time, Tywin began to think of another plan. He wanted to choose another husband for Cersei, and he could not find any better than Edward. Tywin had always depended on that his daughter was going to marry Rhaegar. That was why he did not think of making an alliance with the other houses through her.

And if his plans could succeed and he could end the Targaryen's Region, The Baratheon's brothers were the closest to the Iron Throne. He just had to amend his relationship with Edward and end his betrothal to the Dayne's girl.

If Edward knew what Tywin thought, he would really stand and clap for his creativity. The man had devised a plan that included everything. Tywin was even ready to bury their grudges.

"This way, your grace, Lord Tywin. Tomorrow is the first day of this tournament. I have prepared a grand welcome for all the Lords today." Said Edward as he accompanied Rhaegar and Tywin towards the great hall in the coliseum.

During this time, Jon was having a conversation with Lord Arnold Dayn, Lord Rickard Stark, and some other lords.

"You really lucked out, Lord Dayne. Starfall will go through a qualitative change." Said Jon as he congratulated Arnold sincerely. Jon was a good man who saw the good in everyone. He was one of the few lords that hated to play the game.

"It is a great honor to hear that from you, Lord Arryn. I did not do anything. It was Lord Baratheon who took a liking to my sister and asked for her hand." Said Arnold while smiling. He was behaving humbly at the moment. The man standing in front of him was the second father of Edward. And Edward had always respected Lord Arryn. Everyone could see that from the frequent visits of Edward to the Eyrie. Edward also involved the Vale in most of his plans.

"Lord Arnold, Do you think Lord Baratheon would add Starfall to the trading network that he created?" Asked Lord Gargalen of Salt Shore. He thought he would also get to receive some benefits if Starfall was added to the trading network.

Salt Shore, Lemonwood, and Sunspear would make great stops if the ships were to travel from Storm's End to Starfall. Most of Dorne's Lords still did not know about Edward's plan to build a city located on the nearest island to Dorne. This city would play a prominent role in the trading network and may even snatch all the profit these cities could get.

"Yeah, Lord Baratheon had informed me that he would add Starfall to the trading network in the future, and he would pave a road from Stormsland to Starfall in the next five years. As for the water trading route, he said it would take some time as Starfall was a little far, but he would also add it in the near future." Said Arnold with some excitement on his face. If Starfall was added to this network, they would get many Stormsland's goods directly without the greedy merchants. They would also get many of the free cities' products cheaply as three cities had already entered this trading network.

"Could you ask Lord Baratheon to make Salt Shore one of the stops on the journey?" Said Lord Gargalen with some hope in his eyes. He did not want to miss such a free meal. He would be able to make House Gargalen wealthier.

"I will try to ask." Said Arnold humbly, but everyone could see how proud he was.

"It is better if you don't." Said Bradon Stark. He had spent some time with Edward, and the two had become somewhat close. He came to know a little about Edward's personality.

Everyone in the room turned their eyes towards him. Even his father did the same. So Except for Lord Arryn, Robert, and Ned, everyone was basically asking Brandon for an answer.

"Spill it out." Said Lord Rickard. He also wanted to know the reason. He did not meet Edward except for a couple of times, and Edward would prefer to spend his time with Brandon, Howland Reed, and other young men. So Lord Rickard did not really understand Edward's personality. He could only be part of Edward's plans because of the betrothal and friendship between the young generation.