Chapter 63: First move against House Connington

A/N: Hey guys,

Thanks for everyone's support. We finally reached 50 pàtreons.

As promised, I will upload five chapters today.

Here's the fourth one.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

You could read up to 15 more advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


For the next mass release, if we reach 65 pàtreons, I will upload 8 more chapters.



The next morning, in the Joust field, Edward was wearing his armor and getting ready for the second match. This match was going to be overkill, literally.

After wearing his black armor and entering the field, Edward picked up his lance among the loud cheering. He had an important job this time. Edward had to be accurate and control his lance well enough to push his lance to a certain point of Ronald's neck.

Taking a deep breath while looking at Ronald, who was still preparing, Edward concentrated as much as possible. When the match finally started, Edward was observing every small detail from his own horse's movements to Ronald's horse's, and finally to their lances.

Edward decided to miss the first round as he did not want anyone to figure his real motive. The first round passed without any problem.

When the second round started, Edward lifted his lance high enough and pushed it hard towards Ronald's neck in a fast move. The lance broke on Ronald's armor, but a small shard of the lance found its way to Ronald's neck.

Before anyone could comprehend what happened, they saw Ronald's dead body fell from his horse with a shard of the lance deep in his throat.

Surprised and frightened screams filled the field at once. It was the first death since the start of the tourney. Edward had to play his role as the lord of Stormsland. He had to act like the hero that would save the day, so he jumped from his horse at once and reached the dead body of Ronald.

"Bring maester Jones at once." Shouted Edward while looking at the guard. Edward was smiling in his heart while applauding himself for this perfect play. He liked to play from the shadows as no one would know what he was doing while Edward got what he wanted.

The guard ran at once to the outside to bring maester Jones while Edward instructed other guards to carry Ronald's dead body. Edward could hear the crowd talking about how kind he was and how he cared about his opponents, while the truth was that he did not give a shit about his opponents. It was very easy to play with people's hearts and use it in his favor.

When Edward walked to the waiting area, he could see the guards standing beside Ronald's dead body. It did not take long before the news reached Jon Connington's ears. He was staying beside Rhaegar since the first day.

When Jon heard the news, he was furious and came all the way running to the Joust's waiting area with the prince. When he saw his cousin's dead body, his eyes turned red from anger while looking at Edward as if he wanted to kill him.

Maester Jones did not take long before he arrived, and when he confirmed that Ronald was dead, Edward could see that Jon was going crazy. He came close to Edward and held his shoulder.

"You did this, did not you?" Said Jon with anger in his voice.

Edward was pissed by Jon after hearing these words from a cunt like him. He decided to show them his arrogant attitude. How dare this fucker put his hands on Edward's shoulder? If Edward wanted to kill him at this moment, he would, even if Rhaegar was standing in front of him.

Edward pushed Jon's hand away with some strength. He did not care if he caused him some injuries at all.

"I dare you to do something like this again. The next time you do something like this, your head will be the only part of your body that would return to Griffen's Roost." Said Edward while threatening Jon in front of Rhaegar. He did not care about Rhaegar's opinion at all. Edward was just missing two more years of preparations to start the Rebellion. He had already decided to start the Rebellion even if Robert did not.

Rhaegar tried to middle and solve the tension between the two. He pulled Jon back as he was the one in the wrong. It was the first time that Edward spoke like this since the start of the tourney.

"Back off, Jon. Lord Baratheon would not do something that would dishonor his reputation. It was a fair fight. It was just an accident." Said Rhaegar as he tried to stop Jon from what he was doing. What Rhaegar said was the truth from his point of view. Since Edward had always let the people see how much he cared about his reputation, many people thought if they could hurt his reputation, then they could hurt Edward. But in fact, Edward did not really care much about it. But since no one could discover anything, why he would not enjoy this reputation.

"I am sorry for my behavior, my prince. But I think Lord Baratheon did this on purpose. He had already threatened my house two months ago. I am sure he did this on purpose." Said Jon trying to incite the prince against Edward. He wanted to use this accident to make Edward stay away from Rhaegar. As if Edward cared about Rhaegar in the first place. Rhaegar was the one pestering him non stop since their first meeting.

Edward looked at Jon as if he was an idiot. He wanted to tell him that he was planning for the rebellion against Rhaegar and his father, so why he would care about them. It was only two years, that was the period that Edward had to wait to make all those flies fuck off.

"Why would I care about any dog that started barking in front of my house? As for the threat, yeah, I did it. And if you had the balls to talk so loud, why did you return the lands to Lord Morrigen? If you did not return the lands, I would have respected you. But it's a shame that my sword would have to wait a little more before tasting your blood." Said Edward as he let his arrogant personality took over him. He did not stand this cunt Jon, nor his kissing ass shit.

Jon was looking at Edward angrily. House Connington was the only house that did not receive any benefits from House Baratheon. In fact, it was the other way around. Edward had paved cement roads between Storm's End, Tribe's Cave, Helltown, and Crow's Nest. So they did not receive any goods. Griffen's Roost started to lose its population due to this matter.

And due to Edward's threat, Jon had to return the lands he took from House Morrigen using the prince's authority. That was why Jon hated Edward to the core. He wanted to kill him above anything else. The problem was that Jon had a natural feer against Edward. He did not know the reason, but he had different nightmares, and all of them ended with him getting killed by Edward.

"You..." Said Jon with an angry voice. Edward was insulting him and the prince at the same time by calling him a dog.