Chapter 96: Discussing some conditions

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 18 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


The mass release of eight chapters when we have 65 pàtreons.



What Edward wrote on the paper was the conditions and the working terms for the two parts. It was no surprise that Edward wrote many favorable conditions to himself since he was the one who prepared a long time ago.

Jon looked at the paper to see what Edward had on his mind. It did not take long before he got shocked at what he saw and read. Edward was really daring to suggest such conditions as most of them would cause many problems later if they succeeded.

These was Edward's conditions for working together with them:

1) Stormsland would be an independent kingdom from this day and always. Edward would be the first Stormking of the kingdom of Storms.

Stormsland would act as a part of the realm in the name only. Stormsland would have no obligations towards the other six kingdoms. In case of a foreign attack, Negotiation between the two parties could take place in Stormsland. Stormsland had no responsibility to send soldiers to defend the other kingdoms.

Jon could not say anything about this as this condition was what Edward had wanted a long ago. Edward wanted to make Stormsland his own kingdom, so it was not surprising to see this condition. Jon could only agree to this condition as Edward would not accept any refusal.

2) During the rebellion, whatever Stormsland took and conquered with its own soldiers would be part of the kingdom after the rebellion. The Smallfolks would stay in the area, and they would not leave the lands. The lords would have the choice to either submit to the new kingdom or leave without any money or land.

After reading this, Jon's facial expression changed as this one would create more problems for them after the rebellion since no kingdom would let it pass that easily. No one would be willing to hand over their lands to other kingdoms.

When Jon looked at Edward, he could see his ambitions. Edward wanted to take part in the other kingdoms around him, probably the Reach and Dorne. Jon did not know that Edward had his eyes on some lands of Crownlands as well. When he knew what happened in the future, he would try to ask Edward to return those lands, but Edward would never agree.

Before Jon read the other conditions, he looked at Edward in the eyes. He wanted to discuss this term with him.

"You know that your second condition would create many troubles for us, right?" Asked Jon trying to see what Edward was going to say at this point. How was Jon going to convince the Tyrells and the Martels to give up their lands just like that?

Edward looked at his foster father in the eyes. Was Jon an idiot or something? Why would he ask such an easy question?

"It will be their punishment for going against us. You will not see me attacking anyone on our side for lands. If they did not submit to us, then I will attack them. Just like that." Said Edward with a carefree expression. He had thought for answers for every question Jon might ask.

Edward knew that Jon would not want Stormsland to be an independent kingdom as it was better for Edward to be the king of the seven kingdoms instead. Edward was the better choice in Jon's eyes. Robert could become the new lord of Stormsland.

But Edward would never agree to such a thing. He would not be able to control the seven kingdoms the way he wanted, just like that. Imagine that no one from the Stark nor the Lannister lived except for those girls that he would marry to his sons. Would not this be easier this way? Edward wanted to have complete control, not this fickle one.

Jon could only shake his head after hearing Edward's answers. Edward was really daring to say such a thing. Jon did not believe that Edward could attack all the kingdoms and take some lands from them that easily but Edward would surprise everyone soon.

The rest in the room was in shock after hearing the conversation between the two, especially Robert, who got nominated by his brother to be the new king. Although Robert did not want it in the books, after not being able to do anything to save Lyanna, he was a little hungry for power, for the time being, so he would agree to be the king. Although he would agree, no one said that he would do well in his job.

Jon ignored the commotion around him and continued reading the rest of the paper. The more he read, the more amazed he became. Edward did not leave a little chance for the others. This little brat wanted to take everything for himself.

3) If they succeeded in the rebellion, the Targaryen's wealth would go to Edward's hand.

Edward wanted to take all that the Targaryen had for himself. He did not want to leave anything to the rest. This condition was way too overboard. Edward made it this way in order to shift everyone's focus to this point instead of the lands.

The Targaryens had hidden their wealth quite well. No one knew how wealthy House Targaryen was or how many artifacts they had since the old Valyria. No one would agree to this point, and they had to negotiate more.

"This one will not do, Edward. How could you demand something like that?" Asked Jon with a strict and serious voice. Jon was a little tired since he knew that Elbert died and wanted to get done with all these matters as fast as he could, but Edward was really demanding at this point.

"What is the right amount in your eyes, Lord Arryn?" Asked Edward as he also did not want to make it long. The king's order would arrive soo,n and they had a lot to prepare. They did not have much time to discuss all this.

"A third." Said Jon as he looked at Edward's eyes. A third was a good price in Jon's eyes.

"I am fine with that, but I do not want the gold dragons. My share would be other things of the same value." Said Edward getting a nod from Jon as this was fine with him too.

Jon shifted his gaze again to the paper. The other two conditions were acceptable in his eyes. Although one of them was dangerous, he still found it alright to agree to what Edward wanted.

4) No child or woman would get harmed. The alive Targaryens would be judged in trials after the rebellion. Edward had the right to punish those who hurt or killed them, especially Allyria Dayne and Elia Martel.