Chapter 98: Arriving at Stormsland and Rallying his bannermen

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

Thanks for your support.

You can read up to 18 advanced chapters on my pàtreon.


The mass release of eight chapters when we have 65 pàtreons.



On the shipboard, Edward called his brother, Robert. Since Robert spent most of his time in the Eyrie and did not return to Storm's End this much, Edward wanted to have a serious talk with him about his role in the next war.

Robert was the lord of Storm's End in the books. That was why he could lead his soldiers with ease, but things were different at the moment. Robert was neither familiar with the soldiers or the tactics they used. But Edward had to find him a suitable role so Robert could shine a little more and the people would accept him a little when he became the king.

When Robert entered Edward's cabin in the ship, he saw his brother reading some letter. Robert became a little nervous in front of his brother since Edward treated him nicely. Robert was not used to such behavior from his brother.

'Edward even promoted me to be the king instead of taking it for himself. Why the fuck is he treating me like that' Thought Robert to himself as he looked at his brother. Robert could not figure out what was on Edward's head. Robert was actually a little afraid of Edward since he knew that he could fell under his brother's schemes anytime.

Edward noticed Robert, who had just entered the room, and signaled him to take his seat in front of him. He did not want to waste much time here.

"Take a seat, Robert." Said Edward as he shifted his eyes to look at Robert.

Robert nodded his head and took his seat at once. He did not say anything else and waited for his brother to say what he wanted.

"You did not help much in Stormsland in the past few years, so you would not know much about the lands nor our men. It is hard for me to assign you a role in all this. You can not be a commander since you suck at tactics, but you are a powerful fighter. That is your strong point." Said Edward in one breath as he looked at Robert. Robert's body was huge at the moment and more muscular. Although Edward had the same features, Robert's shoulders were a little wider, while Edward was a little taller.

"Aye. All I can do is fight." Said Robert as he nodded his head. He could not agree more with his brother's words. He knew that he knew a little about all that as he rarely returned to Storm's End. When he returned, he would only stay for only a weak to spend some time with his mother before leaving again for the Eyrie. All he could do was like what his brother said, fighting the enemies head-on.

"Due to this point, you would be the main fighter when a dual is required. I will not assign any soldiers for you to lead. You do not have a problem with that, right?" Said Edward with a smile. It was neighing impossible for him to let Robert led his men. He did not want that many losses for just a single win. Edward knew that Robert could lead the men to a victory, but Robert was brutal. He did not mind the casualties as long as he could win.

Robert did not mind that as he did not think it was significant. On the contrary, he saw leading men as a burden since he did not know about tactics or the war arts. But Robert was good at using his hammer, and killing his enemies was where Robert could excel. So, Robert gave his brother a nod as he agreed to what Edward said.

"Fine then, prepare yourself for the battle you always dreamt of taking place in it." Said Edward with a smile. He was giving some encouragement to Robert as it was wartime. Disputes and differences might cause large disasters if they were not ceased to exist at a time like this.

"Aye." Said Robert with excitement in his voice. He always wanted to participate in a battle after which people would sing songs for him.

Edward dismissed Robert after this meeting and turned his eyes to the letters on his desk. He could only sigh after remembering what he read in those letters. He had received two letters. One was from his brother, Stannis, in Storm's End, and the other was from his shadow legion's agent in King's Landing.

Some things happened the same as the other timeline. Stannis's letter said that the same houses still rebelled against him, but Edward knew this one, and he wanted this to happen. He wanted to set an example for those who even thought of betraying him. That was why Edward allowed them to live to this point as a stepping stone for his kingdom. He did not cooperate with those houses, so they were the ones that were left out, so they were sure to rebel against him.

The other letter said that King Aerys held Elia Martel captive in King's Landing to threaten Dorne. He wanted them to send men to support him. That was also one of the things that Edward wanted to happen. It seemed that he had to write to Varys soon so Varys would take some precautions and swap the children and ship them to Stormsland. But Edward knew that Varys would not trust him and would likely send only the daughter to him. But that was what Edward needed exactly as he did not need the boy.

Edward took a paper and the ink and started writing the letter. He emphasized saving Allyria as he did not want to seem suspicious then he told Varys to swap the children before anything happened to King's Landing. Edward then sent the message with the raven to his agent. The man would know what to do.

Two days later, with Edward's fast ship, they could dock in Storm's End's port. When Edward and Robert got down, they could see everyone coming to greet them with Stannis in the lead. Stannis looked at his brother, Robert, without saying anything. Stannis did not like Robert at all, but he would always stay silent.

Stannis also looked at his brother, Edward, as he had some doubts regarding the whole situation. He thought that they were the ones who would launch the attacks against the Targaryen, but the first casualty was their brother. Although Stannis learned a lot from his brother and was a great commander, his political mind was not on Edward's level to figure out that Renly's death was his brother's doing.

Cassana and Ashara were not present among those who came to greet them. Cassana was probably in her room crying for her dead child, Renly. Edward did not plan to console her as he always told her that something like that could happen, but she did not believe him. Well, he was the one who did it tho.

Ashara was about to give birth to their second child. She was a month away from doing so. Edward had left her with the maidservants and locked most of the information from her. He had threatened the maids that if anyone told Ashara anything, he would behead them and everyone in their families and hang them on the walls. The safety of his child was the most important.

As for Raymont, who was two years at the moment, the maids would take care of him when Cassana was not there. Edward was not worried much as he had assigned two of his men to protect his son, and he was sure that his men would do the job perfectly.

Edward told everyone to move the Round Hall. They were going to have a meeting after half an hour. Everyone was in a hurry at the moment as They were preparing for the war against the Targaryen.

Since Edward was planning this a long ago, he had prepared the rations for his armies and people. He prepared a lot, and he was ready for a long war if needed. And since Stannis knew about the situation well enough, he too followed Edward's orders when Edward left him in charge.

Half an hour later, Everyone gathered in the round hall. They were looking at Edward, waiting for his words. His eight commanders looked at him with an admiring gaze. It was finally the day for them to shine more.

"My lords, you all know what the Targaryen did. They did not only kill Lord Stark from the North but killed my brother, Renly, as well. The Madking's tyranny must stop there, and our beloved prince had betrayed our trust and kidnapped my brother's betrothed. I would not tolerate such an act. Those two must die." Said Edward with a hoarse voice. He was faking his grieve. As if Edward would be sad for the likes of Renly. He only saw him as a tool to achieve his ambitions. And since his role came to an end, he did not mind disposing Renly of that easy. Would not his death give this war more meaning? Edward could not just go to war because his brother's betrothed. Robert could do that, but he could not. But at the moment, after Renly's death, Edward could drag Stormsland to war.