Chapter 113: A game with Jon

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

For every two new pàtreons, I will upload one more chapter the next day.

Thanks for your support.

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Edward, who was in the middle of his game, noticed Jon and could not help but smile while cutting the nipple of the young man in front of him while smiling. Edward looked like a demon to everyone at the moment. He was giving a creepy smile to Jon, whose face had lost its color.

"Jon, my friend, how did you find the war? Fun, isn't it?" Asked Edward with a smile while licking the blood from the tip of the knife. Everyone heard the young man's scream after Edward freed his mouth and cut his nipple.

"Y, You..." Jon, who was still in his shocked state, could not complete a sentence. Even if he was out of his shock, what would he say? Edward was taking every chance to kill him. How would he run while facing twenty-five thousand men?

"Oh, I forgot. This young man does not need his balls anymore." Said Edward with a creepy smile as he turned to the young man again and removed his balls using his knife. Edward was wearing protective gear so that the blood would not reach him. It was like Edward was doing an operation on the young man.

The young man scream put fear in the heart of everyone present, even Edward's army, who should have gotten used to his style by now. The men's legs around Jon began to tremble from fear. Some men even pissed themselves when they saw the situation.

Edward then ordered the rest of the Conningtons to be treated the same as the young man. Soon, screams of agony filled the valley they were at right at the moment. Edward was not worried as the Targaryen would need more time to gather another army. Plus, Even if the Targaryen managed to gather an army at the moment, they would need two days or three to reach their location. So Edward intended to take his time torturing Jon.

After Jon got out of his shock and saw that he could not help his family anymore, he decided to escape. He swore in his heart to take revenge against Edward if he managed to get out alive from this situation. He would do the same to Edward's family and would not spare anyone, even the children.

But Would Edward allow him to escape? If Edward hated anyone right now, then Jon would be the second from the top of the least, just after Rhaegar. When Edward saw the look of madness on Jon's face, he was satisfied. Yeah, that was the face Edward wanted to see when looking at his enemies' eyes. He wished to drive them to madness, just like how he did to Jon right at the moment. Edward could not help but praise himself when he looked at everyone's face. This fear was hard to come by, was it?

Edward did not even need a formation for the battle. He just signaled to his men with his hand, and all the units moved forward while the five thousand horseriders charged at the enemy. Edward had given them only one order which was to capture Jon alive. He would not get tired of playing this game. He had just played with Jon's family, and it was Jon's turn at the moment.

'Let's see how Rhaegar would react to this gift.' Thought Edward to himself while smiling. He was imagining skinning Jon alive in front of Rhaegar and his army. He was looking forward to their reaction. Would Rhaegar try to save Jon, or would he hide behind his army?

It did not take long before Edward's army managed to kill the two thousand men. The men were able to catch Jon, who tried to bite his tongue to commit suicide, but Edward's men manage to prevent that. At the moment, Jon, who got gagged by Edward's men, was looking at Edward with hatred in his eyes.

'Yeah, that is it. Keep looking at me like that, you cunt.' Thought Edward to himself while looking at Jon while smiling. He remembered how arrogant Jon was during Storm's End's tourney and could help but lick his lips. Now that Jon fell into his hands, he was going to enjoy it.

"Now, now, little cunt. Don't worry. I won't kill you, at least yet. Every little pawn had a role to play. Did not you hear the saying that said 'If you could not resist the rape, just enjoy it.' so enjoy it." Said Edward while patting Jon on his head. Soon, everything would end. Edward then urged the soldiers to take Jon away and throw him in a cell.

"Let the men rest for today. We would move to Riverland tomorrow." Said Edward as he was humming a song looking happy after catching the mouse named Jon.

Five days later, Edward finally managed to reach Riverrun with his army. Seeing this large army, no one was more afraid than Hoster Tully. He knew that Edward could let his army stay a little far from Riverrun, but he brought it to surround the castle to threaten him. In fact, that was not Edward's intention at first, but he figured that it was such a better way to send his message. Since the old fox, Hoster Tully, had his head on his neck, Edward knew that he would understand by this.

Everyone had heard about what Edward did to Jon and how Edward was cruel in dealing with Jon and his family. Hoster Tully's legs were trembling the whole time he was in the same room as Edward. Although Hoster was spineless, he had a good head on his shoulders. As for the idiot Edmure Tully with no courage or head, Edward gave him a look, and the young man pissed his pants.

Ned, Jon, and Robert came to see Edward after his arrival. Ned wanted to have a real talk with Edward. He did not believe that Edward would do something like that. Ned saw Edward as his idol in this regard, so how could Edward behave like that. Edward's rank in Ned's heart dropped a lot after he heard what Edward did. Although Jon also did not like what Edward did, Jon knew that this might be Edward's method to control the other lords in his lands. As for Robert, he was actually happy. He wanted to kill Jon Connington himself, but the coward had escaped from his hands in the Battle of Holdfast. At least Robert got the chance to kill Rhaegar's friend, Myles Mooton.

After greeting Edward, who just came out after he rested, Ned could stand it anymore and started arguing with Edward the first thing.

"How could you kill all those people, Edward? There were even children and women among them." Questioned Ned with an angry tone. He was furious at Edward and was looking at Edward as if he had a grudge against him.