Chapter 121: The grieving Ashara

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's second chapter.

For every two new pàtreons, I will upload one more chapter the next day.

Thanks for your support.

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Twenty-five thousand men with Edward and Ned among them left King's Landing with the wealth and the wildfire of the Targaryen. The court lords standing on the walls could only sigh in relief after seeing Edward and his army move away from the castle.

Tywin, who was among the group, was still angry at Edward for the punch he received, but the shameless Tywin defeated the angry Tywin. The man started to think of different ways he could use in order to have a little control over the new kingdom. Since his daughter would marry Robert, he did not have another one he could marry to Edward. He could not use any of his brothers' daughters as a king would not accept because she was not at least a great lord's daughter. The Baratheon did not have a daughter in this generation who Tywin could wed her to his son Jaimie. It seemed that the problem would have to wait. He should focus on paying Edward back till he had a granddaughter that he could wed to one of Edward's sons.

It took the group a week to reach Storm's End with all those Carriages. Many people came out to greet their lord and praise him for his victory. Edward could see Stannis and his mother among the people who came to welcome him. Ashara did not come to greet Edward's return, as she must have heard the news about Allyria and Elia's deaths by now. She must be grieving her sister's death in her room. Edward could see his son, Raymont, standing next to Cassana.

After greeting each other and preparing the place where Ned would stay, Edward left Stannis to take care of the rest and ordered Clinn to take care of the soldiers instead of him. It was the time to meet Ashara. Edward, who looked miserable at the moment, moved into his and Ashara's room.

Stannis, who looked at his brother's back, could only sigh. He heard about what happened in King's Landing and got turned off at the moment. He did not know whether to stay with his brother in the kingdom of Storms to leave to help Robert in King's Landing. He knew that Robert would give him some lands to rule over them for his achievements in this rebellion. Although most of the castles would go to the new kingdom, he had done his part and held the Reach and Dorn down in the south. No one could deny this fact.

After the Dornish army left with Rhaegar, the plan that Edward had set long ago started. Bruce took the fleets and attacked Wyl at the same time when Stannis took his ten thousand men to take Kingsgrave. Due to the surprise element in their attack, Wyl and Kingsgrave fell in a week. Stannis then made his way to Skyreach and managed to take it down in a month.

While they were at it, Bruce and Stannis set a siege on Yronwood, and after persuading Lord Yronwood to take their side and join the new kingdom where he would have more benefits, the man agreed to their proposal. That was the biggest surprise for Edward in the previous month before they took King's Landing. Stannis and Bruce managed to persuade the literally biggest house in Dorne to join them. House Yronwood was much stronger than the Martel themselves in Dorne. That was the reason why Edward was surprised and praised Stannis a lot in the past month.

While Stannis saw much potential in staying here with his brother in the new kingdom, he wanted to fly and show his talent elsewhere. He did not want to hide under his brother's wings more than that. He thought that he might have a chance to show his abilities in King's Landing. That was why he steeled his heart and decided to ask his brother to grant him this request. He knew Edward would say nothing if that really what Stannis wanted.

Meanwhile, Edward, who had just arrived in front of his room, knocked on the door. He then opened the door and entered the room. When he got inside, Edward could see Ashara, who did not look like the beautiful Ashara anymore. Her hair was floating all around the place like a bird's nest. Lines of tears left their marks on her chicks. The woman must have been crying since she heard the news about her sister's death and did not get out of her room. She was really a weak-willed woman like the serious. Luckily, she had a husband and children in this life, or Edward would find that she committed suicide again.

Edward came close to her and hugged her before she lifted her head up. Edward wanted to use this chance to make her strong enough to face her enemies for her children. If she behaved like that for her sister, what would happen if she lost a child? Would she kill herself and let her other children live alone without protecting them.

Ashara, who sensed her love's hug, could not help but cry again in his arms. This time, she cried with everything she got while hitting him with her hands on his back. Her man told her that he would save her sister, but her sister died in the end. Why could not he keep his promise to her? Did not he give her his word to save Allyria and Elia, and they were dead, dead?

Edward did not say a word and let her do what she wanted as he was the one who did this but did he regret it? No, not even for a second. He steeled his heart to leave this world to his children, and he would do that.

If you think that Edward wanted to be The King, you would be thinking in the wrong direction. Before Edward married, All he thought of was playing the game with the other lords of Westeros and accompany the likes of Tywin and Hoster Tully. The King of the seven kingdoms was only a title Edward would get after winning the game. But after he married and had his children, he did not change the fact that he wanted to play the game, but this time he had the motivation. If Edward lost, his children would die with him. He also did not want to leave anything that could threaten their life, so he had to take the world and leave it in their hands.

"It is alright, my love. It is my fault for not being able to save her." Said Edward with a sad tone as he hugged Ashara more while she was still crying.

"It is all that bastard Tywin's fault. I had already secured everything and was just about to take King's Landing when he showed up and did what he did." Said Edward as he tried to explain himself after holding Ashara's head in his hand while looking at her crying eyes.

"Then why did not you kill him to avenge my sister?" Said Ashara, who was stuttering in her speaking because of her hoarse voice. She knew what happened. What she did not know was why Edward let that bastard live and did not kill him there while he had the chance to do so.