Chapter 137: Brandon Stark, the three- eyed raven

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"Don't worry, little one. I still like your character." Said Edward as he wanted to console the little girl whose mother would always put down. Actually, Edward wanted all his son's future wives to be like Arya but less problematic if possible. Edward could not do with a weak girl like Sansa, who got almost raped in King's Landing because she could not defend herself or use her head. Edward did not have time to educate her one step by one step, so he decided to leave her in King's Landing in order to learn in a much faster way.

Of course, Edward knew that strength was not everything. Look at Brienne of Tarth. Although she was a brave warrior, she got almost raped as well. But that act was by the soldiers' hands. At least, it was not the Smallfolks as what almost happened to Sansa.

Arya giggled a little and used her elbow to push Sansa next to her. Arya knew that Sansa always dreamt of getting on Edward's good side so that she could marry one of her sons since Sansa wanted to become a princess. Sansa would always talk about that in front of her. She would always tell Arya that she would marry a prince in the future while she would not find anyone who would marry her. But look at her at the moment, without doing anything ladylike as Sansa, she got Edward's attention all that time. Not to mention that Edward always joked with Arya about taking her as a wife for his son.

Sansa, who stood next to Arya and felt Arya's hit, got angry, and her face turned red. She always listened to her mother's words and trained to act like a lady, but she still could not get the prince of her dreams.

Edward, who was standing in front of the two, just smiled and did not say anything. He would not prevent Arya from her child's play. Edward only wondered if Ned was also suffering while raising Arya since Edward did not want anything more than kicking his youngest son every time Edward got to see him. It also came to Edward that he would suffer double from this moment since he would raise two headaches simultaneously.

Edward then moved to great the next one of the Stark who stood next to Arya. It was non-other than the famous Brandon Stark, the future three-eyed raven. Bran was still a little brat at the moment, who could not cause any damage to Edward at the moment.

Edward really wanted to kill him when he was young since that would help him considerably. Without Brandon exposing what he did or what his intentions were, Edward would have no worries. Until this moment, Edward did not know if Killing Bran or letting him live for the moment was the best option.

Edward knew that without Bran, The Night King would not have the ability to cross The Wall or even destroy it. He could only come close to it, thanks to the mark he left on Bran. Yeah, he would surely be able to cross the wall in the end when his power reached a certain level, but Edward could not let that happen. The current Night King was already a piece of bad news that could turn all Westeros into his dead army so imagine a much more powerful version of him.

Yeah, Edward could leave this problem for his sons to face since he could hold on till he died, but Edward would be sending them to their doom if he did something like that. With the Night King alive, the long night represented in a very long winter would cover the realm turning everything he worked on into ashes. His sons would die in the end the same way His Empire would. Although Edward did not want to rule, he wanted the history to remember his name always and at all times.

Look at Vayria, which history mentioned as The Greatest Empire of all time. Edward was sure that The Empire he planned to build would be much more dominant than Valyria and more stable if he got rid of the Night King. So Edward had to use this chance to get rid of him while he was still weak. No one knew how much power the night king would become if he let him live behind the wall.

That was the basis why Edward decided to let Brandon live since there were more pros that far outweighed the cons. Plus, Edward had found a way five years ago to stop the vision from the three-eyed raven regarding him. As the priests told him, all the three-eyed raven could see was a white fog when it came to Edward. The memory would show, but the things Edward did that he did not want anyone to find anything about the three-eyed raven would not see them anymore.

This matter took Edward a lot of time to solve. After ten years of not getting any information about any way that could help him, Edward did not give up. He called back all his men that he sent to the eastern parts of Essos of Asshai, Yi Ti, and Carcosa, where the sorcerer lord lived, to find a solution. He called them back to gather all the information they put their hands upon it.

(The next paragraph is different from the books and the show. It is a little fictional on my part.)

From their information, he found many clues to the three-eyed raven. It seemed that this phenomenon was not only in Westeros. There were five three-eyed ravens in total in the whole world that got mentioned in the information in the old scriptures of Asshai and the knowledge that he gathered. Asshai already had a living three-eyed raven living there but using another name. The power was mostly the same tho. In Asshai, he got referred to as the shadow eyes. He could control the shadows and the deformed animals and fish living in the Ash river to collect information about anything. Those old scriptures on the walls of Asshai were his doing. Every generation was responsible for recording the world's events on the walls of the famous city. That was why Asshai claimed to exist since the age of dawn. That was why They dared to call the city the first city in the whole world. Edward believed that it was true.

Plus, the books that he took from the citadel had mentioned something like that before. Although the maesters thought of it as something fictional, Edward knew that everything was real. Magic and sorcery were real. The Night King was real. Edward did not know why they did not believe something like that when they must have known that sorcery existed in the eastern parts of Essos. The fools did not even believe in giants.