Chapter 144: Abusing Jon

A/N: Hey guys,

Here's today's first chapter.

Thanks for your support.

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Edward smiled and moved to greet the young boy beside Bran. The only Stark whose fate did not count much. The one who did not do anything in his life that could enter history. He died in the end like a sheep in a game played by Ramsy Bolton. Edward did not have a clue why things were that different with this boy. He was nothing like his brothers and sisters.

Just look at his brother Rob. Although his end was so brutal, he became the first king in The North after so long, at least. The north did not see a king since King Torrhen Stark bent the knee. That alone counted for a lot in Edward's eyes. Although it was not Rob's plan and Greatjon Umber was the one who suggested it, he was a king, at least.

He led his men south and managed to defeat the old fox, Tywin Lannister, in more than one battle and captured Tywin's son. He had a glorious life before dying. As for Sansa, she turned into a badass queen in the end. Not only did she manage to fix all the shit things that happened to her in King's Landing and on Ramsy Bolton's hands, but she also killed most of her enemies and became the sole winner in the north. She killed the author's favorite character, Petyr Baelish, just like that. Edward knew that she would become and great queen after she had ascended the throne of the north.

As for Arya, this little one did not need much description. The young girl trained with the faceless men and avenged her family that died in the red wedding. But her revenge was the most supreme. Everyone is calling Edward a mad and cruel one because he killed Jon Connington and his family in that way. But look at the Freys, Arya did not just kill the whole family with fucking poison, but she killed Walder Frey's sons and cooked them in a pie then made The old Frey eat his own sons.

Some of you might say that she was right because she was avenging her family, but Edward was hiding all his hate for Jon and Rhaegar for so long. And the first chance that he found to release his anger and frustration, Edward did not hesitate to take it.

As for Brandon, Edward did not need to mention the three-eyed raven and his powers. Bran had already caused Edward much pain just in order to hide himself from Bran. As for the last member of the Starks, Jon fucking Snow, The While Wolf, and the new king in the north who killed the mother of dragons, Edward could take ages to describe him.

But the little one in front of him was the only nobody in the Stark. Well, Edward could not exclude that things might change a lot this time and that this brat might have a future that was much different than the real timeline, so he would also build a good relationship with the young Stark wolf.

"Little Rickon, you grew up a lot." Said Edward as he used his hand to play with Rickon's hair. Rickon was the youngest in the Starks, and Edward did not see him when he was here the last time. The small boy only saw the light and came to this world in the span of the five years that Edward spent away from the north.

The little brat smiled after hearing Edward's words. He could not understand much and did not know who the man standing in front of him was, so he could only smile.

After greeting the rest of the Stark, Edward did not want to do the same to Jon, just yet, and turned his eyes to Ned. He wanted to visit The Crypt to see Lyanna's statue. Edward would always do so after arriving at Winterfell. He would ask Ned to take him to The Crypt the first thing after he came to Winterfell. Although some of you might say that he was imitating Robert by doing something like that, Edward did not care. Lyanna was his friend, after all.

"Let's go to the Crypt, Ned." Said Edward as he looked at Ned, who nodded his head and told his Steward and Catelyn to take care of the rest. They had to take care of Edward's children and take them to their rooms to rest.

"Don't send little Jon away. I wanted him to come with us." Said Edward as he saw that Ned was about to send everyone away.

Edward would take Jon Snow to Stormsland with him this time. He would force Ned if he had to do something like that. Edward did not want Jon's personality to progress that far on the wall. He did not want him to develop into a king's material, or Edward would have to kill him since Edward would not allow such a threat to continue to live.

Jon had more claim to the throne than Daenerys and Rhaenys since he was Rhaegar's son. Although Rhaenys was Rhaegar's daughter as well, she was a girl. That was why Edward intended to take Jon under his wing and shape him the way he wanted. Edward did not want to kill the last remaining thing of Lyanna. He had already caused her death and did not want to break the promise that he made to her back then.

Although Edward made the promise, if he saw that Jon turned into a threat to his ambitions or his sons' future, Edward would not hesitate to eliminate him. Lucky for him, Jon was weak and needed a warm family at the moment. Due to Edward's action this time, Jon came to this world months earlier than Rob, which made it look like Ned had a relationship with another woman before sleeping even with Catelyn. That made the already jealous Catelyn, who was angry for losing her first love, Brandon Stark, suppress the young Jon to a pitiful degree. The woman did not leave him even a small chance to take his breath before putting him down again and again. While she did all that, Ned only stood there and did nothing to stop her. Although he thought that what Catelyn did was wrong, he did not say a word.

Ned thought that he protected Jon by doing nothing just like that. But in reality, he was hurting him more and more. Although Ned thought that by exposing Jon to this and letting his wife do something like that, Jon would not think of taking back the Iron Throne from Robert with such low self-esteem, Ned was way wrong in his thinking. In Edward's eyes, Ned was preparing Jon to become a great king by doing that. Who is better to rule a kingdom as the king other than the man who has no thought of becoming one?